
Prigozhin's funeral was held in a low-key manner, the Russian side dissociated itself, and the White House once again hinted that the Croatian palace was responsible for this




Prigozhin's funeral was held in a low-key manner, the Russian side dissociated itself, and the White House once again hinted that the Croatian palace was responsible for this

However, the funeral event was surprisingly low-key, almost sloppy, and completely devoid of the atmosphere of the heroic funeral previously claimed by Wagner! According to Russian media, citing sources, according to the wishes of the family, Prigoren was buried without external propaganda. According to the Associated Press, Prigozhin's grave was lit with flowers, a Russian flag and a black flag of the Wagner Group, as well as a wooden cross.

Prigozhin's funeral was held in a low-key manner, the Russian side dissociated itself, and the White House once again hinted that the Croatian palace was responsible for this

It is also reported that the funeral was carried out under the watchful eye of the Russian National Guard, and only about 20 to 30 people attended the 40-minute funeral, all dressed in civilian clothes; Visitors were allowed to leave after the cemetery was closed. 此前‬,克宫发言人佩斯科夫表示,俄罗斯总统普京不会参加普里戈任的葬礼,克宫没有关于普里戈任葬礼计划的任何具体信息,一切安排均由其亲属决定。

Prigozhin's funeral was held in a low-key manner, the Russian side dissociated itself, and the White House once again hinted that the Croatian palace was responsible for this

In this way, the funeral is very low-key, and everything has nothing to do with the Kegong! However, the United States once again expressed serious doubts. 据路透社报道,同一天‬白宫新闻秘书卡里娜·让-皮埃尔说:“我们都知道克里姆林宫有着杀死对手的长久历史。 What happened here is obvious. ”媒体‬评论‬‬认为‬,这‬近乎‬直接‬指责‬俄方‬要‬为此‬负责‬!

Prigozhin's funeral was held in a low-key manner, the Russian side dissociated itself, and the White House once again hinted that the Croatian palace was responsible for this

Prior to this, Western politicians, intelligence agencies and the media had repeatedly hinted that the Russians had ordered Prigozhin to be killed in punishment for an attempted mutiny in June. And the Kremlin categorically denies this, calling this and many other similar claims outright lies!

It seems that with the end of the funeral, Prigozhin's death has come to an end here. But the mysteries surrounding the incident still need to be solved; And the legend of the spy will not stop! Even as for real death and fake death, it is still a mystery!

Prigozhin's funeral was held in a low-key manner, the Russian side dissociated itself, and the White House once again hinted that the Croatian palace was responsible for this

According to Peskov, it is important to wait for the results of various tests, as well as the results of their investigations. So, will the truth come to fruition? Not necessarily!