
Teacher Liu Yuan analyzes and interprets the "Filial Piety Classic"

author:Preparation for the National Civil Service Examination
Teacher Liu Yuan analyzes and interprets the "Filial Piety Classic"

Introduction to the Book of Filial Piety

The Book of Filial Piety is an ethical work of ancient Chinese Confucianism. Legend has it that Confucius made it himself, but during the Southern Song Dynasty, it has been suspected that it was due to the support of posterity. Ji Yun of the Qing Dynasty pointed out in the "General Catalogue of the Four Libraries" that the book was Confucius's "last words of the disciples of the Seventy Sons", and was written at the time of the Qin and Han Dynasties. From the Western Han Dynasty to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, commentators and hundreds of families. The popular version now is Tang Xuanzong Li Longji Note, Song Dynasty Xing Fu Shu.

Teacher Liu Yuan analyzes and interprets the "Filial Piety Classic"

The book of Filial Piety, the full text of which is eighteen chapters, divides people from all walks of life in society, from the head of state down to the common people, into five levels, and marks the laws and ways of practicing filial piety in terms of the status and occupation of each person. Centered on filial piety, the book expounds Confucian ethical thought in a more concentrated way. It affirms that "filial piety" is the norm set by heaven, "filial piety, the scripture of heaven, the righteousness of the earth, and the deeds of man." The book points out that filial piety is the foundation of all virtues, "the deeds of men are greater than filial piety", the monarch can use filial piety to govern the country, and the subjects can use filial piety to establish their own families and maintain their titles.

Teacher Liu Yuan analyzes and interprets the "Filial Piety Classic"

The first chapter of the opening chapter


Zhongniju, Zengzi held. Zi Yue: "The first king had the most virtuous way, to follow the world, to make peace with the people, and to have no complaints from top to bottom." Zeng Zi avoided Xi Zhi: "If you are not sensitive, how can you know enough?" Zi Yue: "Husband filial piety, the origin of virtue, the place of teaching is born." Sit back, I whisper. "The skin of the body, the parents of the body, do not dare to destroy, the beginning of filial piety." Stand on the path of walking, make a name for yourself in the hereafter, show your parents, and end up filial piety. Husband filial piety, starting from the matter of relatives, loyal to the matter of the king, and finally established. Daya Yun: 'No Nian Erzu, Nie Xiu Shu De.


Confucius sat idly in the house, and his student Zeng Zi sat next to him. Confucius said, "The emperors of the previous generations had their supreme character and the most important morality, so that they would bring the hearts of the people of the world into submission and the people would live in harmony." Whether people are noble or lowly, there is no resentment up and down. Do you know why?" ZengZi stood up, left his seat, and replied, "Student, I am not smart enough, where will I know?" Confucius said, "This is filial piety." It is the root of all virtue and the root of indoctrination. You go back to where you were and sit down, I tell you. The limbs and hair and skin of the human body are all endowed by their parents, and they dare not damage and mutilate them, which is the beginning of filial piety. It is the ultimate goal of filial piety for man to follow the principles of benevolence and righteousness in the world, to make achievements, to make his reputation known in the hereafter, and to make his parents glorious. The so-called filial piety, initially began to serve the parents, then served the monarch, and finally made meritorious achievements and became famous. It is said in the Book of Verses, Daya King Wen, "How can you not miss your ancestors?" I want to praise the virtues of my ancestors!


This chapter is the general outline of the Filial Piety Sutra and is the basic spirit of the Filial Piety Sutra. Confucius said to Zengzi: Filial piety is the foundation of all virtues, and all virtues and indoctrination are thus produced, teaching is the culture of filial piety, the root of people's morality is filial piety, and the river flowing from the source of filial piety is indoctrination.

Tianzi Chapter 2

Zi Yue: "He who loves his relatives does not dare to be evil to others; Those who respect relatives do not dare to be slower than others. Love and respect are done to relatives, and morality is imposed on the people and punished in all parts of the world. Cover the filial piety of the Heavenly Son. "Punishment" Yun: "One person has a celebration, and the people of Zhao are dependent on it."

Confucius said, "Those who can love their own parents will not dislike the parents of others, and those who can respect their own parents will not neglect the parents of others." Serving your parents with all your heart and with affection and respect, and applying virtue to the people of Li, so that the people of the world will obey and imitate, this is the filial piety of the Son of Heaven! In the Book of Shang, it is said: 'The Son of Heaven alone has good deeds; People from all over the world depend on him. ’

This chapter begins with the Son of Heaven, in other words, the supreme leader of ancient times, and the ancient Son of Heaven speaks of "leading by example", educating the people and guiding them to be invisible. Every word and deed of the Son of Heaven must consider not only the effect at that time, but also the long-term effect. This is different from now, when leaders use their own clever methods to mobilize subordinates to work. As for the subordinate's ideas, only if they do not affect the manager's thinking, they will not care about him.

The third chapter of the Princes

Not proud on the top, high and not dangerous; Temperance, fullness and not overflow. High but not dangerous, so long keep gui also. Full but not overflowing, so long shou fu also. The rich and the noble do not leave their bodies, and then they can protect their society and their people. Cover the filial piety of the princes. "Poetry" cloud: "Trembling and trembling, like approaching the abyss, like walking on thin ice."

