
Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Hopefully, hopefully, the divine beast is finally about to start school! However, before the old mother could rejoice, she was bald by a notice from the parent group.

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Image source: Parent Group

"Everyone treated this flag-raising ceremony as a practical activity, as a project."

"Information and everything, everyone to collect, to find, need everyone to come up with advice."

Seeing this, the parents in front of the screen are confused: there is no plan, no formal content, no specific requirements, what do we want us to do? Collecting information doesn't seem to help much, right?

Further down, "I don't have anything here, the school only gives a theme", and the teacher seems to be quite helpless.

A search on the Internet, it turned out that it was not only me who was hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony"! More and more teachers and parents are wasting energy and brain cells for the bells and whistles of the "opening ceremony".

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Image source: Little Red Book @momo1133

Balloons, pulling flowers, small snacks, teachers and parents have worked hard to make the classroom like a party, the start of school like a carnival, the children have eaten, played, and left nothing meaningful.

Some teachers also responded that the school did not have special funds, but asked teachers to hold the opening ceremony, and teachers and parents could only pay for it themselves. The front foot raises money to buy gifts, and the back foot pays for the ceremony, and the money that the old mother does not want to spend has increased!

What is even more crushing is that in addition to the sense of opening ceremony, the school also has a sense of Mid-Autumn Festival ritual, a sense of Teachers' Day ritual, a sense of National Day ritual, a sense of Chongyang Festival ritual, and a sense of New Year ritual...

It's better for parents to stop doing anything else in the second half of the year and start an event planning company together.

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Image source: Group Chat

Parents complain is one thing, calm down and think, is the opening ceremony good or bad? What kind of ritual does a child need?


A sense of ceremony to make a good start to the new semester

The sense of opening ceremony has not only emerged in the past two years, but has existed since ancient times. In ancient times, the opening ceremony, together with the coming-of-age ceremony, wedding, and funeral ceremony, was collectively known as the "Four Rites of Life", which shows the importance of the opening ceremony.

In ancient times, when children entered private school, they needed to dress properly, worship the teacher, and clean their hands and meditate, and the teacher would dip a brush in cinnabar and draw a red dot between the schoolchildren's eyebrows, which means "enlightening wisdom".

These steps may seem cumbersome, but they are a symbol of respect for the teacher, which not only reflects the importance that the ancients attached to academics, but also means a change in the child's identity.

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Source: Visual China

The famous anthropologist Victor Turner believes that "ritual is the transition stage, the intermediate state, in which people are transformed from one state to another." ”

In this sense, a sense of ritual helps to allow children to quickly transition from holiday to learning and prepare themselves physically and mentally for the new semester.

In the memories of our generation, on the first day of school, students would clean the classroom, the class teacher would hold a class meeting for the whole class, and they would collect holiday homework and distribute textbooks for the new semester.

Students working together and cleaning their own learning environment can increase their sense of belonging and identity to the class.

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Image source: TV series "Youth Pi"

Through class meetings, teachers can put forward requirements for the new semester to students, and conduct ideological education and behavioral habit education. In the class meeting, everyone can share the new skills they have learned during the holidays, which can also enhance their understanding of the classmates and enhance their feelings for the class.

The opening ceremony is not a bad thing, as long as the method and form are appropriate, the ceremony is also an indispensable way of education.


Don't throw away "lizi" for the sake of "face"

Many parents said that what they dislike is not the sense of ritual, but the chaos in the "sense of school opening ceremony", and oppose some ritual senses that form is greater than content.

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Image source: Xiaohongshu @ Hangzhou Roll Not Roll

For example, some classes set up the classroom with bells and whistles, and bought a bunch of snacks and drinks, which looked beautiful, and the children had a good time, but did not play any educational role.

There are also some opening ceremonies, there is a situation of "wrong text", it is said that it is to cultivate students' ability to find and solve problems, but the form of activities is chat and play. To ask the child what he has learned, it is even more difficult to ask.

Such a "sense of school opening ceremony" is a pure "face project", which not only cannot play a transitional role, but also allows children to develop bad study habits and behavioral habits.

On the one hand, children come to school and only care about eating, drinking, playing and playing, and they will not pay attention to class at all.

Schools are places where people are taught and educated, and classrooms are places where classes are learned, not for parties. If there is too much emphasis on play, children will confuse the true meaning of the classroom, thinking that everything can be done in the classroom, and the difficulty of classroom management by teachers will skyrocket.

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Image source: TV series "Youth Pi"

More worryingly, children may develop the habit of comparison. Classes are engaged in opening ceremonies, and there are so many posts on the Internet about "opening ceremonies" that it is easy to show gaps if children compare with the opening ceremonies of other classes.

Some children did not understand the meaning behind the ceremony, and only saw that the classmates in the next class had a table of opening gifts, but they only had a small greeting card, so they lost their temper and were reluctant.

Over time, children have more and more requirements for the start of school, but their autonomy and self-drive are getting worse and worse.


Returning to the classroom is the best sense of ritual

The chaos of the opening ceremony was frequent, and even CCTV could not sit still, and issued a sharp comment: "The sense of the opening ceremony focuses on the opening of school, not the ceremony." ”

Indeed, the school is a place where virtue is cultivated, and any activity inside and outside the classroom must be carried out around this core purpose.

Although the opening ceremony is not a regular teaching activity, it should also serve the purpose of educating people, focusing on cultivating children's positive thinking and morality, and teaching children some knowledge that cannot be learned in books.

Therefore, the sense of school opening ceremony should focus on the beginning of school and the task of returning to the classroom, placing the child in the main position of learning and activities, and designing the ceremony around the child's needs.

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Image source: TV series "Youth Pi"

The sense of ritual is not only reflected in school, at home, parents can also accompany their children to do these things, making the start of school more ceremonial:

● Talk to your child about school

● Check holiday homework and take stock of holiday harvests

● Make a study plan for the new semester with your child

● Pack book covers, buy stationery, pack school bags

● Write a letter to your future self

● Make an agreement with your classmates on what to do when school starts

Parents accompany their children to do this, believing that their children have the ability to prepare for the start of school and meet new life and challenges.

Parents who are hit by the "sense of school opening ceremony", don't lose their lips for the sake of face

Image source:

There is a hot question online: "Why do people need a sense of ritual?" ”

Gaozan replied: "The sense of ritual marks the spiritual connotation behind every ordinary day and action. ”

The beginning of school requires a sense of ritual, and children also need a sense of ritual to mark its special significance for learning and the campus, but it should not be at the expense of teachers and parents, nor should the real needs of children be ignored.

Simple but not simple, solemn and meaningful, is the sense of ritual that parents and children need.