
The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

author:Xuanxuan avH9
The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

text| Xuanxuan avH9

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Three foreign presidents who strongly supported China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and openly called for the mainland and the West in the international community, one of whom claimed to be a "Chinese son-in-law"

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

When the United States launched sanctions against Huawei Group, one of them supported Huawei with practical actions, although he was in the camp of the US alliance, but he was doing the thing of "being in Cao Ying's heart in Han".

The most shocking thing is that the last person from the iron-fisted president to exile, even if he is sentenced to death, does not want to cause China a little trouble.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

First, the successor of "Merkel"

Armin Laschet, Governor of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, is a candidate for chancellor chosen by the top leadership of the CDU and former chairman of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany.

From the son of a miner at the bottom, he successfully counterattacked into a good leader in the mouths of the people, perfectly interpreting what it means to serve the whole people, and not be humble or arrogant in the face of the threat issued by Lao Mei.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Armin Laschet's father was an ordinary coal miner, and his daily job was to gamble his life and luck, and if he was a little careless, he might never see the sun outside.

His father's poor working environment alerted Armin Laschet to move forward, and Laschet's academic performance was always at the top, and he was finally admitted to the University of Munich with excellent grades.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

The status of this university in Germany is like that of Tsinghua University and Peking University in the mainland, where a large number of elite talents are gathered and are the best place to improve themselves.

Armin Laschet, who has just come of age, joined the CDU party, and he has to start from the bottom step by step, methodically carry out his political career, and down-to-earth is the shortcut to success.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

After graduating, Amin Laschet, who worked in the local news organization, often participated in the Catholic community and saw the most real life of the people at the bottom.

During a volunteer trip, Amin Laschet met a noble man who was both his wife and his political leader.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Armin Laschet's wife has a very strong family background, and his father-in-law appreciates Amin Laschet's work and begins to pave the way for his future son-in-law.

In 1994, Amin Laschet entered Congress as a member of Congress, and was transferred to the state government as a leader because of his excellent work.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Armin Laschet, who has become a rising star in politics, has always kept serving the people in mind, and his dedication is favored by Merkel, who has the title of "Iron Lady".

Merkel is a role model for Armin Laschet, because during her 16 years in Germany, she has been highly satisfied and internationally famous.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

In 2005, Laschet was transferred to work in Reinstefalia, Germany's industrial hinterland and known as the business capital of Europe, which is a testament to how capable Laschet can work.

He has continuously strengthened cooperation with the mainland, led 218 mainland investment projects in Germany, the trade volume between China and Germany is 205.7 billion euros, and more than 1,000 Chinese enterprises have taken root in Germany.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

When the United States launched sanctions against the mainland Huawei, many Western countries chose to remain silent, and only Amin Laschet stood up to support Huawei and publicly welcomed Huawei to Germany.

Because Armin Laschet knows that although Germany and the United States share a common value base, they have their own opinions and know that cooperation with China can achieve a win-win situation.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Second, Southeast Asian "madmen"

He holds the high position of Cambodia's prime minister, but insists that he is "China's son-in-law", and he has the title of a tiger in his external governance, openly calling out the United States and the European Union, but showing a rare tender side to the mainland.

Hun Sen, born in Cambodia on August 5, 1952, his father is a Chinese in Chaozhou, Guangdong, and has been the leader of the Cambodian government since 1985 and is currently the chairman of the Cambodian People's Party.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Under the influence of the sea trend, in order to let the family live a happy life, Hun Sen's father brought the family to Cambodia, where they were not familiar with life.

In order to solve the daily food and clothing problem of the family, Hun Sen had to work in the temple to earn money. This life continued until he was 13 years old, when Cambodia was in turmoil.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

At that time, the Prime Minister of Cambodia, taking advantage of the king's visit to other countries, with the support of the United States, incited the army to launch a military coup, and the king immediately gathered the patriotic people to resist.

Hun Sen decisively signed up for the army after learning of such patriotic behavior, when he was just an ordinary soldier, and after seven years of hard work, he became the deputy commander of the reinforced regiment.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

It is said that the battlefield is cruel, and during a battle, Hun Sen was unfortunately hit by an enemy shell, and the shrapnel of the bomb seriously injured his eye and was urgently transferred to the rear hospital for treatment.

As the saying goes, "Seon loses his horse and knows that it is not a blessing", and during Hun Sen's recuperation, he married his wife, and both had a common characteristic, both of which were of Chinese ancestry.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

By 1979, the Khmer Rouge regime had been overthrown, the Revolutionary Committee of the People's Republic of Kampuchea was established, and Hun Sen was appointed as a member of the committee.

He was derided as a "one-eyed servant," but Hun Sen saw this as a motivation for his own struggle, and soon moved into the political heart and began serving as Cambodia's prime minister.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

At this time, the country was facing a situation of internal and external troubles, and the Vietnamese army, which helped them start their own business, wanted to stay in Cambodia and not leave, and some remnants were about to move.