As a prince, above all the people and not proud, his position will not be in danger of overturning; Live frugally and prudently, and no matter how abundant and abundant wealth is, it will not overflow. Being in a high position without the danger of capsizing, so being able to maintain its noble status for a long time; Wealth is abundant and not extravagant, so it can keep its wealth for a long time. Being able to remain rich and noble can then keep the security of the homeland and live in harmony with its people. This is probably the filial piety of the princes. The Book of Verses, Xiao ya Xiao Man, says: "Trembling and trembling, like being on the edge of a deep water pool, afraid of falling, stepping on thin ice and worrying about falling, be careful and cautious." ”

In the Western Zhou Dynasty, China practiced a feudal system, dividing the world into many small princely states, and the monarchs of each princely state were called princes, although they were high above, but there was still the son of heaven governing them, so after talking about the son of heaven, he talked about the filial piety of the princes.

Secretary of State, Doctor Chapter IV

The dharma of non-kings does not dare to obey, the dharma of non-kings does not dare to speak, and the virtues of non-kings do not dare to do. It is illegal not to speak, and it is not to be said; The mouth has no choice, the body has no choice; Words are full of words, and there is no resentment in the world: the three are prepared, and then they can guard their temples. Gaiqing Doctor's Filial Piety. "Poetry" Yun: "Night and night bandits, to do things alone." ”

I dare not wear the clothes that are not in accordance with the etiquette formulated by the previous Saint Ming King, and do not dare to say the words that are in accordance with the etiquette spoken by the previous Saint Ming King; It is not the moral code and behavior practiced by the previous saints and kings, and dare not do it. Therefore, if it is not in accordance with the etiquette, it is not said, and the behavior that is not in accordance with the etiquette and morality is not done; Speaking without choice can be in accordance with etiquette, and one's actions do not need to be considered or deviated. Therefore, even if the world knows what is said, there will be no fault, and what is done will not be met with resentment and disgust throughout the world. Clothing, language, and behavior can all be done to comply with the etiquette rules of the previous saints and kings, and then they can keep the incense of their ancestors and continue to flourish. This is the filial piety of the secretary and the doctor! The Book of Poetry, Daya · It is said, "From morning to night, be diligent and unremitting, and concentrate on serving the Son of Heaven."

The secretary of state and the doctor play a role in the society, helping the king to formulate policies, that is, the group that decides on the policy, assisting the king to govern the country, effectively running the king's thoughts through, and the lower is the hub of the national administration, is the specific executor, the secretary and the doctor must play the role of a demonstration crowd in words and actions, so the status is also very high. Second only to the princes.

The fifth chapter of the priesthood

To be kind to the father and to the mother, and to love the same; Respect the father as a king. Therefore the mother takes his love, and the king takes his respect, and the father also takes it. Therefore, filial piety is loyal to the king, and obedience is obedient to the chief. Be faithful and faithful, so that you can keep your position and keep your sacrifices. Filial piety of Gaishi. "Poetry" Yun: "Dreaming of the night, born of nothing."

To serve the mother with the mood of serving the father, love is the same; Serving the monarch with the mood of serving the father is the same as reverence. So to serve the mother is to serve the mother with love, to serve the monarch with respect, and both are to treat the father. Therefore, to serve the monarch with filial piety is to be loyal, and to serve the superior with respect is to obey. Be able to serve the monarch and superiors loyally and obediently, and then be able to keep their own positions and positions, and be able to keep their sacrifices to their ancestors. This is the filial piety of the scholars! The Book of Verses, Xiao ya Xiao Wan, says, "Get up early and go to bed late, and don't insult your parents."

Shi was an aristocratic rank since the Zhou Dynasty, the lowest level of the nobility. Although the soldiers are the backbone of society, they have their own expertise, if they want to realize their own value, they must rely on others, and after being reused, they can truly realize their own value. So when we serve a king with morality, status, and status, we are doing our best to put the new in the right place, and treating the king in a disciplined manner. Treating the elderly with respect can learn to adapt to the environment. If a scholar does his best and can adapt to the environment, so as to serve his superiors, he can stably keep his own titles and titles, and only then can he keep his ancestral temple and go to sacrifice, which is the filial piety of a soldier.

Teacher Liu Yuan analyzes and interprets the "Filial Piety Classic"

Shuren Chapter VI

With the way of heaven, the benefits of the land, and the use of grace to adopt parents, this is also the filial piety of this common man. Therefore, since the Son of Heaven is concerned, filial piety has no end, and those who are in trouble have not yet had it.

Taking advantage of the natural seasons, recognizing the advantages and disadvantages of the land, acting cautiously, saving money, and raising parents, this is the filial piety of ordinary people. Therefore, from the Son of Heaven down to the ordinary people, no matter whether they are high or low, filial piety has no beginning and no end, and it exists forever, and some people are worried that they cannot achieve filial piety.

In the Zhou Dynasty, the Shu people, also known as the Commoners, were non-aristocratic commoners, the lowest class besides slaves. At the same time, it is also the most extensive and common group. Now it refers to ordinary people.

Chapter Seven of the Three Talents

Zeng Ziyi: "Even so, filial piety is great!" Zi Yue: "Filial piety, the scripture of heaven, the righteousness of the earth, and the deeds of the people." The scriptures of heaven and earth, and the people are. Then the light of the heavens, because of the benefits of the land, to conform to the world. It is formed by its teachings and its administration is not strict. The first king saw that the teachings could transform the people into love, so the people did not leave their relatives behind, Chen zhi was moral, and the people were prosperous. Respect first, and the people do not dispute; Lead to liturgical music, and the people are harmonious; Show it likes and dislikes, and the people know it forbid. "Poetry" Yun: 'Hehe Shi Yin, Minguo Erzhan.'

