
An Muxi responded to the inappropriate remarks of the female anchor! Denying taunting Li Min fans, the comment section has overturned

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An Muxi responded to the inappropriate remarks of the female anchor! Denying taunting Li Min fans, the comment section has overturned

An Muxi responded to the inappropriate remarks of the female anchor! Denying taunting Li Min fans, the comment section has overturned

Recently, a video about the live broadcast room of Anmuxi brand caused an uproar on the Internet. In the video, a female anchor in the process of selling Anmuxi yogurt insulted and ridiculed some netizens who spoke out for the late singer Li Min, calling them "follower dogs" and asking them, "Does this have anything to do with your life?" This behavior caused strong dissatisfaction among netizens, who boycotted An Muxi and demanded an apology. On August 21, Anmuxi's official Weibo issued a statement in response to the incident, saying that the female anchor was not her own employee or a person of official channels, and her remarks could not represent Anmuxi's brand position. However, this statement did not calm the anger of netizens, but attracted more doubts and accusations. So, what's going on here? Why was An Muxi involved in the Li Min incident? What's wrong with Anmuxi's response? This article will analyze from the following aspects.

**I. Background of the Li Min Incident**

To understand the ins and outs of this incident, we must first understand the background of the Li Min incident. Li Min is a Chinese-American singer who has been well-known and influential both domestically and internationally. She is known for her outstanding singing skills and stage expression, and is known as the "King of Asian Dance" and "Asian Magic Voice". She once participated in the mentor selection of the second season of "The Voice of China" and signed a contract with Zhejiang Satellite TV. However, during the recording of the program, she was unfairly treated and suppressed by Zhejiang Satellite TV. According to herself, Zhejiang Satellite TV has repeatedly modified her list of contestants, deprived her of her mentor rights, and even deliberately set difficult problems and traps for her in the program. Li Min felt very aggrieved and angry because of this, and protested on Weibo. She also said that she was hurt and stressed a lot because of her participation in "The Voice of China", which caused her to suffer from depression.

An Muxi responded to the inappropriate remarks of the female anchor! Denying taunting Li Min fans, the comment section has overturned

The Li Min incident caused a great sensation and controversy at that time, and many netizens stood on Li Min's side, accusing Zhejiang Satellite TV of injustice and unprofessionalism, and supporting Li Min in defending his rights. However, on August 14, 2022, a shocking news came: Li Min died of cancer. This news made countless people feel grief and regret, and also made the Li Min incident a hot topic again. Many netizens think that the reason why Li Min got cancer has a lot to do with the pressure caused by Zhejiang Satellite TV. They condemned Zhejiang Satellite TV's inhumanity and immorality to Li Min and demanded that he apologize and compensate Li Min. At the same time, they also pointed the finger at the sponsors of Zhejiang Satellite TV, believing that they were also accomplices and accomplices of the Li Min incident, and demanded that they make their attitude and position clear, otherwise they would boycott and protest.

**2. The relationship between An Muxi and "The Voice of China"**

An Muxi responded to the inappropriate remarks of the female anchor! Denying taunting Li Min fans, the comment section has overturned

Anmuxi is a room temperature yogurt brand owned by Yili and has been one of the sponsors of The Voice of China since 2014. An Muxi has invested huge amounts of money and resources to provide "The Voice of China" with support in various aspects such as network title, program cooperation, and brand marketing. Anmuxi has also used the platform "The Voice of China" to enhance its brand awareness and influence, and has become one of the leaders in the domestic yogurt market. The cooperation between Anmuxi and The Voice of China can be said to be a win-win marketing case, which has been widely praised by the industry.

However, after the Li Min incident, An Muxi's relationship with "The Voice of China" became very awkward and delicate. Because An Muxi, as one of the sponsors of "The Voice of China", is regarded by many netizens as an accomplice and ally of Zhejiang Satellite TV, and is also responsible for the Li Min incident. Many netizens left messages on Anmuxi's official Weibo and other social media, saying that they wanted to boycott Anmuxi and ask him to stop sponsoring The Voice of China, apologize to Li Min, and donate money to Li Min's family. In the face of such public opinion pressure, An Muxi did not make any response and explanation, but chose to close the comment area and delete negative comments, trying to resolve the crisis with silence. However, this approach did not have any effect, but made netizens more angry and dissatisfied, thinking that An Muxi was evading responsibility and refusing to communicate.

