
Sweet and soft steamed shredded carrots, children love to eat and supplement vitamin A, as soon as they learn it

author:Pingxiang cuisine

Steamed shredded carrots are a simple yet nutritious home-cooked dish suitable for children and the elderly. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and fiber, which are good for eye and gastrointestinal health, and also boost immunity. Steaming shredded carrots is also very simple, just prepare fresh carrots, eggs, coriander and seasonings to make a delicious meal. Let's take a look at the detailed steps, ingredient selection, and tips.

Sweet and soft steamed shredded carrots, children love to eat and supplement vitamin A, as soon as they learn it
Sweet and soft steamed shredded carrots, children love to eat and supplement vitamin A, as soon as they learn it

Ingredient selection:

  • Carrots: Choose fresh, plump, brightly colored carrots, and avoid shriveled, blackened, worm-eyed carrots. The size of the carrot should not be too large or too small, it is better to be medium, which makes it easier to cut into fine strips.
  • Eggs: Choose fresh, odorless, crack-free eggs, preferably local or organic eggs, which are sweeter.
  • Coriander: Choose fresh, green, no yellow or rotten coriander, coriander can add aroma and color to the dish, and can also provide some vitamin C and iron.
Sweet and soft steamed shredded carrots, children love to eat and supplement vitamin A, as soon as they learn it
Sweet and soft steamed shredded carrots, children love to eat and supplement vitamin A, as soon as they learn it


  1. Wash the carrots, remove the skin, head and tail, and cut into fine strips. It can be cut with a knife or with a grater or blender, taking care not to cut too long or too short to facilitate cooking and mouthing.
  2. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and water and stir well. The amount of water should not be too much or too little, so that it can cover the shredded carrots.
  3. Wash the coriander, remove the leaves and cut into small pieces. The stem of coriander can also be used, don't waste it.
  4. Place the shredded carrots in a large bowl, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and sugar and mix well. Salt and sugar can help shredded carrots and enhance their flavor.
  5. Spread the shredded carrots on a large plate, trying not to stack too thickly to make it easier to cook evenly.
  6. Drizzle the beaten egg evenly over the shredded carrots, covering all the shredded carrots. If there is not enough egg liquid, you can beat another egg, stir with water and drizzle it.
  7. Place the plate in the steamer, turn on high heat, turn to medium heat and steam for about 15 minutes, until the eggs are set and slightly yellowed. If you don't have a steamer, you can also steam it with a rice cooker or microwave.
  8. Once steamed, remove the plate, sprinkle with sliced coriander segments, drizzle with a little sesame oil and soy sauce, and it's ready to go.
Sweet and soft steamed shredded carrots, children love to eat and supplement vitamin A, as soon as they learn it


  • The time to steam shredded carrots should not be too long or too short, too long will cause the shredded carrots to become soft and tasteless, too short will cause the shredded carrots to be undercooked or the eggs will not solidify.
  • When steaming shredded carrots, you can put some ginger slices or star anise in the pot, which can remove the earthy smell of carrots and increase the aroma.
  • When steaming shredded carrots, you can also add some other seasonings to the egg liquid, such as chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper, peppercorns, etc., to adjust the taste according to personal preferences.
  • When steaming shredded carrots, you can also spread a layer of plastic wrap on the plate, which can prevent water vapor from dripping on the dish, affecting the beauty and taste.
  • When steaming shredded carrots, you can also put some other ingredients on the plate, such as shrimp, minced meat, sausages, etc., which can increase the nutrition and flavor of the dish.