Zeng Zi said, "It's great! How broad and profound filial piety is!" Confucius said: "Filial piety is like the movement of the sun, moon, and stars in the sky, and the natural growth of all things on the earth, which is the most fundamental and primary character of human beings." Heaven and earth have their natural laws, and from their laws human beings realize that the practice of filial piety is to follow it for its own laws. Imitate the eternal and unchanging laws of heaven, take advantage of the natural seasons of the earth, and follow the laws of nature to impose political and religious teachings on the people of the world. Thus its indoctrination can succeed without being serious, and its politics can be governed without harsh implementation. The wise monarch of the past saw that education could impress the people, so he first showed fraternity, so the people did not dare to abandon their parents; When morality and propriety are made clear to the people, the people rise up and obey them, and he takes the lead in setting an example to the people with respect and humility, so that the people do not fight: guide them with etiquette and music, and the people live in harmony; Tell the people the difference between what is beautiful and what is to be disliked and what is ugly that people hate today, and the people will know that the prohibition is not against the law. In the Book of Poetry, Xiaoya Jie Nanshan, it is said: "The majestic and prominent Taishi Yin clan, the people look up to you."

The third is the collective name of heaven, earth and man. When the ancients were doing things, they paid great attention to the heavens, the land, and the people's hearts. The so-called occupation of the heavens, the time, the place, the people. During the Three Kingdoms period, Ma Chao and Cao Cao fought a great battle in Weishui, when September (the Chinese calendar, now commonly known as the lunar calendar) ended, the weather was cold, Cao Cao drove his troops to carry soil to water, and built the earth city overnight, which won time for Cao Cao to defeat Ma Chao. This is an example of the time of the day. For example, in some countries in the world, their underground is rich in minerals, and their countries are also very rich; Some areas have natural beauty, and locals don't have to make much effort as they are rich; That's the stake. Occupying people and the same can make people successful, two people with one heart, and their profits are broken. Moreover, with one heart and one mind, and with all the forces of all, there is no one who is not rich.

Teacher Liu Yuan analyzes and interprets the "Filial Piety Classic"

The eighth chapter of the Filial Piety Chapter

Zi Yue: "In the past, the Ming King ruled the world with filial piety, and did not dare to leave behind the ministers of small countries, but the situation was worse than the gong, hou, bo, son, and man? Therefore he shall be pleased with all nations, and shall be the king before him. Those who govern the country do not dare to insult widows and widows, but they are worse than the people? Therefore he shall be pleased by the people, and he shall be the first to be the king. Those who govern the family do not dare to lose to their concubines, but to their wives? Therefore he is pleased with the people, so that he can do things to his relatives. FuRan, the old life is intimate, and the sacrifice is enjoyed by the ghost. It is peace under the heavens, disasters do not arise, and disasters do not occur. Therefore, the same is true of the Ming King's filial piety in ruling the world. "Poetry" Yun: "There is enlightenment and virtue, and the four kingdoms are shunzhi." ”

Confucius said, "Once upon a time, the kings of the Holy Ming Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and did not abandon even the vassals of the most humble and small countries, let alone the five princes of gong, hou, bo, zi, and male." Therefore, they will be pleased by the subjects of the various princely states, and they will worship the kings. The princes who govern a feudal country do not dare to bully even men who have lost their wives and widowed women, let alone the people under his subjects, so they will get the favor of the common people and make them help the princes to sacrifice their ancestors. The Qing Doctor who governs himself is not disrespectful even to his servants and concubines, let alone to his wives and children, so he will be pleased by the people, and they will be willing to serve their parents. Only in this way will parents live happily and peacefully when they are alive, and after death, they will become the ancestors of ghosts and gods to enjoy the future generations. Therefore, it will be possible to make the world peaceful and peaceful, natural disasters will not occur, and man-made disasters will not occur. Therefore, the holy king will rule the world with filial piety, as said above. The Book of Verses, Daya Yangzhi, says, "The Son of Heaven has great virtue, and all the nations of the four sides will submit to him."

In fact, if the Son of Heaven has such a character, he will win the hearts of the people of the world, will make his country strong in all aspects, and will naturally win the admiration and submission of neighboring countries.

Chapter IX

Zeng Ziyi: "Dare to ask the virtue of the saints that cannot be added to filial piety?" Zi Yue: "The nature of heaven and earth is precious to man." The deeds of man are greater than filial piety. Filial piety is greater than strict father. Strict father is greater than the matching heaven, then Zhou Gong and his people are also. In the past, Zhou Gongjiao worshiped Hou Ji to match the heavens, and Zong Qiwen Wang Yu Mingtang to match God. It is within the four seas, each offering sacrifice to his office. How can the virtue of a saint be imposed on filial piety? Therefore, the knees of the biological children are strict with the adoptive parents. Saints are taught to be strict and respectful, and to teach love because of their relatives. The religion of the saints is not solemn, and its government is not strict, and its cause is also the same. The way of the father and the son, the nature of nature, and the righteousness of kings and subjects. Parents are born, and it continues to be great. The king's presence is thick and heavy. Therefore, those who do not love their relatives but love others are called contrary to morality; Those who do not respect their relatives and respect others are called perverse. If you are obedient, you will be rebellious, and if the people do not have it, you will be discouraged. It is not in goodness, but in virtue, and though it is obtained, a gentleman is not expensive. A gentleman, on the other hand, thinks in words, thinks cola, respects virtue and righteousness, acts in a way that can be done, tolerates and observes, and advances and retreats to the point of being present to his people. It is loved by its people, and it is like it. Therefore, it can become its moral religion and carry out its government decrees. "Poetry" Yun: 'Lady and gentleman, his manners are not good. ’”

