
Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

author:Gu Ling

Dong Wenhua, a well-known soprano singer on the Chinese literary stage, a powerful diva of Chinese folk music on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for 13 consecutive years, and one of the most famous Chinese music superstars since the 80s of the 20th century.

Her songs such as "Fifteen Moons", "Stargazing Sky", "Bloodstained Style", "Today is Your Birthday, China", "The Great Wall Chief", "Spring Story" and other songs have swept at home and abroad.

Her songs have witnessed important changes since the reform and opening up, and she is also known as a "singer of the times".

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

In the early 90s of the 20th century, Dong Wenhua, as a member of the General Political Song and Dance Troupe, was invited to attend the opening ceremony of a company in Xiamen. After the performance, Dong Wenhua attended the appreciation dinner held by the company and took a group photo with everyone.

However, at that time, Dong Wenhua could not have imagined that at the peak of her career, she would ruin her career because of this photo.

In the face of overwhelming public opinion doubts, Dong Wenhua's reputation plummeted, and she was unable to argue, her career fell to the bottom, and finally had to temporarily withdraw from the music scene and disappeared from the public eye.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Dong Wenhua chose to retire and bid farewell to the stage temporarily, in fact, out of protection for his family, friends and his own career.

During his retirement, Dong Wenhua did not stop pursuing his dreams. Although society constantly questioned her, she did not passively accept the blame, but actively sought the opportunity for self-redemption.

In 2009, Dong Wenhua, Jackie Chan, Zhang Yimou and others won the title of "People's Favorite Artist". Dong Wenhua's artistic achievements and personality have finally been recognized by the world.

Over the years, what has Dong Wenhua experienced, allowing her to walk out of the trough with her perseverance and courage through ups and downs and shine again with dazzling light?

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Musical dreams in childhood

Dong Wenhua was born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1962, when his family already had three children, and the family was crammed into a small bungalow. But as the youngest child, Dong Wenhua has been pampered by a large family of children since childhood.

Dong Wenhua is a bright and lively child, but her parents are busy with work all year round and have no time to take care of her growth. Luckily, she has a caring and caring for her sister at all times.

Sister Dong Shuangqiu has a strong interest in music, often participates in various performances, and often sings to Dong Wenhua at home.

Whenever her sister stood on the stage, Dong Wenhua would listen to her singing with full attention.

My sister's singing voice is full of emotion and power, and is able to touch people's hearts. At that time, Dong Wenhua wanted to be like her sister, show her talent on the stage, and convey her emotions with her singing.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Under the influence of his sister, Dong Wenhua also gradually liked singing and gradually showed a unique singing talent.

In order to realize his dream, Dong Wenhua will find time every day to practice singing. In order to overcome his laziness, he let his father supervise him every day.

Like many parents now, although Dong Wenhua's father verbally agreed, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Children at this age often start things in a hurry, but they all end up in a hurry. Therefore, the people in the family did not think that Dong Wenhua's sudden burst of enthusiasm for singing could persist.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Although Dong Wenhua's family was skeptical that Dong Wenhua could hold on, she was not overwhelmed by her family's doubts. She threw herself into singing practice every day with amazing perseverance.

In order to have more time to practice, Dong Wenhua got up every day before dawn to practice songs. Sometimes when it rained, she persevered, took an umbrella and ran to the park to continue practicing.

Because Dong Wenhua often got up early to sing at home, worried that it would affect the rest of his neighbors, Dong Wenhua went to practice in an open space far from his home, singing until his voice was hoarse.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Seeing Dong Wenhua working so hard, Dong Wenhua's family no longer doubted her perseverance and began to support her to participate in various performances. From the neighbor's banquet performance to the official debut of the Children's Palace and other places, Dong Wenhua's vocal strength has also continued to improve.

In 1969, 7-year-old Dong Wenhua went to elementary school. Without classrooms, students sit around under a tree in the yard and watch as blackboards hang from the trees.

Dong Wenhua's classmate Shu Jinbiao still remembers that Dong Wenhua was the class president and literary committee member during primary school. Everyone can hear Dong Wenhua's sweet singing voice every day.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

After graduating from high school, he embarked on the path of music

Dong Wenhua ushered in an important turning point in his life when he was 15 years old.

