
The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings

author:Gangnam Book
The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings



As the saying goes, mentality determines state, and state determines success or failure.

A man, mighty and mighty, the most important thing is to have an optimistic attitude. There is sunshine in the heart, green water and green mountains everywhere, and birds and flowers.

Such a person can also see the stars in the mud ditch, and can smell the fragrance of the future in the sweat.

As the saying goes, balance of mind is the key.

Put suffering under your feet, put a smile on your lips, be full of fighting spirit, and move forward courageously, and good wishes will surely come true.

The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings


Release emotions.

Really powerful people are always emotionally stable and steady. However, they never suppress their emotions.

Crying when it's time to cry, laughing when it's time to laugh, naturally. When emotions are released, people will be relaxed and happy, and change the world.

Andy Lau sang, "Men cry, it's not sin"!

When a person is depressed and depressed, he will secrete an adrenaline, commonly known as "psychotoxin", which makes people painful and anxious, mentally lonely, endangers health, and reduces life expectancy.

At this time, it is necessary to release emotions.

Do a hearty workout, a stormy cry, and let these liquids wash away toxins and excrete them from the body.

The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings


Happy exercise.

Exercise, not only need to persist, but also for a long time, can not dragonflies a little water, can not be exposed to ten cold.

Studies have found that after running for 15 minutes, the happy hormone "endorphins" in the body begin to secrete, making people passionate and energetic.

Leonardo da Vinci said that sport is the source of all life.

Exercise makes people smarter, more beautiful, more attractive.

Find a movement pattern that suits you, and if you do it consistently, you will definitely get good results.

Get moving, more exciting!

The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings


Be content and grateful.

Contentment and gratitude go hand in hand. Contented people are easily grateful, and equally grateful people are easily content.

The ancients clouded, the contented are rich, and the grateful are blessed.

Medical studies have shown that the happiness index is highest for people who are easily satisfied in the current life; People who are always full of gratitude in their hearts are more likely to be happy and smile often.

Such people have a common feature, that is, longevity.

In their eyes, every flower and grass has poetry; A porridge and a meal are hard-won; Every wisp is exchanged for labor; Overnight, there are all kinds of fun.

The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings


Stop smoking and limit alcohol.

Smoking is a bad habit. The cigarette box reads: Smoking is harmful to health. However, smokers still went forward and followed, and one after another.

Experts pointed out that smoking can induce a variety of cancers, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory and digestive tract diseases, etc.

The World Health Organization once released a data: 80% of lung cancers are caused by smoking.

Moreover, smoking will also cause adverse effects on others, and friends who are addicted to smoking are best to quit as soon as possible.

Drinking alcohol in moderation has certain benefits for the body. Excessive alcohol abuse is the enemy of health. Control yourself is the king.

The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings


Soak up the sun.

As the saying goes, all things grow by the sun.

The sun is truly a magical thing, giving people light, warmth, hope, and a bright mood and high ambitions.

Studies have found that people who regularly bask in the sun are more likely to be optimistic and cheerful and have a good attitude.

In addition, sun exposure can also prevent skin diseases and help the body synthesize vitamin D, which is equivalent to self-supplementation of calcium.

Of course, there is also a lot of attention to basking in the sun, the sun is mild, and the environment is clean and elegant and the best. Do not expose to the sun and beware of skin burns.

The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings


Pamper your feet.

The folk proverb says that soaking your feet before going to bed is better than taking sleeping pills.

Soaking your feet before going to bed is the best care for your feet, and with meridian point massage, it can play a role in ventilating blood and keeping warm. In the ancients, this was a way to nourish the kidneys.

The medical book says, "The kidney comes from the spring, and the spring is also full of heart."

The kidneys originate from the soles of the feet, and because the feet are farthest from the heart, the supply of blood gas is often insufficient and it is easy to be attacked by cold.

Soaking the feet plays a role in dredging the upper and lower levels, the qi and blood are smooth, and the health is not abandoned.

As the saying goes, the roots of the tree grow old first, and the old people grow old first.

Taking good care of your feet is good for prolonging life.

The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings



We all know that water is the source of life.

About 70% of human tissues are composed of water, and insufficient water will make the turbidity in the body retained, increase the burden on the kidneys, and cause a variety of diseases.

Therefore, regular drinking water is also an important way to nourish the kidneys.

In addition, timely replenishment of water can dilute the blood, moisturize the stomach, eliminate a variety of garbage toxins, make the body's metabolism balanced, and the organs run freely.

If you get good moisture, people will be rosy, full of spirit, look vigorous and youthful.

The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings


Get a good night's sleep.

Modern people have a fast pace of life, all kinds of pressure, often stay up late and work overtime, and all kinds of entertainment come and go.

Irregular life is a key factor in causing disease.

Among them, poor sleep accounts for a large proportion.

Scientific research has found that sleeping eight hours a day, plus an hour and a half lunch break, is the "gold standard" of sleep and an important condition for prolonging life.

Some people warn the people who stay up late: You are not staying up at night, but life!

Staying up late will cause dozens of diseases and is the enemy of health.

The world recognizes the top 10 "health secrets": with more than 8 rules, they are all kings


Eat well.

The people take food as the sky.

Eating is always the top priority of living.

Can eat, slim and healthy and live a long life; Can't eat, fat head and big ears, bloated, full of diseases.

Regular and quantitative, chewing slowly and swallowing, cereals and grains, accompanied by green fruits and vegetables, is the best configuration for eating.

Eaten quickly, fatty and thick, raw seafood, unscrupulous, is a health killer, the root of disease.

Health preservation, in fact, is not an unfathomable knowledge, that is, to live regularly, follow the natural road, be happy, live the present, and live every day.

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