
Yu Liang, Chairman of the Board of Vanke Group: The real estate market has fallen too far! Need to maintain economic stability!



Yu Liang, Chairman of the Board of Vanke Group: The real estate market has fallen too far! Need to maintain economic stability!

At the Vanke Group's 2023 interim results meeting on August 31, Yu Liang, chairman of the board of directors of Vanke Group, said about the current situation of the real estate market, "At present, the market is in a state of anxiety, and our judgment is that the current market has obviously fallen too much. The current policy is already making efforts, and I believe that with the efforts of all parties, as the economic situation continues to improve steadily, sooner or later the industry will return to a healthy and reasonable level. "

The current property market is in a scorching state, and after a period of adjustment, the market has clearly fallen too far. This has also attracted attention at the policy level, and the government has been making efforts, hoping to promote the market to return to a healthy and reasonable level through policy regulation.

Yu Liang, Chairman of the Board of Vanke Group: The real estate market has fallen too far! Need to maintain economic stability!

As a leading enterprise in the real estate industry, Yu Liang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vanke Group, analyzed and judged the current real estate market situation at the 2023 interim results meeting on August 31, and put forward his own views and suggestions.

First of all, Yu Liang believes that the current market has clearly fallen too much, and the market is in a state of anxiety. This judgment is also conclusive from the property market data. From a nationwide perspective, the transaction volume, price and other indicators of the property market have shown a downward trend. For example, in August, the transaction volume of the national real estate market fell by 30% year-on-year, while the decline in first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai was more obvious.

Second, Yu Liang believes that the government is already making efforts, and current policies are already being introduced. The introduction of policies includes a variety of measures, such as purchase restrictions, loan restrictions, sales restrictions, etc., these policies are aimed at controlling the rapid rise of housing prices, avoiding the formation of real estate bubbles, stabilizing market prices, and improving market transparency. At the same time, the government is also actively promoting specific measures such as stock revitalization to promote the healthy development of the market.

Yu Liang, Chairman of the Board of Vanke Group: The real estate market has fallen too far! Need to maintain economic stability!

Finally, Yu Liang expressed his belief that with the efforts of all parties, with the continuous and steady improvement of the economic situation, the industry will return to a healthy and reasonable level sooner or later. This is also where our expectations and confidence in the future lie.

For the regulation of the real estate market, we need to have a clear understanding that the regulation of the real estate market is not an overnight thing, it requires the joint efforts of the government, enterprises, the market and other aspects, and requires long-term persistence and patience. At the same time, we also need to see that behind the regulation of the property market is to maintain the long-term stability of economic development, in order to ensure the people's housing demand, in order to avoid the formation of real estate bubbles, which is worthy of our support and promotion.

It is hoped that the government can implement the introduced policies as soon as possible to promote the market to return to a healthy and reasonable level, and at the same time, it is also hoped that enterprises can strengthen their own adjustment and optimization during the market adjustment period, improve their competitiveness and development capabilities, and respond to market changes and challenges.

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