ZengZi said, "I would venture to ask, is there no greater virtue of a saint than filial piety?" Confucius said, "Of all things in heaven and earth, human beings are the most noble." There is nothing more important in human behavior than filial piety. In filial piety, there is nothing more important than respecting one's father. Respecting the father is no more important than the ancestors who are assigned to the Heavenly Emperor when they sacrifice to the heavens, and only the Duke of Zhou can do this. Originally, when the Duke of Zhou was worshipping the heavens in the suburbs, he matched his ancestor Hou Ji with the Heavenly Emperor; At the Ming Hall, he also honored his father King Wen with the Heavenly Emperor. Because he did so, princes from all over the country were able to do their duty and come to assist him in his sacrifices. So what can the virtues of the saints go beyond filial piety? Because the children's respect for their parents is born when they are young and dependent on their parents, they grow up to adulthood, and they know more and more about the dignity of their parents every day. It is on the basis of this child's respectful nature towards their parents that saints teach people to be filial to their parents; And because of the innate affection of children for their parents, they are taught the truth of love. The reason why the indoctrination of the saints can be successful without harsh implementation, and the fact that the saints can govern the country in a harsh and brutal manner, is that they follow the fundamental nature of filial piety, which is natural and natural. The affection between father and son is derived from the innate nature of human beings and also reflects the righteous relationship between monarchs and subordinates. It is not more important for parents to give birth to children to pass on from generation to generation; Fathers are like dignified kings to their children, and there is no greater grace for them than such love. Therefore, the behavior of not respecting one's own parents but loving and respecting others is called violating morality; The act of honoring others without respecting one's own parents is called breaking the law of etiquette. If we do not love and respect our parents in accordance with people's hearts and minds, but if we act against heaven's reason, the people will not be able to imitate them. Instead of working on the good way of love and respect, on the contrary, it is done by evil deeds that violate moral etiquette, and although it can be achieved for a while, it is also despised by gentlemen. This is not the case with the deeds of a gentleman, whose words must be taken into account in order to be praised and practiced; Its deeds must be conceived of being able to bring joy to people, and its virtue and righteousness, and its respect for them; Their conduct can be imitated by the people; Its appearance and behavior are in accordance with the rules, so that people are impeccable; One advances and one retreats, does not violate the law, and becomes a model for the people. The gentleman used such an act to govern the country and rule over the people of Li, so the people revered and loved him, and learned to imitate Aiqi's behavior. Therefore, a gentleman can achieve his moral rule and indoctrination, and smoothly implement his laws and orders. The Book of Poetry, Cao Feng · The Dove says, "A gentleman of a good man, his appearance and demeanor are not inferior.

If the king faces the people in this way, then the people will be in awe of the king, and they will have a kind of heart support and love for him, and then the people will follow his example and follow him in all his deeds. Therefore, the indoctrination of the people was completed, and the decrees they carried out were smoothly implemented and enforced.

Ji Xiaoxing Chapter 10

Zi Yue: "The deeds of filial piety are also intimate, and the dwelling is to be respected, the nourishment is to bring happiness, the sickness is to cause sorrow, the mourning is to mourn, and the sacrifice is to be severe." The five are prepared, and then they can do things. Those who are close to each other are not proud at the top, not chaotic in the lower, and not in dispute with the ugly. If you are proud of the top, you will die, if you are below, you will be punished, and if you are ugly, you will be a soldier. If the three are not removed, although they are fed by the three animals every day, they are still filial piety. ”

Confucius said: "In the service of filial piety to parents, in the daily home, we must do our best to respect our parents, and when we are serving in food and life, we must maintain a pleasant and pleasant mood to serve; Parents are sick and should be cared for with anxiety; When your parents have died, you must do your best to deal with the aftermath: the sacrifice of the ancestors must be taken seriously: the etiquette is not chaotic. Only when these five aspects are done thoroughly and thoughtfully can it be said that they have fulfilled their responsibilities to their parents and children. To serve one's parents and parents, one must be in a high position without being arrogant and arrogant, be at the lower level and not be disobedient, and live in harmony among the people and not fight with others. Those who are in high positions and arrogant are bound to perish, those who do not rebel at the lower levels are inevitably subject to criminal law, and fighting among the people will lead to mutual killing. If these three evil things of arrogance, chaos, and contention are not eliminated, even if they dedicate themselves to their parents every day with the meat of cattle, sheep, pigs, and three animals, they are still filial piety.

This chapter is divided into two paragraphs, the five items mentioned in the previous paragraph, such as paying homage to the dwelling, nourishing the joy, causing sorrow caused by illness, mourning by mourning, and sacrificing to the strict, are the truths pointed out by Confucius to Shunde, and the latter paragraph talks about the arrogance of the upper, the chaos of the lower, and the ugly dispute, which Confucius pointed out to be buried in the way of the opposite path. To do it in the direction of Shunde is the most complete filial piety. If you go in the opposite direction, you will naturally be punished by social laws and get unfortunate results. This truth clearly divides into two paths, that is, the former path, which is a bright and upright path, can be unimpeded. The latter path is a rugged and dangerous path, a cliff-like road, and it is impossible to go. The saints taught mankind to practice filial piety and to be exempt from punishment, and the pain of his intentions was profound!

