
Tomato sour soup fish fillet, add some spices and seasonings, cook a bowl of sweet and sour soup

author:Pingxiang cuisine

Tomato sour soup fish fillet is a refreshing and appetizing soup with tomato and fish fillet as the main ingredients, adding some spices and seasonings to create a bowl of sweet and sour, tender and smooth soup. The tomato sour soup fish fillet is not only delicious, but also has the effect of nourishing and relieving hunger and cooking, which is suitable for eating in the summer season. The preparation of tomato sour soup fish fillet is not difficult, just prepare fresh tomatoes and fish fillets, as well as some simple spices and seasonings, you can make a healthy and delicious dish. Let's take a look at the detailed steps, ingredients, and tips for fillet with tomato sour soup.

Tomato sour soup fish fillet, add some spices and seasonings, cook a bowl of sweet and sour soup
Tomato sour soup fish fillet, add some spices and seasonings, cook a bowl of sweet and sour soup

Ingredient selection

  • Fillets: Choose fresh, pale pink fillets with obvious texture, and avoid blackened, odorous or wounded fillets. Fillets generally need to be sliced to facilitate cleaning and handling. Commonly used fish species are grass carp, crucian carp, yellow croaker and so on.
  • Tomatoes: Choose fresh, rosy tomatoes with a clean surface, and avoid expired, spoiled or moth-infested tomatoes. Tomatoes generally need to be cut into chunks for easy frying and color matching.
  • Spices: Prepare ginger, garlic, chopped green onions and other spices for fishiness, flavor enhancement and flavor enhancement.
  • Seasonings: prepare light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt, chicken essence, pepper, cooking wine and other seasonings for toning, seasoning and sweetening. It is also necessary to prepare rice vinegar and starch water for the characteristic taste of tomato soup.
Tomato sour soup fish fillet, add some spices and seasonings, cook a bowl of sweet and sour soup
Tomato sour soup fish fillet, add some spices and seasonings, cook a bowl of sweet and sour soup

Practical steps

  1. Wash the fillets, dry them with kitchen paper and cut into thin slices. Put in a bowl, add a little salt, pepper and cooking wine and mix well. Marinate for about 10 minutes to allow the fillets to taste.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and gently use the knife to cross the knife from top to bottom. This makes it easy to peel and cut into chunks.
  3. Boil water in a pot, add the tomatoes that have been crossed through the crucifer knife, and cook for two minutes. Rinse with cold water and gently peel off the tomatoes.
  4. Cut the peeled tomatoes into small pieces and set aside.
  5. Wash the green onion and cut it into chopped green onions. Wash and slice the ginger and garlic.
  6. Prepare a clean pot, add the appropriate amount of water, bring the water to a boil, add the fillets and cook for two minutes. Remove and drain for later use.
  7. Put a little oil in another pot, add ginger, garlic and other spices after the oil is hot, and stir-fry until fragrant.
  8. Add tomato cubes, stir-fry until soft, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white sugar and other seasonings, stir-fry well and color.
  9. Add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover the pot, and simmer for about 10 minutes to make the tomato juice rich.
  10. Add the rice vinegar, adjust the acidity according to personal taste, and stir well.
  11. Add the fillets and stir-fry a few times over high heat to allow the fillets to break and absorb the broth.
  12. Add the starchy water and stir well to thicken the soup.
  13. Sprinkle with chopped green onion, salt, chicken essence, pepper and other seasonings before cooking, stir well.
  14. A tonic, satisfying and fragrant tomato sour soup fish fillet is ready. Enjoy it hot with rice or steamed buns, healthy and delicious!
Tomato sour soup fish fillet, add some spices and seasonings, cook a bowl of sweet and sour soup


  • The choice of fillets is very important, choose fresh fillets. The fillets are tender and have no spines, making them suitable for the elderly and children. If you can't buy fresh fillets, you can replace them with quick-frozen fillets. However, it is necessary to dry the moisture after thawing, otherwise it will affect the taste and taste.
  • The choice of tomatoes is also important, choose fresh tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, which are good for antioxidant and beauty. Tomatoes can also increase the sweetness and richness of the soup and boost appetite. If you prefer a richer soup, you can add some tomato sauce or tomato juice appropriately.
  • Pay attention to the time of the steps of cooking fish fillets, do not cook too long, otherwise it will affect the tenderness and juicy. Drain the water after cooking, otherwise it will affect the stir-fry and taste.
  • Pay attention to the heat and time during the simmering process, and do not let the tomatoes overheat or stiff. If necessary, you can add water or adjust the firepower appropriately.
  • Tomato sour soup has high nutritional value, rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, etc., which is conducive to nourishing and relieving hunger and cooking. But also pay attention to moderate consumption, do not overdose, otherwise it will lead to problems such as indigestion.