
When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

author:Lao Zhang talks about medicine

Each of us certainly does not want to get sick, not only is it uncomfortable, but it also costs a lot of treatment.

But the matter of being sick is really unclear, isn't there a saying called illness comes like a mountain?

Many diseases now break out at all ages, but big data shows that it is easier to get sick after the age of 50.

Many people seem to be in good health before the age of 50, suddenly fall ill after entering the age of 50, and even die of illness after the age of 50.

However, there are also some people who are physically great and live a long life even after entering the age of 50.

Why do middle-aged people frequently suffer from cancer? What do people who live a hundred years old have in common?

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

1. Blessed are those who have these 8 phenomena

1. Good bones

Many middle-aged people are prone to bone problems such as osteoporosis, this is because the density of bones decreases after entering middle age, if you feel that your legs and stomach are sore, sit for a long time and stand for a long time, the joints will click, then you need to pay attention.

These are precursors to the formation of osteoporosis.

It is most likely to occur after sitting for a long time, of course, some patients will also have this symptom because of long-term calcium deficiency or lack of exercise.

The more frequent this symptom is with age.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

However, middle-aged and elderly osteoporosis generally has no obvious characteristics when it appears, and it is always unconscious, after the notice.

There are no symptoms in the early stage, only a series of symptoms when the later aggravation occurs, and in severe cases, there will be humpback, fracture, shortening and other phenomena.

But if you don't have problems with your bones, then congratulations, your bones are very good.

2. Kidney health

Our kidney organs are very important detoxification organs in the body, once there is a problem with the kidneys, then the toxins cannot be excreted from the body, and the painful dialysis life is coming.

Blood in the urine, frequent urination, etc. are the precursors of kidney problems, there are many common causes of blood in the urine and frequent urination, in addition to the more common kidney stones, it may also be caused by bladder or prostate infection, and the serious may be that the kidneys have become cancerous.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

Therefore, if blood in the urine occurs and urine is frequent, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. So as not to miss the best treatment period and delay the condition.

Of course, if you do not have these symptoms, then congratulations, your kidneys are very healthy, of course, after entering middle age, regular physical examination is still indispensable, you can also go to the hospital to do a detailed physical examination when you have time.

3. No respiratory diseases

Some middle-aged people have respiratory diseases, sometimes close to hear their heavy panting, and after falling asleep at night, they still have this hoarseness, giving people a feeling of not being able to breathe and not taking their breath.

If this symptom does not subside and does not worsen further, then the situation may be worse, and it is recommended to go to the emergency department at this time.

But if people reach middle age without any respiratory diseases and their lungs are very healthy, then this is indeed a happy event, at least more than half of their peers.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

4. Family happiness

Family happiness is a person's most precious wealth, in our Chinese hearts family is a very important concept, ancient also has the saying of starting a family, and a happy family is our haven and the pillar of our spirit.

If your family is happy, then your whole person's emotions must be stable, and the magnetic field on the whole person is also very mild.

If you are a person with a happy family, then congratulations, even if your family is not rich, you are still the object of envy.

Because the emotional value that a healthy and happy family can provide is far greater than the value that money brings to people, who said that husband and wife are happy, children are not a kind of happiness.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

5. Gastrointestinal health

Because many middle-aged people are more stressed and have more meals, irregular eating is also a common thing.

Therefore, many middle-aged people's stomach is not particularly healthy, and gastrointestinal problems will come out after entering the age of 50, and loss of appetite or sudden increase in appetite are common.

For example, suppose you find that a middle-aged man can eat two bowls of rice every day, but suddenly one day he only eats half a bowl of rice.

Or maybe a person can only eat half a bowl of rice, but suddenly one day can eat two or more bowls of rice.

This sudden increase in appetite or decreased appetite is not normal.

The most obvious is that it will affect the sudden loss or increase of your weight, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up, because this may be a problem with the digestive system or endocrine system.

And healthy middle-aged people have a very healthy stomach, they eat Ma Ma Xiang, which is also because their meals are very regular, so this phenomenon will occur.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

6. Emotional stability

If you want to stay healthy after entering the age of fifty, it is very important to adhere to good living habits, the most important of which is to keep your emotions stable and controlled, and maintain a good attitude, rather than frequent mood swings.

Some people are always very irritable, anxious, nervous, and even angry all day, which is not good for liver and heart maintenance, and will also affect blood pressure changes.

And the right way to maintain health is to stay optimistic and happy.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

7. Stable blood pressure

Middle-aged people actually account for a large proportion of the mainland hypertension group, basically five out of ten hypertension patients are middle-aged.

This phenomenon is normal, which is caused by the poor eating habits and bad living habits of middle-aged people. If your blood pressure is stable, then it's time to steal the fun.