Chapter XI of the Fifth Punishment Chapter

Zi Yue: "The five punishments belong to three thousand, and the sin is greater than filial piety." Those who want kings are supreme, those who are not saints cannot, and those who are not filial piety have no relatives. This great mess of the way also. ”

Confucius said, "There are as many as three thousand criminal ordinances to which the five punishments belong, and none of them is greater than the sin of filial piety." Those who coerce the monarch by force do not have a monarch in their eyes; Those who slander the saints are lawless in their eyes; There is criticism and disrespect for those who practice filial piety, and there is no existence of parents in the eyes. The actions of these three kinds of people are the root cause of the great chaos in the world.

Confucius also reminded Zengzi: "The state has a regular punishment to punish human sins and make people turn to good and evil." There are about three thousand articles on the five punishments, and after careful study, the greatest sin is no more than filial piety, and the use of punishment to correct those who are not filial piety, naturally the people are afraid of the prestige and embark on the right path of filial piety. 'If a subordinate finds the weakness of the chief and threatens to persecute him in order to achieve his desired ends, that is, if he has no chief in sight, if he sneers and despises the saint who legislates the world, it is lawlessness, and if he sneers and despises the filial piety of standing on the path, he is fatherless and motherless. Acts like this to intimidate the chief, lawlessness, fatherlessness and motherlessness are chaotic ways. ’

Chapter XII of the Broad Road

Zi Yue: "Dear to the people, mo is good at filial piety." Teach the people to be obedient and not good at compassion. Change customs and customs, do not be good at fun. Govern the people in peace, do not be good at etiquette. Salute, respect. Therefore, if he respects his father, he will be happy; Respect his brother, then brother Yue; Respect its king, then the subject is pleased; Respect one person, and ten million people please. Those who are respected are few, but those who are pleased are many, and this is called the key way.

Confucius said, "There is no better way to educate the people to be close to and fraternal to each other than to advocate filial piety." There is nothing better than educating the people to be polite and obedient than to obey one's brother. There is no better way to change the atmosphere and change the old custom system than to indoctrinate with music. It is more reassuring for the monarch and taming the people, and there is nothing better than doing things with etiquette. The so-called liturgy is just love. Therefore respect the father of others, and his son will rejoice; Respect the brother of others, and his brother will be happy; A monarch who respects others rejoices in his subjects. Loving one person can make millions of people happy. Although the objects of respect are only a few, there are thousands of people who are happy for it, and this is the meaning of reverence as the main way.

Confucius said: 'The road to governing the country and the world should be saved first.' There is nothing better than filial piety. There is nothing better than to be respectful and obedient to the people, and if you want to change the social atmosphere and change the customs of the people, there is nothing better than music. If you want to stabilize the body and mind of the chief and govern the people of a country, there is no better way than etiquette. The four items of filial piety, compassion, pleasure, etiquette, and ritual mentioned above are the best ways to educate the people. But filial piety is the fundamental, etiquette is the appearance, and the essence of the ceremony is a word of honor, so if a head of state can respect the father of others, then his children must be very happy. Respect the brother of others, then his brother must be very pleased, respect the chief of others, his subordinates and the common people. It was also very joyful. This one honorific word is only a tribute to one person, and the joyful person, why not only tens of millions of people? Those who are worshipped are only the father, the brother, and the chief, and those who rejoice are the children, subordinates, and the majority. Isn't it the word that the covenant is kept, and the influence is so widespread?'

Broad to the thirteenth chapter of the German chapter

Zi Yue: "The teaching of a gentleman is filial piety, and it is not a family but a day to see." Teach filial piety, so respect the father of the world. Teach to be compassionate, so respect the world as a brother also. Teach the subjects, so respect the world as a king. "Poetry" Cloud: "Kai Ti Jun, the parent of the people." 'Whoever is not virtuous, who can obey the people so greatly!'

Confucius said, "A gentleman who teaches people to practice filial piety is not a door-to-door practice, nor is it taught in person every day." Gentlemen teach people to practice filial piety, so that all the people in the world who are fathers can be respected. Teaching people to be brothers is to make everyone in the world who is a brother be respected. To teach people the way of subjection is to make the world a monarch can be respected. The Book of Poetry, Daya · It is said, "The gentleman of Harmony is the parent of the people. 'How can it be so great that it is not of supreme virtue that it can make the people of the world so great?'

Confucius explained to Zengzi in particular: "Gentlemen in charge of politics teach the people to practice filial piety, not to teach in person's homes, nor to meet every day to teach." There is a fundamental truth here. For example, those who teach filial piety to the people and make the world sons of man know the way of the father, then they are equivalent to those who respect the world as their fathers. Whoever teaches the people and makes the whole world a brother knows the way of a brother, then he is equivalent to a person who respects the world as a brother. Teaching people in the principles of subordinates is equivalent to a person who respects the world as a ruler. Confucius quoted these two sentences from the Daya Sutra of the Book of Poetry: 'A ruling gentleman.' His attitude was always peaceful and happy, and his virtue was always approachable, so that he was like the parents of the people. The meaning of Confucius's quotation of this poem is that without a great virtue of sublime supremacy, how can it go with nature?