In the winter of 1977, the propaganda team of the 39th Army of the Shenyang Military District recruited literary and artistic soldiers. When Dong Wenhua's parents learned about it, they immediately took Dong Wenhua to the club stage of the 115th Division to take the exam.

With hard practice and unique talent, Dong Wenhua was recognized by the judges before he finished singing a song. Because Dong Wenhua was only 15 years old at that time, her age did not meet the requirements, but the judges appreciated Dong Wenhua's moving singing voice very much, so they accepted her unexpectedly.

So Dong Wenhua officially became a literary soldier. In those days, this was an iron rice bowl that countless people envied, and the salary was under the control of the state, as well as subsidies and bonuses, which meant that there would be no more worries about life in the future.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Because of her cute baby face and lively and cheerful personality, Dong Wenhua is very popular in the propaganda team. Under the guidance of the professional teachers of the propaganda team, Dong Wenhua began to learn national singing, and his singing level improved by leaps and bounds

At that time, everyone in the team loved her as a little sister, but this age girl became the first person to enter the army song and dance troupe after the disbandment of the propaganda team by her own efforts.

In 1979, when the propaganda team was facing disbandment and everyone was looking for a way out for themselves, Dong Wenhua also felt confused and uneasy. However, she is not defeated by temporary difficulties, but is proactive in looking for new opportunities.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

She came across the recruitment information of the Shenyang Military Region Forward Song and Dance Troupe, which gave her new hope.

Dong Wenhua did not hesitate and immediately decided to go to participate in the selection. Participating in the recruitment and selection process is not easy, and Dong Wenhua faces fiercer competition and stricter judging standards.

However, Dong Wenhua's musical talent and stage expression were impressive, setting her apart from the crowd of candidates.

In the end, Dong Wenhua and her former colleague and later national first-class vocal actor Zhu Xiaohong were admitted to the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe. Soon after joining the troupe, Dong Wenhua was cultivated by the song and dance troupe because of his outstanding ability.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Dong Wenhua later recalled that she was trained as an opera singer: "I think this foundation is very important to me. Because as an opera singer, you are strict in all aspects, every morning when you get up is to practice, where it is not good, the teacher's little ruler 'snaps' up. ”

Even though she was beaten with her palms and ten fingers connected to her heart, making Dong Wenhua cry of pain, she never thought of giving up, but went back to continue to sing well, and strive to satisfy the teacher next time.

Dong Wenhua's first vocal teacher was called Lu Menglan. Years later, Lu Menglan still remembers that some students can't learn a song for a week, but Dong Wenhua can memorize it smoothly in one night.

On this day, Dong Wenhua finally waited for an opportunity to go out to perform, which also allowed her to meet love.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Participate in the group and meet love

In 1980, 18-year-old Dong Wenhua received his first confession from a boy named Zhang Nan, who worked as a tenor singer in the group.

Zhang Nan comes from a family of cadres, and the reason why he is attracted to Dong Wenhua comes from a condolence performance by the army.

When Dong Wenhua went to a military region to perform with the cultural troupe, the thin air in the plateau area caused many people to have altitude sickness. Despite the difficult environment, when it was Dong Wenhua's turn to perform, her singing voice was still soulful and full.

The soldiers in the audience were moved by her performance and booed her to sing another song. Dong Wenhua, who was only 18 years old, endured physical discomfort and sang several songs in a row.

At that time, Dong Wenhua's face was a little bruised due to lack of oxygen, and the host saved her from the stage.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

This scene deeply moved Zhang Nan, who was the tenor of the song and dance troupe, and he admired this little girl Dong Wenhua's passion and dedication to music, as well as her tenacity and courage in difficult circumstances.

He felt that this girl was really cute, and since then he has often taken care of Dong Wenhua in work and life, helping her solve small things in life, taking care of her daily needs, and gradually, the heart of care gradually turns into affection.

