
Guo Wei's latest speech referred to Xu Min as her, which made me understand why Xu Min wanted to find out the truth

author:Both ability and integrity with lamb FO3

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Guo Wei was on the hot search today because he posted a recording. What did he say in this recording?

The following are Guo Wei's original words in the original words of the recording:

I also know that they (Xu Min and Yao's father) have gone through such a long period of investigation and visits. These things that can be officially announced (Henan University, Gulou Police) must be things that have already been implemented. She (Xu Min) came up with something new. The questions (Xu Min's 11 questions yesterday) are good, but I don't think they make much sense.

Guo Wei's latest speech referred to Xu Min as her, which made me understand why Xu Min wanted to find out the truth

Why is it pointless for a mother to find out the truth when she is full of doubts? Of course, this passage means that Guo Wei does not support Xu Min's search for the truth.

In the recording, he calls Xu Min her.

However, the woman we know is Guo Wei's biological mother, and the fake hug happens without Xu Min's knowledge. Shouldn't we call her mom?

But others said the recording was fake and was synthesized without Guo Wei's appearance. Whether it is right or wrong, Guo Wei should make a statement. Being chased by someone, why didn't he respond?

Guo Wei's latest speech referred to Xu Min as her, which made me understand why Xu Min wanted to find out the truth

In fact, Guo Wei said in an earlier interview that he supports the search for the truth, at least so that he understands why he was "embraced by mistakes".

Of course, the truth has not yet been found. Even these two "midnight" notices did not tell the truth, but only answered some questions and why the case was not filed.

Is Guo Wei's recording correct?

Real and fake, fake and real, I can't tell!

I wonder how Xu Min will feel after listening to such a recording? Listening to Guo Wei's recording, I seemed to understand why Xu Min insisted on finding the truth.

Guo Wei's latest speech referred to Xu Min as her, which made me understand why Xu Min wanted to find out the truth

If the truth cannot be found, Xu Min will not get anything in the end. As she said, her son Yao Ce, whom two generations spent money to nurture, died.

His own son, who was far away in a foreign land, was unable to be reunited with them. It was as if this "wrong queen" had put all the pain on Xu Min and his wife. In the end, her only house was occupied. Her life shouldn't be like this. Only the truth can undo this mistake. Who caused it?

Xu Min should not pay for other people's mistakes. In that case, how could he not find the truth? In fact, to some extent, Du Xinzhi is also a victim of "fake hugs", and should follow the hospital to find the truth like Xu Min. After all, his son Yao Ce died at the age of 29.

How can we not find out the truth?

Guo Wei's latest speech referred to Xu Min as her, which made me understand why Xu Min wanted to find out the truth

For Xu Min, only by knowing whether it is a fake arm or a stolen hug can it be possible to change Guo Wei's mind and let Guo Wei return to her without burden.

Fake hugs and stealing hugs are two different concepts.

When they are hugged by the wrong person, Guo Wei has a nurturing grace for both parents, and he cannot let go of both parents. Secret hugs are different. If he turns around secretly, he is only responsible for his biological parents. Because his biological parents did not voluntarily give up on him, nor did they have the ability to support him. He was simply artificially removed. In this case, there is no gratitude, only hatred.

If you grow up in the home of your biological parents, you will have a better future. What's more, his biological parents had long repaid his nurturing grace and raised Yao Ce with the hard work of two generations.

Therefore, it is necessary for Xu Min to find out the truth.

This truth also had a great impact on Guo Wei.

Guo Wei's latest speech referred to Xu Min as her, which made me understand why Xu Min wanted to find out the truth

The reality is that there are many doubts, but they are not clear. For example, the simplest and most important question is, does Du Xinzhi have a 1992 birth certificate? How to go to Huaihe Hospital to give birth without a birth certificate? If it was a birth certificate, why did he hide in Lankao County after being discharged from the hospital, saying that the child was not born, and then applying for a 1995 "fake" certificate for Guo Wei's household registration to register? Is this really hard to control?

Du Xinzhi also said that in order to prove the relationship between Guo Xizhi and Guo Xikuan, the investigators deleted their family tree. Isn't a copy of DNA as good as checking a family tree? What are the findings? Why should we abandon authority in favor of an unconvincing approach?

In short, all these actions show that Xu Min wants to find the truth.

Guo Wei's latest speech referred to Xu Min as her, which made me understand why Xu Min wanted to find out the truth

What's more, now the state media elsewhere, except for the official media in one region, have found the truth. And this has been repeatedly emphasized. In this context, the investigation is particularly important. Why should state media speak out elsewhere? Because there are too many doubts and unknowns.

In 1992, Xu Min's child was born. In 1991, the baby's mother said that the baby at Huaihe Hospital had wrists and that the baby was bathed on the third day.

False exchange of murders: Lawyer Panke said that there are many doubts, and if the truth is explored, it will have warning and educational significance.

Xu Min suggested that Guo Xizhi and Guo Xikuan, who were of the same generation in the same village, do a paternity test. Guo Wei should be informed.

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