The fourteenth chapter of the Broad Fame Chapter

Zi Yue: "The affairs of a gentleman are filial piety, so loyalty can be transferred to the king." Brother, so Shun can move to long. At home, therefore the rule can be moved to the official. It is to be accomplished in the inner, and the name is established in the hereafter.

Confucius said, "A gentleman can fulfill filial piety in the service of his parents, so he can transfer filial piety to his parents into loyalty to the king; Serving a brother can be respectful, so this reverence can be transferred to the obedience of the predecessor or superior; At home, he can handle housework well, so he will shift the principle of family management to the government and govern the country. Therefore, those who can perform filial piety and manage the household well at home will also have their reputations prominent in future generations.

Confucius said, "A gentleman who can be filial to his relatives will have the sincerity of love and respect, and with the sincerity of love and respect, he will be able to be loyal to the king." He can honor his brother and will have a pleasant attitude. Move to the director with a kind attitude. Will be able to obey the chief. He can handle his family's life in an orderly manner, and his instinct to govern things must be very methodical, such as transferring to handling official affairs, he will be able to do the first thing. Therefore, if a person's behavior can be successful within the family, so that from the inside out, doing things for the country, not only will the reputation of being an official appear for a while, but the name of loyalty and filial piety will forever be passed on to future generations. ’

Chapter XV

Zeng Ziyi said: "If the husband is kind and respectful, and he is famous and famous, he will hear his fate." Dare to ask the Son to obey the Father's order, can it be said to be filial piety?" Zi Yue: "What is the word and what is the word and what is the word!" In the past, the Son of Heaven had seven contending subjects, and although there was no way, he did not lose his world; The princes have five contending vassals, and although they have no way, they do not lose their kingdom; The Doctor has three contending ministers, and although there is no way, he does not lose his home; If a soldier has a rival friend, he will not be separated from the name of the order; If the Father fights for the Son, he will not fall into unrighteousness. Therefore, when it is unrighteous, the Son may not not argue with the Father, and the subject may not not argue with the King; Therefore, when it is unjust, it is disputed. From the Father's decree, he will be filial piety!"

Zeng Zi said, "Filial piety such as love, respect, peace of mind, and fame has already heard the teachings of the Son of Heaven, and I would like to venture to ask again, can a son's blind obedience to his father's orders be called filial piety?" Confucius said, "What is this?" What is this saying? Once upon a time, the Son of Heaven had 7 outspoken courtiers by his side, so even if the Son of Heaven was a pathless emperor, he would not lose his world; The princes have 5 outspoken courtiers, and even if they are a noble monarch, they will not lose the territory of his princely states; Dr. Qing also had 3 subordinates who spoke out and advised, so even if he was a minister without a way, he would not lose his homeland. Ordinary readers have friends who speak out and argue, and their good reputation will not be lost; A son who is a father who dares to speak up can keep the father from falling into unrighteousness. Therefore, when encountering unrighteous things, if it is done by the father, the son cannot be dissuaded and discouraged; If it is the work of the king, the courtiers cannot disagree without speaking out. Therefore, for unrighteous things, we must argue and discourage. If you only obey your father's orders, how can you be called filial piety?"

Because of the various filial pieties that Confucius talked about, Zeng Zi did not talk about his father, what should he do? So ask, 'The lessons of love and respect for one's own name have been taught before.' I get it. There is another matter that I do not quite understand, so I boldly ask: Can it be regarded as filial piety for the Son of Man to do not disobey the Father's command, and to obey the Father's orders? When Confucius heard Zengzi's question, he exclaimed in amazement: What is this? What is this saying?' Confucius explained to ZengZi in detail that his father's orders should not only not be obeyed casually, but also consider whether his orders were feasible or not. For example, in ancient times, the Son of Heaven was the head of a country, and there were thousands of things in one day, two days, and if the head of state did good deeds, the billions of people were blessed. If the Fuehrer is at fault, the whole people suffer. Suppose there are seven subordinates who dare to speak out. Although there were occasional mistakes in the Heavenly Son, there was no way to go, because there were seven wise men who advised him, who were loyal and courageous, and who had the courage to save, he would not lose the world. If the princes have five subordinates of the counselors. Correct the error. Ge Qi's heart, though he has no way, will not lose his kingdom. If there are three subordinates who have been slandered, then although there are errors between him, these three subordinates, sooner or later, will not lose his home. Although he is the smallest official, he has no subordinates to speak of. If a few of his friends who have been advised have advised him and advised him to be good, then his deeds will be free from mistakes, and his good reputation will be concentrated on him. If a son of a father is a righteous child, he will always be consulted. If he is saved, then he will not do anything wrong, and naturally he will not fall into injustice. Both the monarch and the father and the son are closely related. Therefore, when you encounter something that should not be done, for the sake of your children, you must not fail to speak to your father. Those who are subordinates must not fail to speak out to the chief. For those who are courtiers, they should make clear what is right and wrong, and give them advice. If the father does not obey, he who is for the sake of his children should give a few gentle words, that is, if he is angry and beaten, he will not resent. If the king does not obey, he who is a subordinate should also be extremely advised, that is, if he is angry and punished, he will not hesitate to do anything, so when the courtier encounters something that the king should not do, he must immediately advise him. If he is the Son of Man, whether his father's commands are appropriate or not, and if he obeys them blindly, then he will fall into unrighteousness, and how can he still be considered a filial piety?

