
September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

author:Eliza, a traveler

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The current international situation is at a critical crossroads, and the world is facing a series of urgent problems and major changes.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

Issues such as trade disputes, geopolitical tensions, climate change and public health crises require global cooperation and consultation.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

At this critical juncture, leaders need to meet the challenges ahead with an open and collaborative attitude.

News 1: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

Recently, a series of restrictions on the semiconductor material gallium germanium have caused international controversy.

According to reports, the United States, Japan and the Netherlands have reached a secret agreement aimed at limiting the development of China's semiconductor industry.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

In response, China issued a document restricting the export of important materials such as gallium germanium.

The news quickly attracted widespread attention and prompted thinking about the vulnerabilities in global supply chains and the risks of technological management.

At present, in today's digital era, high-quality and high-performance chips have become indispensable core components in various industries.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

In response to the problems exposed behind the incident, "The United States plans to recycle waste electronic products" shows that the United States will solve the shortage of gallium germanium by recycling waste electronic products.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

However, it is reported that the technology in refining gallium germanium metal is not yet proficient, which invisibly increases the practical difficulty and time cost.

On the other hand, China, as one of the world's largest markets, has already become a global manufacturing center and has begun to gradually rise in the high-tech field.

This restriction policy is undoubtedly a stress test and a challenge for China to coexist with development opportunities.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

In fact, "Reconstructing Resource Production Lines Requires a Lot of Manpower, Material and Financial Resources" shows that the semiconductor industry relies on a large and complex supply chain network from design to production, and in the current situation, it is more urgent to promote internal core capacity building through increased investment.

As stated in "China's Positive Response to Find a Balance to Achieve a New Chinese Electronic Components Industry", the current situation requires China to find a balance point in its own development while responding to regulatory storms.

This requires the joint efforts of the entire country and all parties in relevant industries to strengthen technology research and development and cooperative innovation to enhance core competitiveness.

All in all, in the context of major adjustments in the global technology pattern, China's semiconductor industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

By actively responding to the current situation and finding the internal and external equilibrium points, China's electronic components industry will surely usher in a broader development space, and promote the mainland to achieve the transformation and upgrading goal from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing".

News 2: High-level officials of many countries or absent from the G20 summit, India is embarrassed, but Biden said that he hopes China will attend

With the G20 summit approaching, the news of the absence of high-level officials from many countries has attracted widespread attention.

The event underscores the gradual transformation of the G20 summit, one of the world's most important economic forums, into a more political discussion platform and a more complex international situation.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

In the past, the G20 summit mainly focused on economic cooperation and problem solving among countries around the world.

However, under the drastic changes in the global political environment in recent years, more and more Western countries have begun to see it as an opportunity to influence the global agenda and discourse.

India lost control of the G20 summit and was replaced by the West.

Behind this turning point is the controversy over the growing balance of power between emerging markets and advanced economies.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

At this summit, emerging markets and developed economies held heated discussions on issues such as influence distribution and topic setting, and became a topic of great concern around the world.

However, India's non-participation has caused embarrassment in the context of the intertwining of many factors that have led to the absence of more high-level countries from the G20 summit.

The United States called for high-level Chinese attendance at the summit, but that call was not heeded.

In fact, the G20 summit has gradually moved beyond purely economic issues.

Controlling discourse has become one of the equally important goals.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

As the international situation becomes more complex, so does the perception of the role of various stakeholders in global governance and policymaking.

However, reaching consensus has become extremely difficult in the current situation.

Because many major issues have shifted to regional or distinctly political agendas, and have been affected by broad and deep differences of opinion among different countries, organizations and interest groups.

Similarly, at a time when the global landscape is undergoing great upheaval, the G20, as the representative body of all major economies, including growing emerging markets and other previously marginalized groups, must also face the underlying challenge: how to balance interests and address key issues?

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

All in all, the transformation of the G20 summit and the evolution of the global political landscape are not only the result of the expansion of an economic platform into the field of political affairs, but also reflect the profound changes in the global balance of power.

Stakeholders must carefully analyze and address potential challenges and seek solutions that are more just, inclusive and sustainable.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

Only in this way can we ensure that the G20 summit and the global cooperation it represents further promote the world's prosperity and stability.

News 3: As soon as China and Myanmar wanted to jointly enforce the law, the Myawaddy police station was bombed, foreign media: give China a dismount

With scams in northern Myanmar causing great harm to Chinese citizens in recent years, China decided to unite Southeast Asian countries in a collective enforcement operation.

This move has sparked widespread attention and discussion, and people are looking forward to the operation.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

Over the past few years, scam parks in northern Myanmar have sprung up to target Chinese citizens who travel there.

Countless well-intentioned and eager people seeking a better chance in life have been blinded by the illusion of a better future and thrown into these traps.

However, they end up with nothing but money, property, and even dignity.

This has persisted for a long time, causing a sharp rift in the relationship.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

In the face of increasingly aggressive criminal gangs and the lack of governance capacity of the local government, after repeatedly appealing to the Myanmar government but not receiving an effective response, China took the initiative and proposed to cooperate with Southeast Asian countries to jointly combat these transnational criminal gangs.

This joint law enforcement operation is not only intended to rescue victims, but also to maintain regional stability and security.

The drone attack on Myanmar's Myawaddy campus has heightened the Chinese military's resolve to the joint operation.

This sudden incident once again exposed the possible collusion between organizational forces and evil forces behind the fraud.

Targeted attacks on Myanmar's police have also heightened public concerns about the government's weak capacity and warlord intervention.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

China's measures against scam parks have alarmed those who once were arrogant, oppressive and ruthless.

They know that if they fail to contain further action by the Chinese in time, they risk paying a heavy price and losing their existing interests and even power.

However, as the news spread, there was a lot of talk about the connection between China and Myanmar: the collapse of the tourism economy became obvious, and caused a large number of tourists to abandon Myanmar as a tourist destination.

At a time when scam parks are on the rise and the government is powerless, Chinese people no longer believe in the country's ability to govern and begin to retreat.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

To sum up, in the context of the growing fraud problem in northern Myanmar, China has cracked down on such criminal activities through joint operations with Southeast Asian countries.

This news event has generated widespread attention and discussion and has put enormous pressure on the parties involved.

However, throughout the process, we also see a mix of incentives and complex interests.

September 6: Biden officially announced! China's gallium, germanium supply failure? Foreign media: Things are getting big

It remains to be seen whether the results will deliver the desired results and how the challenges faced by both sides will be addressed.

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