His actions were very obvious, and under everyone's jokes, Dong Wenhua also knew that someone was pursuing him. She responded: "I'm not an adult now, and the emotional thing is too early for me. ”

Although Zhang Nan quickly sensed his heartbeat, considering that Dong Wenhua was only 18 years old and his mind was not yet mature, Zhang Nan had to silently lock this feeling in his heart.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

As the days passed, Zhang Nan, who had been secretly admired, finally plucked up the courage to confess to Dong Wenhua.

Who knew that Dong Wenhua was silent for a while and told him: "I'm only 18 years old, and I don't want to fall in love so early." ”

Zhang Nan responded: "It's okay, I can wait for you for 5 years, if you are willing to accept me after 5 years, then I will marry you." ”

Dong Wenhua looked at Zhang Nan's sincere eyes, and his heart was actually moved, but he was still young at that time and had not yet made up his mind. She said: "It's really hard to say what will happen in 5 years, make this joke about your own life, do you really not regret it? ”

Zhang Nan said with a smile: "I will always guard you, not joking." My own life is my choice, and I don't regret it. Even if I wait until my hair turns gray, I am willing to wait for you! You just have to sing with confidence. ”

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

In this way, Dong Wenhua began her first love.

Every time no matter who goes to the army to perform, the one who stays in the regiment will find a way to make a long-distance call to the other party. Love has blossomed, and Dong Wenhua's singing career is about to start.

One summer in the early 80s of last century, the Forward Song and Dance Troupe held a joint theatrical performance, and Dong Wenhua was appreciated by the famous composer Tie Yuan.

After Dong Wenhua finished singing, Tie Yuan remembered the name Dong Wenhua. He felt that this girl's singing voice was full of emotions and beautiful timbre was very in line with the song he had just created.

Dong Wenhua saw that the well-known composer Teacher Tie Yuan was looking for him to talk about cooperation, and he was flattered and quickly agreed.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Back then, the technology wasn't as mature as it is now, and all songs had to be done all at once when they were recorded.

Everyone was ready to spend hours in the studio, but Dong Wenhua did it all at once, not only that, but she also recorded 5 other songs by the way.

As soon as "Fifteen Moons" was released, it immediately won people's love.

At the same time, this also attracted the attention of the Spring Festival Gala Organizing Committee, who invited Dong Wenhua to participate in the 1985 Spring Festival Gala and sing on the stage.

Dong Wenhua, who is only 22 years old, received an invitation to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, which is the biggest recognition and opportunity for her career, and she excitedly shared the good news with her lover Zhang Nan, and she has always remembered her agreement with Zhang Nan.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

After learning Dong Wenhua's good news, Zhang Nan was very happy and proud of her at first, but then he fell into deep thought.

He watched his beloved girl's career take off, while his own career stagnated and gradually felt inferior. He was worried that Dong Wenhua would change his mind because of the success of his career.

He was thinking, the young Dong Wenhua has achieved such great achievements, and his career will definitely be more brilliant in the future, is that Dong Wenhua still able to see himself?

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Dong Wenhua inadvertently knew Zhang Nan's thoughts. However, Dong Wenhua is not the kind of person who thinks differently.

She is well aware of Zhang Nan's dedication to herself over the years, and believes that whether she is at the trough or at the peak, Zhang Nan will always be by her side.

Dong Wenhua told Zhang Nan that she had not forgotten the agreement between them, and that she was 22 years old and it was time to consider marriage.

In this way, the two married in 1984.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Climb the Spring Festival Gala and become famous overnight

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, and watching the Spring Festival Gala is also an indispensable program for Chinese Spring Festival, and the programs broadcast on the Spring Festival must be carefully rehearsed after strict screening.

But there was one year of the Spring Festival Gala that was a disaster - that is, the Spring Festival Gala in 1985.

After the Spring Festival Gala was broadcast in 1985, the program group of the Spring Festival Gala received two sacks of complaints, and the news network publicly apologized to the national audience.

In order to make the Spring Festival Gala more exciting, the director of the Spring Festival Gala decided to change the performance venue of the Spring Festival Gala.

Because the mainland held a grand modern military parade in 1984 and the Los Angeles Olympics in the United States were also huge, Huang Yihe felt that it was too shabby to hold the Spring Festival Gala in a studio that could only accommodate a few hundred spectators, while the Beijing Workers' Gymnasium, which could accommodate nearly 20,000 people, was a lot more magnificent at once.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

However, although the idea was good, the reality was cruel, the lighting technology was limited, the scene looked gray, and the audience could not see the well-designed set at all.