**3. An Muxi female anchor incident**

Just when netizens boycotted and protested against An Muxi, an even more infuriating incident occurred. On August 21, some netizens broke the news that in a Douyin live broadcast room called "Milk Yogurt Supply General Warehouse", a female anchor insulted and ridiculed some netizens who spoke up for Li Min in the process of selling An Muxi yogurt. The female anchor not only called these netizens "follower dogs", but also asked them, "Does this have anything to do with your life?" He also said he was disgusted by this irrational behavior. The female anchor also said: "A person must have independent thinking, otherwise it is like stupidly following the trend." He even replied to the barrage in the live broadcast room: "I'm just scolding you." The female anchor's words and deeds caused strong disgust and protest from the audience in the live broadcast room, and some people said that they would report the live broadcast room and demand an apology. The female anchor did not restrain her attitude, but continued to make more unbearable words.

An Muxi responded to the inappropriate remarks of the female anchor! Denying taunting Li Min fans, the comment section has overturned

This live video quickly circulated on the Internet, attracting more attention and anger from netizens. Many netizens believe that the female anchor is An Muxi's spokesperson or employee, defending and whitewashing An Muxi, and deliberately provoking and harming Li Min's fans and family. They left messages on An Muxi's official Weibo and other social media, demanding that An Muxi handle and punish the female anchor's inappropriate remarks, and apologize to Li Min and the public. They also said they would boycott Anmuhi completely, no longer buying and consuming any of his products, and called on others to join in the boycott. An Muxi's female anchor incident has seriously damaged An Muxi's brand image and reputation, and also made the relationship between An Muxi and Li Min more complicated and sensitive.

**IV. Anmuxi's response**

Faced with such a crisis of public opinion, An Muxi finally issued a statement on the evening of August 21 in response to the incident. In the statement, An Muxi said that the female anchor is not her own employee, nor is she a person in official channels, and her remarks cannot represent An Muxi's brand position. An Muxi also said that he was very angry and regretted by the inappropriate remarks of the female anchor, and had severely criticized and warned her, and asked her to apologize to Li Min and the public. An Muxi also said that he felt very sad and sorry for the Li Min incident, and expressed his deep condolences and sincere condolences to Li Min's family. Anmuxi also said that he will strengthen the management and supervision of the live broadcast room to prevent similar incidents from happening again, and urged consumers to look at this matter rationally, and do not affect the trust and support for the Anmuxi brand because of the wrong words and deeds of individual personnel.

An Muxi responded to the inappropriate remarks of the female anchor! Denying taunting Li Min fans, the comment section has overturned

However, this statement did not calm the anger of netizens, but attracted more doubts and accusations. Many netizens believe that An Muxi's response is too perfunctory and shirks responsibility, and does not really recognize his role and impact in the Li Min incident. They believe that even if the female anchor is not an employee or spokesperson of Anmuxi, after all, she made those inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room selling Anmuxi yogurt, then Anmuxi has the responsibility to supervise and manage it, and sanction and punish her behavior. They also believe that Anmuxi just said some empty words in the statement and did not take any practical action to express his attitude and position. They demanded that An Muxi stop sponsoring The Voice of China and donate to Li Min or set up a foundation to show his apologies and respect. Otherwise, they will continue to boycott An Muxi and regard it as a complicity of Zhejiang Satellite TV.

**V. Analysis and Outlook**

From the above analysis, it can be seen that the An Muxi female anchor incident is a brand crisis triggered by the Li Min incident. This crisis not only exposed the lack of management and supervision of Anmuxi in live broadcast marketing, but also exposed Anmuxi's incompetence and unprofessionalism in handling the public relations crisis. In the face of netizens' doubts and protests, An Muxi did not respond and explain in a timely manner, nor did he take effective measures to resolve the crisis and restore trust. Instead, Anmuhi chose silence and evasion, trying to downplay the impact of the incident with time. However, this approach did not work, but instead made the crisis more intense, leaving An Muxi in greater difficulties and dangers.

The Anmuxi female anchor incident has given us some enlightenment worth thinking about and learning from. First of all, when conducting live broadcast marketing, brands must strengthen the management and supervision of the live broadcast room to ensure that the live broadcast content is in line with the brand image and values, and avoid any words and deeds that may damage the brand reputation and consumers' feelings. Secondly, when facing a public relations crisis, brands must respond and explain in a timely manner, communicate and communicate effectively with consumers, indicate their attitude and position, and take corresponding actions to express their apologies and sincerity. Finally, when participating in social events, brands must have a sense of social responsibility and public morality, respect the lives and feelings of others, and do not neglect morality and conscience in order to pursue profits.

The incident of Anmuxi's female anchor is not over, and Anmuxi still has the opportunity to save her brand image and reputation. However, this requires Umushi to make a sincere apology and correction, and take practical measures to win back the trust and support of consumers. Otherwise, Anmuxi will face greater losses and risks. The Anmuxi female anchor incident also sounded the alarm for other brands, reminding them to pay attention to the management and supervision of live broadcast marketing, pay attention to the handling and prevention of public relations crises, and establish a good brand image and values.

An Muxi responded to the inappropriate remarks of the female anchor! Denying taunting Li Min fans, the comment section has overturned

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