And if the blood pressure rises, then you should also think about what caused it, whether it is usually too much pressure, or because of irregular diet, usually eating too heavy, or eating may be greasy.

In short, the right medicine can find out the problem, and then solve the problem.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

8. The skin is rosy and shiny

The largest organ of the body is our skin, which can actually reflect many of the real health states of our body.

If your skin is very healthy, that is definitely a good thing. But if the skin suddenly becomes sallow, dry and dull, or acne, then it needs to be paid attention to.

Because we all know that a person's skin will not suddenly become sallow under normal conditions, generally causing this phenomenon, it must be a change in the internal organs of the body.

For example, liver disease will cause sallow skin, endocrine disorders or gastrointestinal diseases, which will cause acne on the face.

If your skin is very shiny and rosy, it means that your internal organs are very healthy, and the whole person is young and energetic.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

Second, the reasons for the high incidence of diseases after the age of 50

In fact, it can be said that our body is in contact with carcinogens all the time, and the reason why there is no disease is that the body itself will be metabolized, and our immunity has built a barrier, but when the carcinogenic factors accumulate to a certain extent, they will get cancer.

The older you are, the more time and opportunities you will be exposed to carcinogens, so the greater the chance of cancer.

And when people get older, the body's various functions will decline, and the resistance will also decline, so the natural barrier built by immunity will slowly disappear.

For example, many people are not afraid of cold when they are young, and when they enter middle age, they become very afraid of cold.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

Because the body continues to age, there are various negative changes, which also gives cancer cells the opportunity to take advantage of the void, so compared with young people, middle-aged and elderly people are more likely to suffer from cancer.

Many middle-aged people are actually very stressed, because now this society will have a variety of rapid changes every day, once you can't keep up with the development of society will be eliminated, most of the middle-aged people are old and young, want to die and can't die, want to live must work hard.

In this high-pressure environment for a long time, it is inevitable that various problems will occur in people's psychology and physiology.

Many middle-aged people will also have depression, irritability and other psychological problems, so we should also care about the mental health of middle-aged people.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

Because of mental problems, there are also physical problems.

If you feel unhappy for a long time, the body will not secrete dopamine and endorphins, then bacteria and viruses will also take advantage of the weakness, so it is particularly easy to get sick.

Many middle-aged people's living habits are not particularly good, and if you look closely, you will find that their diet and routine are not healthy.

There are some middle-aged people who eat three meals a day very irregularly, of course, this may be caused by too busy work.

There are also some middle-aged people who have to go to some drinking dinners in order to work, smoke and drink alcohol during entertainment, and eat some heavy foods, which will bring a greater burden to their health.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

And if you observe carefully, you will find that only a very small number of middle-aged people have the habit of exercising, and most middle-aged people collapse on the sofa after eating every day, and can not move without moving, which will cause obesity and other diseases.

Third, what to do to prevent cancer

1. Have a good mood

We all know that depression is very easy to catalyze tumors.

According to relevant data, people with severe depression are 3 times more likely to die of cancer than ordinary people. Many patients with depression will have lesions in the body in the later stage, which is what we often call organ lesions.

We all know that the impact of bad emotions on women is very large, those women with major depression are more likely to develop breast cancer, and the prognosis after cancer is worse, so to communicate more with others to help and release pressure to live happily every day.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

We will encounter all kinds of difficulties in our lives, but don't let these difficulties defeat you, and don't let these difficulties affect your mood.

The current predicament is only temporary, and it is only possible to turn things around by facing up to difficulties.

2. Light diet

Most of the Chinese have poor eating habits, such as people in some areas have a heavier taste, but a diet heavy in oil and salt not only brings three high problems, but also causes cancer.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

Because high-salt food contains a large amount of nitrate, it is converted into nitrite by reducing bacteria in the stomach, and then combined with the amines in the food to form nitrite amine, which has strong carcinogenicity and is listed as a first-class carcinogen by the World Health Organization.

So if you want to have a healthy body, you have to change your eating habits and achieve a light diet.

Perhaps many people will feel that life after losing food is meaningless, but compared to life, what is this?

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age

3. Exercise

Life lies in exercise, and if you exercise for more than 30 minutes a day, the risk of cancer can be effectively reduced. Being active in moderate sunlight is beneficial in preventing many cancers such as colon cancer and breast cancer, as well as diseases such as osteoporosis.

If you really don't have time to exercise every day, then reduce the amount of time you sit. In fact, half an hour is not difficult to squeeze out, and there are many ways to exercise, even if it is a walk.

When people reach fifty, they enter the period of high incidence of disease, and eight appearances appear, which is the favor of God and good luck in old age


After the age of 50 is indeed the high incidence of disease, but this does not mean that you will get sick 100%, as long as you pay attention to many aspects, then the chance of getting sick will be reduced. I don't know if you have any health cheats, you can share it!

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