In such a situation of double threat, as long as one step is not taken, Hun Sen's political career may be ruined, so he began to run between various forces.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Unlike some other leaders, Hun Sen did not use force to solve the problem, but used peaceful means to solve the problem, which largely won the hearts and minds of the people.

After receiving the support of the King of Cambodia, Hun Sen officially became the Prime Minister of Cambodia, at this time he realized his dream and finally stood at the peak of his life.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Under Hun Sen's drastic reforms, Cambodia's economy is rising step by step, and he has formulated some very favorable policies, such as simplifying import and export procedures at border crossings, so that more people are willing to do business in Cambodia.

On the South China Sea issue in 2016, when many countries united to suppress us, Hun Sen chose to disagree and stand firmly in support of China.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Even after Japan's threat, Hun Sen's attitude of supporting China has not changed, and what makes us most gratifying is that Hun Sen directly announced the termination of cooperation with the US Navy in order to punish the United States for suppressing China.

It should be known that Japan has assisted Cambodia with as much as $3 billion, and Japan has donated $100 million to Hun Sen's government in order to bribe and co-opt Hun Sen.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Even so, Hun Sen still chooses to help China as always, which can make Japan angry, and in the face of the continuous wooing of the United States, Hun Sen has always insisted on his position and supported China on the international stage.

When the new crown epidemic swept the world, Western countries led by the United States slandered the mainland, and Hun Sen visited the mainland as soon as he knew about it, and hit the West in the face with practical actions.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

3. Defender of China-Pakistan friendship

Musharraf was the most pro-Chinese president in Pakistan's history, and when Musharraf was born, India was a British colony.

When Musharraf became an adult, he joined the Pakistan Army, and in the face of devilish training, he never flinched, but constantly demanded of himself.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

As the saying goes, "Heaven will not fail those who work hard", Musharraf quickly emerged from the military academy and was awarded the Order of Warrior for his outstanding performance.

Over the next six years, Musharraf gained great prestige in the army, rising to major general in 1991 and lieutenant general in just four years.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

After Musharraf became the leader of the army, he and the prime minister of the time had political disputes, at a time when Pakistan was in an eventful period, and there were repeated rumors of coups.

But the storm still came, and when Musharraf was visiting other countries, Pakistan's prime minister suddenly and publicly announced that General Pervez Musharraf, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Army Staff, would retire early and be replaced by another lieutenant general, ordering the order to take effect in time that afternoon.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

The whole country knows that Musharraf was removed, only Musharraf on the plane knows nothing. It wasn't until his plane was about to land, but was told by the ground airport that he was forbidden to land, that he understood what was going on.

At this point, he was caught in a dilemma, because the fuel for the plane was no longer enough, and he immediately decided to stage a coup d'état and ordered the ground troops to occupy the airport.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Musharraf gave the order to immediately seal the border and prevent anyone from leaving the country, and in the evening television suddenly announced that the prime minister's government had been dissolved.

Musharraf, who came to power by relying on the coup, did not forget his original intention, and he began his own pace of reform and strength, and the first thing he did after coming to power was to change his governing strategy.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

Under Musharraf's leadership, Pakistan's domestic economy revived, the living standards of the people also improved, and relations with other countries improved, especially with the mainland as "brothers".

On May 12, 2008, the day after the devastating earthquake struck Wenchuan, Sichuan, Musaraf rushed to the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan and sincerely told the staff: "Pakistan will provide what China needs."

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

He then transferred all four Pakistani transport planes to help China, and in order to transport as many materials as possible to China's disaster areas, he even used his own presidential plane, and removed the seats on the special plane to make more space.

In order to provide a place for the people in the disaster area to rest, Pakistan brought all the tents in the country, and in addition to relief materials, Musharraf also sent a medical rescue team to the disaster area.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

On 16 April 2008, the Beijing Olympic torch relay was held in Pakistan, attended by Musharraf and the Prime Minister at the same time, a high level of treatment that only occurs when greeting foreign dignitaries.

When China's projects in Pakistan were attacked by armed forces, Musharraf specially ordered that China's projects in Pakistan be guaranteed first-class to ensure that nothing Chinese was lost.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian

In August 2008, Musharraf resigned from office due to impeachment, and he subsequently received a death verdict, and according to his friendship with the mainland, he could come to the mainland.

When asked by reporters what he did not know about China, Musharraf said that the new leader was also pro-China and did not want to undermine the deep friendship between the two countries because of his personal actions.

The three foreign presidents who strongly support China, "anti-American and pro-China" is their governing philosophy, and they are more affectionate than Jinjian


Today, China has completely awakened, is the world's second largest economy, and its influence in the world is getting higher and higher, and I believe that it will develop better and better in the future.

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