Not only the lighting, but also the outdated command failure due to the backward communication equipment at that time, which was not enough to support a large live TV program.

The whole party was almost out of control, completely without the orderly state of the previous two Spring Festival Galas. It was a cold winter moon, the temperature at night was as low as minus ten degrees, the stadium could not provide heating, and all the cast and crew were shivering.

But Dong Wenhua used his soulful voice to interpret a song "Fifteen Moons", which touched the hearts of all audiences.

Her singing is not only the expression of music, but also the transmission of emotions, which can immerse the audience and feel the beauty and resonance brought by music.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

The hard work paid off, and Dong Wenhua's more than ten years of hard work and persistence finally ushered in a harvest moment.

This song "Fifteen Moons" made Dong Wenhua popular overnight. She also became the most popular singer of that era.

After the explosion, Dong Wenhua became a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala, and from 1992 to the millennium, she contributed countless classic works to everyone on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

In 1993, Dong Wenhua became pregnant. Although Dong Wenhua is in the rising stage of his career, the recovery period for pregnancy and childbirth is very long, which will delay many jobs. Dong Wenhua still chose to give birth to his son Zhang Zhaonian with her husband.

In the year the child was born, the country began to hold music awards. Dong Wenhua won the first singing gold award with a song "The Great Wall Long", and in the following 4 years, she won the laurels consecutively, becoming the "five-crown champion" of both virtue and art.

In 1994, Dong Wenhua sang the representative song of China's reform and opening up, "The Story of Spring".

With this classic song, Dong Wenhua has successively won the gold award of the second CCTV Music and TV Competition, the sixth Wuyi Project Award of the Central Propaganda Department, the Golden Bell Award and other awards, becoming the song with the most national awards.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

At the peak of his career, he retired from the music scene

There are many popular people, and Dong Wenhua, who has received widespread attention with "The Story of Spring", will inevitably face all kinds of criticism.

In 2000, Dong Wenhua was involved in a major case at that time, which caused controversy among countless netizens.

Some people say that she and the boss behind the case are lovers, and others say that Dong Wenhua himself is the real murderer behind the scenes. Although Dong Wenhua has repeatedly issued articles clarifying that he has nothing to do with this time, he cannot prove his innocence.

Dong Wenhua's friends and colleagues chose Mingzhe to save her life, and only Cai Guoqing complained for her at that time. After all, people only want to believe what they hear.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

More and more gossip made her reputation plummet, and CCTV terminated its cooperation with her.

Dong Wenhua's so-called "scandal" has been rumored, and Dong Wenhua is more worried about the impact of public opinion on her family than rumors that may destroy her career.

Because of this incident, Dong Wenhua suffered a huge blow in his heart. Fortunately, her husband Zhang Nan and her son's unconditional support have been silently accompanying her to get out of this haze.

Until later, the real culprit behind the scenes was arrested, pointing out that this matter had nothing to do with Dong Wenhua. Everyone realized that they really blamed her, but the result could not be changed, and Dong Wenhua's career had been greatly affected.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

Until 2008, Dong Wenhua and his sister, who had been silent for a long time, made a public appearance at the recording site of Hunan Satellite TV's special party to commemorate the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up. After the performance, the Dong Wenhua sisters quickly left, and did not respond to the media's questions.

Later, Dong Wenhua also appeared from time to time, but only symbolically stepped down from the stage for activities organized by the unit, and rarely opened his voice and sang.

In 2019, Dong Wenhua cooperated with his juniors to release a new song, which attracted widespread media attention, because in Dong Wenhua's years of low-key life, this is one of the few high-profile publicity.

Dong Wenhua: He became popular at the age of 22, retired at the age of 38, and his husband has been with him for 39 years without abandoning him

On May 1, 2023, 61-year-old Dong Wenhua held a concert for the 45th anniversary of entering the music scene in Guangzhou, and she announced her comeback with full spirit.

Unfettered by past failures, she bravely took steps towards a comeback. This strength and determination is admirable.

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