
There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

author:Lao He Kaiqiang

One afternoon in July 2013, in the upper part of Serangoon Road in Singapore, a security guard was performing daily patrol tasks, an unusual horn sound attracted his attention, looking towards the middle of the road, a silver Toyota Camry frequently changed lanes left and right, and frantically ran red lights, just when he wondered what the driver encountered in an emergency, a terrifying scene appeared in front of his eyes, this Camry seemed to be dragging a man in red under the car! No wonder the owners of the passing cars honked their horns to try to warn the driver!

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

Road chase

The security guard jumped on his locomotive and chased him near the Camry, who desperately slapped the body, yelling and yelling, trying to get the driver's attention, but the car neither slowed down nor stopped, ignoring all reminders.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

The security guard watched the man under the car nervously, until near the Gawain subway station, he finally got out of the bottom of the car, so the security guard immediately rushed forward to help the injured, but it was no longer necessary, the man was face down on the road, his neck had almost been broken, the red on his clothes was actually all blood, he had died.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

The Camry accelerated away from the scene almost without hesitation, leaving a trail of blood two or three hundred meters long where the tires slipped. In broad daylight, in Singapore, which is known for its strict rule of law, he dared to brazenly commit murder, and this case shocked the whole of Singapore.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

After receiving the report, the Singapore police urgently blocked the surrounding roads, tracing the blood trail from near the Gawain MRT station to a bungalow residential area, and finally determined that a three-story townhouse was the first scene of the incident, which is about 1.2 kilometers from the Gawain MRT station, which is the length of the victim being dragged, which is simply shocking. What was even more unexpected to the police was that in the bloodstained kitchen, another victim fell to the floor and had lost vital signs.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

At the same time, the police noticed a coincidence, the house number of this townhouse is 14J, which is the same as the license plate of the car that caused the accident, is the murderer the owner of this house and car? Or did the murderer break into the house and seize the car?

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

As the police investigation, the identities of the two deceased were revealed, and the possibility of the RV owner being involved in the crime was also ruled out, because the townhouse and the vehicle involved in the accident were registered in the name of a deceased person, Chen Wenxin, who was killed in the kitchen. He is 66 years old, crossed the sea from Xinghua in Fujian Province to Singapore, and is already the owner of a car repair shop, although he is a bit verbose in the eyes of employees and customers, he is decent and friendly, his hobby is fishing, no bad habits, and never conflicts with people.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

And dragged 1.2 kilometers is Chen Wenxin's 42-year-old eldest son, Chen Zhixiong, who runs an electronic parts company and is also a good old man with a good reputation. The forensic doctor examined the bodies of the two victims and found that Chen Zhixiong had 11 knife wounds in addition to the abrasions and lacerations caused by the long drag, and these knife wounds were distributed on the face, arms and neck, in other words, Chen Zhixiong may have died or even died of acute bleeding from the neck wound long before being dragged by a car.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

His father Chen Wenxin was stabbed 20 times, most of which were concentrated on the face and neck, and the cause of death was also acute bleeding from neck wounds. What kind of deep hatred can make the murderer swing a knife at a father and son in broad daylight?

Special Status

This case is actually very short to solve, because the murderer dares to commit murder in the daytime, witnesses are also a big grab, many passing drivers and pedestrians on Longgang Road have said that they saw the appearance of the murderer, the electronic camera also recorded the whole process of Chen Zhixiong being dragged along, the Chen family's car driven away by the murderer was also quickly found, and the murderer who fled in a hurry had not had time to erase the fingerprints on the car.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

Although it took the Singapore police only 56 hours to successfully capture the murderer, they did not feel honored in the slightest, because the murderer turned out to be their companion.

Iskanda Rahman, 34, a Malaysian who has served in the Singapore Police Service for many years, has long received many commendations for his good performance, and has been promoted to Senior Chief Constable. Why did the police, who were dedicated to serving the people, become murderers? Is there any unknown grudge between him and the Chen family's father and son? Those who know the truth can only sigh at this time, pity the innocent father and son.

In 1999, at the age of 20, Iskanda joined the Singapore Police Service, and in 2007 he was promoted to detective for his outstanding performance, and the Singapore Police Service did not treat him badly, sponsoring him to take a diploma, and he was also praised for his serious attitude towards the public, known as the "pride of the Bedoka Police Station", it can be said that Iskanda has done a good job as a police officer, and has been promoted all the way and has a great future.

But compared with the smooth sailing of his career, his private life can only be described as muddy. He got married in 2003, and then quickly took on the triple debt of mortgage, car loan, and renovation loan, until the marriage broke down more than a year later, he sold his RV to pay off the debt, but he still couldn't fill the hole, with his fixed salary can not afford at all, the snowball can only roll bigger and bigger.

