
Review Huawei charges patent licensing fees, $2.50 to move whose cake


In the global technology sector, the collection of patent licensing fees has always been a common business practice. However, after Huawei began to collect patent licensing fees, it caused a series of puzzling phenomena. This move once again focuses on 5G technology, especially the $2.50 per device licensing rate, raising questions about what divine power has been touched.

The tech community is well known that patent licensing is an important way to make money. Many Western companies make a lot of money from licensing patents. There are even some companies that make huge sums of money by extorting royalties from large companies in the form of so-called "patent trolls".

Review Huawei charges patent licensing fees, $2.50 to move whose cake

However, Huawei is not quite the same as these companies. Although Huawei has been among the top in the world in terms of the number of patents and core patented technologies in recent years, unlike many companies, Huawei has not used these patents for too much profit, especially in the field of 5G. This point has puzzled many people, since Huawei has many 5G patents, why not charge American companies?

In response to this question, Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei provided an explanation. He said that in the past few years, Huawei has been busy with scientific research, diversified layout and expansion of overseas markets, resulting in the company not having enough energy to manage patent affairs. This also presents an opportunity for some Western companies to benefit from it.

Review Huawei charges patent licensing fees, $2.50 to move whose cake

However, Huawei recently announced details of patent licensing rates in areas such as smartphones, IoT, and WIFI. In the smartphone space, licensing fees are capped at $1.50 for 4G phones and $2.50 for 5G phones. According to the data, Huawei earned $560 million in revenue through patent licensing in 2022.

It is worth noting that Huawei's start of collecting patent fees is an encouraging measure, marking Huawei's ability to use legal means to protect its own rights and interests, and also a manifestation of its awareness of patent protection. This approach is worthy of emulation by other Chinese companies, and it also provides a powerful counterweight to Western companies. However, the situation has unexpectedly evolved. Public opinion was in an uproar, 5G has once again become a hot topic, and the public's attention has once again shifted to the topics of "when will Huawei launch 5G mobile phones" and "whether Huawei Mate60 series supports 5G". As if "making matters worse", the situation seems to be "opening new wounds".

Review Huawei charges patent licensing fees, $2.50 to move whose cake

However, the story is not over. Many netizens not only questioned, but also carried sarcasm and blame. Some even blamed Huawei for the poor 5G experience. However, the reality is that Huawei has always been a leader in the field of 5G. Nevertheless, due to various pressures, Huawei was forced to retreat to the 4G era, and the 5G experience was not as good as expected, which is not Huawei's own fault.

Looking back at Huawei's development history, praise and slander have also affected Huawei's growth. As Chinese, we should look at the problem in a neutral manner and give necessary support to domestic enterprises. After all, Huawei has made great contributions to China's scientific and technological progress. In the past decade, Huawei has invested up to 977.3 billion yuan in scientific research funding. Isn't this enough to win the respect and support of the countrymen?

Review Huawei charges patent licensing fees, $2.50 to move whose cake

In short, excessive hype and groundless accusations are undesirable. When Chinese enterprises encounter difficulties, the Chinese people should be more united. Huawei itself is under great pressure, especially in the field of 5G mobile phones. Various rumors and doubts from the outside world have made Huawei a "target". From Huawei's own interests, they are eager to launch 5G mobile phones. As long as the time is ripe, Huawei will return to the top, without being disturbed by the outside world, just wait for good news. What is your opinion on this? Welcome to leave a comment!

Review Huawei charges patent licensing fees, $2.50 to move whose cake

At the same time, however, more voices began to emerge, no longer just questioning and blaming. Some rational voices have gradually emerged on the Internet, trying to defend Huawei, while also calling on the public to treat the problem more objectively and fairly.

First, many believe that Huawei began charging patent licensing fees out of legitimate commercial considerations and self-protection. For a long time, Huawei has been committed to technological innovation and R&D investment, especially in the field of 5G, and has actively explored and possessed a large number of core patents. However, if these patents are not reasonably rewarded, it will weaken Huawei's enthusiasm for innovation, and may even expose it to the risk of technology abuse and infringement. Therefore, collecting reasonable patent licensing fees can help protect Huawei's technological achievements, safeguard its own interests, and promote the sustainable development of the industry.

Review Huawei charges patent licensing fees, $2.50 to move whose cake

Second, for the 5G experience is not as expected, some believe that this is not to blame Huawei. In fact, the practical application of 5G technology is also constrained by a variety of factors, including network infrastructure and signal coverage. As a technology provider, Huawei has made great efforts in technological innovation, but it cannot completely influence the development process of the entire ecosystem. Therefore, it would be unfair to blame Huawei entirely for the poor 5G experience.

Review Huawei charges patent licensing fees, $2.50 to move whose cake

Behind all this, Huawei, as a Chinese technology giant, has been under great pressure and challenges. For a long time, Huawei has been in the spotlight on the international stage, receiving attention and surveillance from many parties. However, Huawei still adheres to technological innovation and open cooperation to provide high-quality products and services to users around the world. This persistence is not only the pursuit of its own development, but also a contribution to global scientific and technological progress.

In summary, Huawei's move to collect patent licensing fees, while causing a series of controversies, in a broader context, demonstrates a company's reasonable business practices. We should view Huawei's move in a rational manner and not interpret it too emotionally or one-sidedly. At the same time, as Chinese people, we should give more understanding and support to domestic enterprises, encourage them to continue to move forward in international competition, and make greater contributions to the rise of China's science and technology.

Review Huawei charges patent licensing fees, $2.50 to move whose cake

In the future, Huawei may usher in new challenges and opportunities, but in any case, it will continue to play an important role in the field of technology. We look forward to Huawei's performance in the 5G field, and believe that it can continue to lead the development of the industry and bring more surprises and breakthroughs to the world."

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