Induction Chapter XVI

Zi Yue: "The former Ming King's filial piety, the story of Tianming; Filial piety, story of the place; The elder and the young are smooth, so the upper and lower are governed. The heavens and the earth are clear, and the gods are prominent. Therefore, though the Son of Heaven, there will be honor, and there will be a Father in words; There must be a first, and there will be a brother in words. Jongmyo salutes and does not forget to kiss also; Cultivate yourself and be cautious, fearing humiliation first. The Jongmyo Temple pays tribute to the ghosts and gods. Filial piety is universal to the gods, light to the four seas, omniscient. "Poetry" Cloud: "From west to east, from south to north, without thought."

Confucius said, "Once upon a time, wise emperors were very filial to their fathers, so they could understand the truth that heaven overthrew all things when they sacrificed to the heavenly emperor; Serving the mother is very filial, so that when the society sacrifices the earth, it is possible to see the truth of the earth that gives birth to all things; Straighten out and deal with the order of the elderly and the young, so that the upper and lower levels can be well managed. Being able to discern the truth that heaven and earth nurture all things, and the gods sense their sincerity, they will manifest the gods and come to Fu Rui to bless them. Therefore, although he is honored as the Son of Heaven, there must be people he respects, which means that he has a father; There must be someone who was born before him, which means that he has a brother. To pay homage to the Jongmyo Temple is to pay homage to one's relatives; Cultivate one's body and mind and act cautiously because I am afraid that my ancestors will be humiliated and insulted by my own faults. Pay your respects at the temple and the gods will come out to enjoy. Filial piety and obedience to parents and brothers have reached the extreme, that is, they can reach Khun Ming, illuminate the world, and can be sensed anywhere. In the Book of Poetry, Daya Wenwang Yousheng says, "From west to east, from south to north, there is no one who does not want to be satisfied."

Confucius: 'The Ancient Emperor of the Holy Light, father and mother of heaven and earth.' So for the parents of heaven and earth, it is the same view. If the Father is filial, it is to imitate the light of heaven. Filial piety to the mother, that is the insight of imitating the earth. Filial piety is filial piety, and the patriarchs and children are all obedient to etiquette, so officials and ordinary people at all levels are indoctrinated and able to govern themselves. In this order, humanity has done its best, and if a man follows the law of heaven, he will obey himself that day, observe according to the law, and judge himself in the tunnel, so that the gods will naturally show protection. Therefore, the status of the Son of Heaven is even the most exalted. But there is more than him, that is to say: and for the sake of the father. The Son of Heaven is the leader of the whole people, who can precede him? But there is more than him, that is to say: there is also the brother's sake. According to this relationship, the Son of Heaven not only does not respect himself, but also respects his Father. Not only do you not think that you are the first, but you must also be the first brother. Uncles, uncles, brothers, and brothers are all descendants of their ancestors. He will be able to push his heart of love and respect and treat it with courtesy. And trace their ancestors, set up a temple sacrifice, so that their love and respect of sincerity, this is the promotion of filial piety, do not forget the meaning of the family, for the ancestors, but also do their love and respect sincerity. But the slightest mistake in one's own behavior will insult one's ancestors. Therefore, practicing its own morality, being cautious in its deeds, and not daring to have a little negligence, I am afraid that if there is a mistake, it will leave behind the shame of the ancestors and relatives. As for the morality itself, the personality is noble, and when it comes to the Temple of the Ancestors, the ancestors are happy to enjoy it, as if they are on it, as if they are around it. The virtue of the ghost god is much more remarkable. The King of the Holy Light, with filial piety to the gods, how can he be greater than him? Judging from the above principles, if the path of filial piety is achieved to the extreme, it can communicate with the heavens and the earth, ghosts and gods, the heavens and the people have become one, sensing each other, and the natural light of the moral religion appears outside the four realms, far and near, and everything is clear. Governing the world in this way, natural civil harmony, no complaints from top to bottom. Confucius quotes this passage from the Da Ya Wen Wen Wang Youshengzhang: "Although the world is great and the four seas are vast, the psychology of people is the same." Therefore, the indoctrination of King Wen is widely used all over the world, as long as the subjects who are indoctrinated by King Wen are not divided into east, west, south, and north, and there is no thinking and no satisfaction, which can prove the meaning of the depth of ShengDe's indoctrination.

Chapter XVII

Zi Yue: "In the matter of a gentleman, he will think loyally, retreat and make up for it, and will go along with his beauty and save his evil, so that he can be close to each other from top to bottom." "Poetry" Cloud: "The heart is in love, but it is not a matter of love." The center hides it, and forgets it. ’”

Confucius said, "A gentleman who serves a king, when he is an official in the imperial court, wants to see how to do his best to be loyal; When you retire from the government, you have to see how to remedy the king's faults. For the king's virtues, be carried forward; The faults and shortcomings of the king must be remedied, so that the relationship between the king and the subject can be mutually respectful. The Book of Verses, Xiaoya Suisang, says: "The heart is filled with feelings of love and respect, no matter how far away, this sincere love is forever hidden in the heart, and there will never be a day of forgetting."