In 2012, the bank took him to court, Iskanda still owed the bank more than 60,000 yuan, or nearly 300,000 yuan, where did he have the money to pay the debt, so the bank handed a debt collection letter directly to the police. In Singapore, which has quite strict rules on the financial status of police and other public officials, Iskanda has been hiding his debt status when reporting his financial information, so he has been severely punished, not only confiscated with a gun, but also transferred from the glorious criminal investigation department to the cumbersome logistics department.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

The matter was not over, the superior also demanded that Iskanda must settle his debt problem within three months, otherwise he would be fired, but Iskanda, who had empty pockets, really could not get the money, and in July 2013, he applied to the bank for an out-of-court settlement, saying that he was willing to pay 50,000 yuan in one lump sum to settle the debt, and the bank agreed.

And just the day before the repayment date, Iskanda became the murderer. He also told his boss that he had gone back to Malaysia to raise money from his cousins, but he had no cousins at all, and he was hiding from the limelight in Malay, praying that his actions would be concealed, but unfortunately Skynet was restored and neglected, and 56 hours after the crime, he was arrested in a restaurant on the border between Malaysia and Singapore. Seeing this, I think many people have already guessed that Iskander's motive is just one word - money. But how did he choose the Chen family father and son as the target?

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

Fishing plan

In November 2012, Tan Van Sun came to the Bedok Police Station in Singapore to report the crime, saying that he had stored 200,000 yuan in a safe deposit box of a security agency, but recently found that it was suddenly 55,000 less, and it was Iskanda who received him at the time. I don't know if he had evil thoughts when he heard that there were more than 140,000 left in Chen Wenxin's safe and wanted to take the money that had nothing to do with him for himself, so that he could be debt-free, but he didn't really do it until more than half a year later.

At 1 p.m. on the day of the crime, Iskanda contacted Chen Wenxin by public phone, saying that he had made a new breakthrough in his case, hoping that he could cooperate with the police investigation, catch the thief, and recover his lost 55,000 yuan.

At this time, Iskander, who worked in the logistics department, no longer had the power to investigate, but he still had the old uniform when he was an agent, and in order to make the scam more realistic, he also made a fake walkie-talkie from waste parts, rented a car very similar to the agent's car, and came to the gas station near Chen Wenxin's home.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

After seeing Chen Wenxin, Iskanda pretended to talk to a colleague on the other end of the "walkie-talkie" to deceive Chen Wenxin's trust, while handing him a large box and telling him that it was an electronic surveillance camera, asking Chen Wenxin to take out all the items in the safe first, and then install this surveillance lens, so that when the thief came to steal money, he would leave an image and could catch him on the spot. He also asked Mr. Chen to keep it strictly confidential, saying that it was possible that the security agency was stealing from it, and that revealing that the camera was placed could sabotage the plan.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

Chen Wenxin, who had no doubt, expressed considerable approval of this plan, and did not expect that this honest and good policeman in front of him was not only seeking his wealth, but also killing him. He took the surveillance footage and drove to the security agency, where Iskanda parked his rented car in a remote industrial park nearby, planned his escape route, and then walked back to the gas station.

After Chen Wenxin put the so-called surveillance camera in accordance with Iskanda's instructions, he returned to the gas station with all the cash in the safe, looked at the heavy orange plastic bag full of cash, Iskanda's eyes were straight, and he said to Chen Wenxin: "It's not safe for you to hold so much cash alone, I'll escort you." Chen Wenxin agreed again, so Iskanda got into the silver Camry and "escorted" Chen Wenxin home. On the way, in order to reassure Chen Wenxin again, Iskanda also lied that his "colleagues" would also drive behind them.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

We have restored it to this point, all the facts that can be verified by the testimony of witnesses and surveillance videos, and the subsequent events in Chen Wenxin's home are all derived from Iskanda's confession in court.

Iskanda said that when he arrived at Mr. Chen's home, the orange plastic bag full of cash was casually set aside by Mr. Chen, who beckoned him to sit down and served him a drink. Iskanda's original plan was to pretend to go to the toilet, and when he returned, he grabbed a plastic bag and ran while his father was not paying attention, then stopped a taxi on the side of the road and fled the scene. As a result, when he came out of the bathroom, he found Chen Wenxin talking on the phone in the kitchen in Hokkien dialect he did not understand, and the orange plastic bag that he cared about the most was gone.

Iskanda was unwilling to give up the 150,000 cash that he wanted to get at his fingertips, he made up his mind, and made up another lie, saying that the thief had been caught, and now he wanted Chen Wenxin to bring the cash he had just withdrawn back to the security agency with him, but Chen Wenxin suddenly became excited and shouted: "There is no battery in the surveillance camera", and grabbed a knife and stabbed Iskanda.

