
Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix

author:Beijing Shunyi

News from Shunyi District Rong Media Center Advocate honesty and self-discipline, and establish a clean and healthy atmosphere. Niulanshan Town relies on the cultural heritage and humanistic environment of the town to create a cultural matrix of clean government. At present, the town has built three town-level anti-corruption culture and education bases in Jinniushan Park, Niulanshan Town Cultural and Sports Activity Square and Haowangshan Community, and one village-level anti-corruption culture and education base in Beisungezhuang Village, making every effort to create a strong cultural atmosphere of honesty and integrity.

The integrity theme park appreciates the "incorruptible" scenery

"It's nice to walk in the park on weekdays when you not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to receive the influence of a culture of clean government." Zhi Huiying, a citizen who was walking in Jinniushan Park, said.

Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix

Jinniushan Park Lianzheng Cultural Park.

Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix

Jinniushan Park Integrity Culture Corridor.

Jinniushan Park Integrity Culture and Education Base covers an area of about 1,000 square meters, including three parts: the Integrity Culture Corridor, the Integrity Culture Park and the Integrity Culture Wall, displaying the integrity culture through various forms such as integrity aphorisms and aphorisms, ancient integrity stories, etc. This anti-corruption culture and education base integrates natural scenery with anti-corruption cultural elements, and the park is one step by one, allowing the masses of Party members and cadres to walk the "honest" corridor, appreciate the "honest" scenery, and immerse themselves in the culture of clean government.

Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix

Shiyuan Street went to Jinniushan Park Integrity Culture and Education Base to carry out themed education activities.

Today, the Jinniushan Park Integrity Culture and Education Base has become an important platform for the whole district to carry out integrity culture education, not only providing citizens with a leisure place for "tourism", but also creating a strong atmosphere of clean air.

The theme square of clean government understands the meaning of "honesty"

Walking into the cultural and sports activity square of Niulanshan Town, a clean government breeze rushed in. The anti-corruption cultural landscape sketches and the anti-corruption cultural corridor constitute a different landscape, attracting many citizens to stop and watch. "The cultural and sports activity square is mainly a place for leisure and fitness, and now it has added elements of clean government culture, and there are more small landscapes and leisure pavilions, and the overall cultural atmosphere is better." Mr. Li, who was exercising in the square, said.

Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix

Citizens watch the cultural landscape sketches of clean government at the Cultural and Sports Activity Square of Niulanshan Town.

Niulanshan Town Cultural and Sports Activity Square was built in 2017 and is an important place for leisure and entertainment of surrounding citizens. Combined with the needs of the masses, Niulanshan Town has continuously improved the facilities in the square, used the expression of outdoor art, skillfully integrated the culture of integrity into the landscape facilities, and created a demonstration square of integrity culture with the theme of "promoting righteousness, advocating diligence and honesty, cultivating loyalty, and promoting harmony".

Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix
Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix

The cultural elements of clean government can be seen everywhere in the cultural and sports activity square of Niulanshan Town.

"The cultural and sports activity square in Niulanshan Town has a large flow of people, and we have built this place into a cultural and educational base for clean government, with the aim of promoting the integration of clean government culture into the grassroots and into the masses, so as to achieve the effect of 'advocating honesty in the tangible and moisturizing the heart in silence'." The district supervisor appointed Ji Lingling, deputy director of the Niulanshan Town Supervision Office, to introduce it.

Village-level clean government culture and education bases have created new winds

Walking into Beisungezhuang Village in Niulanshan Town, the ancient lotus pond wafts with a burst of fragrance, and the cultural wall of clean government with pictures and texts comes into view. The ancient lotus of Beisungezhuang Village has a history of more than 400 years, and the character of the lotus flower "out of the mud and not clean, pure, clear and not demon" has deeply affected the villagers.

Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix

Beisungezhuang Village Clean Government Culture and Education Base.

Niulanshan Town takes the construction of "honest villages" as the starting point, while strictly and realistically regulating the operation of "small and micro powers" at the grassroots level, and relies on the village's clean cultural heritage, and uses lotus to house "honesty" and scenery to build a clean government culture and education base in Beisungezhuang Village. The base integrates ideological, ornamental and educational nature, and is divided into three parts: the integrity culture corridor, the integrity culture wall and the "Qingyun lotus pond", which contains many integrity cultural elements such as anti-corruption aphorisms, honest government short stories, and village rules and people's covenants in Beisungezhuang Village.

Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix

A corner of the integrity culture wall in Beisungezhuang Village.

Walking into Niulanshan Town|String dots into a line, Niulanshan Town creates a clean government culture matrix

Villagers watch a short story of integrity in front of the integrity culture wall.

"We selected Beisun Gezhuang Village to take the lead and try first, to create a model for the construction of 'honest villages', and then spread out the whole town to promote the full coverage of the cultural front of 'honest villages', and create a good party style, political style, village style and people's style for rural revitalization." Ji Lingling introduced.

The culture of clean government must be visible and more tangible. Niulanshan Town has made full use of the anti-corruption culture and education base to carry out various forms of anti-corruption culture education, and through a series of normalized education "classrooms" such as lectures on clean government, party organization secretaries giving lectures on party classes, honest supervisors going to villages (residences) to publicize policies and regulations, and organizing party-member cadres to watch warning educational films, etc., to create a strong atmosphere of "advocating honesty, learning honestly, remaining honest, and keeping honest" in the town.

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