Confucius said, "Any gentleman who has virtue and a position has a special merit in serving the chief." When he enters the king, he knows everything, says everything, plans the strategy, and contributes in an all-round way. Think to the best of his loyalty. Having seen this and retired, he reviewed his work, and did he fail to fulfill his responsibilities? Was there any fault in his words and deeds? He will go to great lengths to make up for his mistakes. As for the chief, with good virtue and good deeds, encouragement and encouragement are given in advance, and when they are carried out, they are pleasantly obeyed. If the chief has something unkind, he should correct it in advance. Fait accompli, try to remedy it. In short, it is the best policy to serve the chief of the subordinates, so as to be able to show goodness and close down to evil and prevent troubles before they occur. If you use the slander of Yan Yan, do your best to keep the death as a loyal, but it is not beneficial to prevent the slightest change in the future. If a subordinate of a man can do such a thing, the chief naturally sees loyalty and treats him with righteousness, and the so-called monarch and subject are of the same virtue, and the upper and lower breath are like the fuehrer and the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and the king enjoys his happiness, the subject is honored, and the upper and lower levels can love each other. Confucius quotes this passage from the Xiaoya Passage of the Book of Poetry: "As long as you are a beloved king of your subjects, although you are on the frontier, you can still say that you are not far away." This is because his love comes from the heart, and the love is hidden in it. Therefore, it is forgotten every day, although it is far away, it is often remembered. This proves that the king and the subject are one heart. ’

Bereavement Chapter XVIII

Zi Yue: "The widow of the filial piety is also weeping, the etiquette is not tolerated, the words are not written, the beauty is uneasy, the smell is not happy, the food is not willing, and this mourning is also." Three days of eclipse, the parishioners can not be killed or injured. Destroy the immortality, the government of this saint also. The mourning is only three years, and the people have an end. For the coffin to be dressed, chen Qiqi mourned; Weeping and weeping, mourning and sending; Bu Qi's house sign, and Ancuo's; For its temple, to enjoy it with ghosts; Spring and autumn sacrifices, with the time to think. Love and respect for life, mourning for death, exhausting the essence of life, righteousness in death and life, filial piety in the end. ”

Confucius said, "Filial piety has lost his parents, and he will cry so loudly that he will not be able to cry for a long time; Behavior has lost its usual decorum, words are not organized, when you wear gorgeous clothes, you are uneasy, you are not happy to hear beautiful music, and you don't feel good when you eat delicious food, which is a manifestation of your children's grief and sorrow because of the loss of relatives. The loss of one's parents, after 3 days, is to eat, which is to teach the people not to damage the body of the living because of the sorrow of losing their loved ones, and not to extinguish the nature of life because of excessive mourning. Keeping the funeral for a loved one for no more than 3 years is to tell people that there is a termination period for mourning. When doing funerals, coffins, outer coffins, clothing and quilts to be prepared for the deceased parents, properly placed in the coffin, and displayed on the decorations and utensils to convey the sorrow and sorrow of the living. When he came out of the funeral, he beat his chest and sent out crying and mourning. Divination of the tomb for burial. Temples for sacrifice were built so that the undead could return and enjoy the sacrifices of the living. Sacrifices are held in the spring and autumn to show that the living always miss their deceased relatives. They serve their parents with love and respect while they are alive, and after their death, they take care of the funeral with sadness, thus fulfilling their duties and obligations in life. The great righteousness of health and death has been done, and only then can it be regarded as the completion of the obligation to serve relatives as a filial piety.

Confucius said: If a child who is good at filial piety to his parents loses his parents, his sorrow will be incomparable. Crying with all his might, there was no longer a lingering sound of euphemism. For etiquette, there is no time to pay attention to it, and it is not as graceful as usual. When speaking, it is not as elegant as usual. When people arrive in this situation, they have very exquisite clothes, and they are not at ease to wear them, they hear good music, they do not feel happy, they eat delicious food, and they do not feel sweet. Such words and deeds are all due to the relationship of mourning, and God is not involuntary. The entertainment of the eyes and ears, the cultivation of the mouth and the body, naturally have no meaning of happiness in the heart. This is the expression of filial piety's true feelings. The funeral service says: 'Three years of mourning, the water slurry does not enter the mouth for three days, three days to eat, the parishioners can not die or injure life' that is to say, the parishioners should not weep because of the mourning of the dead, and hurt their own lives. The feeling of mourning is natural, and if the mourning is excessive, it will destroy the body. But there can be no harm to life, extinction nature. This is the politics of the saints. The funeral is only three years old, which is the practice of filial piety by the parishioners, and there is a final deadline. On the day of his parents' death, he must be carefully dressed, the bedding is cushioned, the inner coffin is neat, and the outer coffin is put in place, and he is buried. After the funeral, in front of the spiritual hall, a square circle sacrifice vessel is displayed for sacrifice. Sooner or later, mourn for filial piety. When the funeral was sent out of the funeral, the ancestors seemed to be unable to bear to leave in person. The woman wept bitterly. The man burst into tears, mourning and eagerly coming to the funeral. As for the burial tomb, it is necessary to choose a proper place, a quiet environment. Bu Zhaozhao buried it to show the sincerity of his children's love and respect. After burial, according to its legal system, a family temple or ancestral hall is established. After three years of mourning, the spirits of the relatives were transferred to the Zongmiao Temple, so that the relatives had a place to enjoy the sacrifices, and the sacrifices were made in the ceremonies of the ghosts and gods, and the spring di was sacrificed, so that the time was longed for. In order to show that the meaning of not forgetting the relatives, the ceremony of cautiously pursuing the distant, and the righteousness of filial piety and mourning, can be said to be complete. 'On the day of the death of the parents, do their best to love and respect, and after the death of the parents, they must be mourned. In this way, the fundamental events of life, even if they are fulfilled, the etiquette of health and death is also complete. The way of filial piety is also completed

Teacher Liu Yuan analyzes and interprets the "Filial Piety Classic"