Iskanda could only raise his hand to cover, his hand was slashed by a knife, a few rounds down, in order to defend himself, in the chaos he snatched Chen Wenxin's knife, at this time his brain was blank due to excessive tension, so he continued to stab, stabbed, and even stabbed Chen Wenxin's neck.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

At this moment, the door of the Chen family was suddenly opened, and it was Chen Zhixiong, he saw his father who fell to the ground and bleed, rushed towards Iskanda to fight with him, Iskanda only blocked with both hands, did not realize the knife in his hand, Chen Zhixiong, who was several knives in his body, ran to the door, Iskanda did not continue to chase, his mind was full of orange plastic bags, he searched but did not find it, only saw Chen Wenxin's Camry's key, so he drove away, And he suffered from major mental stimulation, he did not see Chen Zhixiong who fell in front of the car, and the horns and various reminders he encountered along the way, he thought that it was because of the blood stains on the car, and he was unaware of Chen Zhixiong dragged behind the car.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

Iskanda came to the industrial park where the rental car was parked, changed cars and drove back to the rental car dealership, threw evidence such as murder weapons and bloody clothes into the river on the way, went home to take a bath and bandaged his wounds, rode his motorcycle to the airport, and fled to Malaysia before the police deployed control.

Final judgment

From the description of Iskanda's confession, we can find that the lawyers did not deny his life-killing behavior, they were only repeatedly defending Iskanda's "motive", in his description, he did not want to commit murder at first, but only wanted to deceive Chen Wenxin's trust, and then took the opportunity to steal the money, he was out of "self-defense" helpless behavior.

But the prosecution listened to this testimony and estimated to roll their eyes, for this bad impact case, the prosecution not only invited more than 100 witnesses, but also invited Chinese forensic expert Dr. Li Changyu to participate in the appraisal, raised several doubts to fiercely expose Iskander's lies, the most important of which is the source of the murder weapon, in Iskanda's description, the knife used to commit the murder was obtained from Chen Wen's novice, with serrations, and was abandoned in the river by him on the way to escape. Not to mention that the police failed to find this knife at all according to his escape trajectory, all the knives of the Chen family were not serrate, and after identification, the Chen family did not lose the knife, this knife can only be brought by Iskanda! If he didn't want to commit murder as he said, why bring a knife?

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

The prosecution also found two witnesses who were at the scene at the time, and the maid of the Chen family's neighbor's house heard the shouting on the day of the crime, and came out to find Chen Zhixiong covered in blood, staggering out and falling behind the Camry. Chen Wenxin parked the car with the front of the car facing inward, and then came out of Iskanda first reached the rear of the car, looked at Chen Zhixiong who fell to the ground, got into the car in a circle, ran over Chen Zhixiong and then flew away.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

Not long after Iskanda drove out of Chen's house, a school worker at the opposite school saw Chen Zhixiong dragging behind the car, he chased after the car for a long time, shouting for the driver to stop, but Iskanda turned a deaf ear, he was deliberately dragging Chen Zhixiong to silence.

Although the deceased could not speak, the wounds on their bodies were also strong evidence, and the forensic doctor found that the stab wounds on the Chen family's father and son were almost fatal, not at all like the injuries that a person who was only in self-defense could cause. Moreover, Chen Wenxin is 66 years old, and the wear and deterioration of knee cartilage is so serious that he needs to undergo surgery, how can such an old man with mobility problems take the initiative to attack others? The two phone calls he made, one to assign work to his subordinates and the other to Chen Zhixiong, did not mean to call helpers.

Mr. Chen didn't notice anything unusual when he received his father's call, and according to subordinates, he didn't even turn off the lights at the time, which usually means he will be back soon. Although Chen Zhixiong is 4 centimeters taller than Iskanda, but weighs only 56 kilograms, which can be described as thin, facing 83 kilograms of Iskanda, holding a murder weapon, Chen Zhixiong, who is bare-handed, can not cause any substantial damage even if he rushes over, and Iskanda has no wounds except for the bite wound on the left hand and the cut on the right hand caused by Chen Wenxin, and it is already an indisputable fact that Iskanda committed cruel crimes against innocent fathers and sons who were defenseless.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

The judge's final finding was also consistent with the prosecution's opinion, Iskanda deliberately injured and murdered for money from the beginning, and did not have the legitimacy of legitimate defense in the process. On December 4, 2015, the Singapore High Court handed down its final judgment in the case, and Iskanda was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and hanged to be carried out at a later date.

More than a year later, Iskanda, who was not on trial, appealed again and was rejected, and his application to the Singapore authorities for amnesty after his 38th birthday was rejected.

There is 1 person dragged under the police car! This is not a simple traffic accident but a silhouette, a strange case in Singapore

Iskanda was originally a policeman with a bright future, but because of his uncontrollable desire for consumption, he was mired in debt, and even for his own selfish desires, he regarded the lives of others as grass and mustard, and murdered people for money. Some people may say that money is the root of all evil, but in fact, what is wrong with money itself? What is wrong is just people's greed for money.

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