
At the end of the summer Games, the Baiyun border inspection inspected nearly 1.8 million people entering and exiting the country

From July 1st to August 31st, the 62-day summer season came to an end. The reporter learned from the Baiyun entry-exit border checkpoint on August 31 that during the summer Festival, nearly 1.8 million people and more than 13,000 inbound and outbound flights were inspected at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport Port. Among them, 1.3 million Chinese citizens entered and exited, accounting for more than 76%.

At the end of the summer Games, the Baiyun border inspection inspected nearly 1.8 million people entering and exiting the country

Baiyun Border Inspection introduced that due to the continuous resumption and increase of international flights, as well as the superposition of cross-border commerce, study abroad, travel and family visits, large-scale events and other types of inbound and outbound passenger flows, at present, the average daily number of inbound and outbound passengers at Baiyun Airport Port is about 31,000.

During this year's summer Games, in order to maintain national political security and the overall stability of the port, the Baiyun Border Checkpoint carried out in-depth summer public security crackdown and rectification operations, severely cracked down on all kinds of cross-border illegal and criminal activities at the port, and ensured the smooth operation of the port. Since the summer Festival, the cumulative investigation and handling of various illegal entry and exit cases at the port has increased by 13.4% month-on-month.

At the end of the summer Games, the Baiyun border inspection inspected nearly 1.8 million people entering and exiting the country

At the same time, the station actively coordinates with airports, airlines and port joint inspection units, always pays attention to the impact of extreme weather such as heavy rain and typhoons in Guangdong during the summer Olympics, constantly improves various emergency plans, real-time dynamic deployment of police forces, strictly implements the commitment of Chinese citizens to queue for inspection for no more than 30 minutes, and repeatedly launches the "Green Channel for Life" to provide nearly 20 injured and sick passengers and their families with temperature and speed of customs clearance guarantees, in order to maintain the safety and stability of national ports, serve social and economic development, Ensure the safety of people's lives and property, actively contribute to border inspection forces, and transmit the warmth of the country.

At the end of the summer Games, the Baiyun border inspection inspected nearly 1.8 million people entering and exiting the country

Text/Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng reporter Zhang Danyang Correspondents Deng Chao and Lin Shengmin

Photo: Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng reporter Qiu Weirong Correspondent Li Fengjun

[ Editor: He Wenbiao ]