
Qingwei‖ henna in "Wonderland"

author:Qilu one point

Text ‖ Wang Guangcai

Recently, I went to Penglai, known as the "wonderland on earth", in the Penglai Pavilion, listening to the tour guide's introduction of the historical stories and legends of various points of the scenic spot, knowing that I like to shoot flowers and write flowers, my best friend Qingfeng called me: "Look what kind of flower it is, it's very beautiful, you take a few pictures." According to Qingfeng, not far away, pink flowers bloom on the top of the green sphere, which is very harmonious with the surrounding environment and is very beautiful. I got closer to take a closer look, isn't this henna! My mother-in-law's family once planted henna, but the color was red and purple, because when my daughter was a child, she often used this flower with alum to mash and dye her nails, so she was very impressed.

henna, leaves tender green, oval in shape, neatly serrated on the sides; In the turquoise bush, there are pink flowers, the flowers are fan-shaped, there are single or multiple petals, three in a pile, five in a cluster, the flowers are gorgeous, like the face of a little girl, pink, red and bright, touched and cute when you look at it.

In order to further understand her, or with the help of Jun, it turns out that this flower is called phoenix flower, alias, henna, acute seed, daughter flower, is a phoenix flower family of herbaceous plants, native to China, India, Malaysia. Phoenix flowers love sunlight, are afraid of moisture, heat and cold resistant; Sun-loving terrain and loose and fertile soils can grow in poorer soils. Its leaves are alternate, and the lowest lobes are sometimes opposite; The leaves are lanceolate, narrowly elliptic, or inverted-lanceolate. Flowers are solitary or 2~3 clusters born in leaf axils, without peduncles, white, pink or purple, single or double-petaled. The stems are stout, fleshy, erect, unbranched or branched, glabrous or sparsely hairy when young.

Henna, which has many uses. White phoenix fairy flower can treat nail fungus, and after fresh grass is mashed, it can treat swollen and painful skin and poisonous snake bites. Phoenix flowers can be made into bath essence, lipstick, hair dye, etc., and can also be made into tea.

Henna is an ornamental flower commonly used in parks, scenic spots and gardens, suitable for potted plants, but also for shaping, because of medicinal uses, families have cultivation.

Qingwei‖ henna in "Wonderland"
Qingwei‖ henna in "Wonderland"
Qingwei‖ henna in "Wonderland"

One Point Yungu Mountain People

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