
Following China's gallium and germanium countermeasures, India has also taken action to control the export of rare metals, which is more ruthless than China

author:Border fortress
Following China's gallium and germanium countermeasures, India has also taken action to control the export of rare metals, which is more ruthless than China

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Following China's gallium and germanium countermeasures, India has also taken action to control the export of rare metals, which is more ruthless than China

India, it's coming out again. However, this time, its target is not the mainland, but its big brother, the United States. Following the mainland's countermeasures against the United States, India came out to make up for it and also closed its own resource exports, and did more ruthlessly than the mainland. What's going on here? Could it be that this pair of "good brothers" fell out? Like the collection, let's see together which play this Indian sings

This strange thing is everywhere, but in India, it is very special. As we all know, some time ago, because of the continuous sanctions and suppression of the old United States, the mainland also launched a vigorous countermeasures. The two rare elements of gallium and germanium are included in the scope of export control. This time, it can be said that it hit Lao Mei's door. As we all know, the United States relies on its cutting-edge technology in the semiconductor field to suppress the mainland all the time. It is again that a number of domestic enterprises have banned the export of chips, and it is pulling the Netherlands not to give lithography machines, and the chip manufacturing industry in the mainland is in dire straits.

But no matter how fragrant and delicious your meal is, if I don't give you rice, you can only have a free body of craftsmanship and stare there. And this gallium and germanium are the rice in this semiconductor field. Coincidentally, the mainland is the world's most important, gallium and germanium element exporter. Among them, the reserves of gallium resources, the mainland accounts for 80% of the world, and germanium also has more than 40%. In other words, as long as the mainland closes this door, it will be difficult for Lao Meina to find a replacement with the same scale. Don't you love to use your strengths to suppress people's weaknesses? At this time, the mainland directly restricted the old beauty from the root.

Following China's gallium and germanium countermeasures, India has also taken action to control the export of rare metals, which is more ruthless than China

Moreover, this gallium and germanium elements affect not only the semiconductor field, but also the military industry, which is also inseparable from these two brothers. Therefore, many years ago, the United States listed gallium and germanium as defense reserve resources. But no matter how much this reserve is, there will be no supply, and it will always be used up one day. According to sources, the gallium and germanium resources in the United States have been exhausted and are about to bottom. Not to mention the creation of chips, even the famous F-35 fighter announced a reduction in production due to raw material problems. If it goes on for a long time, then the military strength of the United States will inevitably suffer a certain degree of impact. In order to solve this imminent problem, the United States has now focused on the recycling of resources, and it has cooperated with many domestic companies and Canadian companies to extract gallium and germanium from some discarded products for recycling to alleviate the domestic energy crisis.

What's more interesting is that the United States has even reached the point where it wants to buy aluminum ore resources with Russia to obtain gallium and germanium elements. According to news reports, Citibank in the United States spent a huge amount of 160 million to buy a batch of aluminum minerals from the metal exchange in London, England. And this mine came precisely from Russia. As we all know, since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States has successively imposed a series of sanctions on Russia, and the two sides can be described as the existence of needle to Maimang. It stands to reason that the sanctions were made by the United States, but this time the purchase of mines is the first loose hand of the United States, which shows that for the sake of gallium and germanium resources, the United States is already unscrupulous.

Following China's gallium and germanium countermeasures, India has also taken action to control the export of rare metals, which is more ruthless than China

Big Brother is already so difficult, so what is his little fan brother India doing? According to news reports, India, when the United States was in the midst of an energy crisis, suddenly came to a wave of operations, and its four elements of lithium, tantalum, niobium and beryllium were all included in the list of prohibited exports. In this regard, India also gave an explanation, saying that it was a plan to ensure that its energy supply was not affected. This sounds like nothing wrong at first, but for the United States, it's a big problem. You know, lithium resources, in today's new energy automobile industry, is an extremely important existence. At present, the batteries of trams are basically lithium batteries. India, on the other hand, recently discovered a mine with 6 million tons of lithium reserves in China. But he directly banned exports, that is, all countries, including the United States, cannot buy lithium resources from India. So how will this affect the United States?

As we all know, Continental has always been at the world's leading level in the new energy automobile industry. From the sales of cars to the manufacture of batteries, they are controlled by BYD and CATL. In the first half of this year, Continental's exports of automobiles even exceeded those of Japan, an old power. Among them, electric vehicles play a very important role. As everyone knows, no matter what achievements the mainland has achieved, the most troublesome thing is definitely the United States. Seeing that the mainland's new energy vehicle industry continues to climb to new highs, the United States can't sit still. Start throwing money at promoting the development of the country's new energy vehicle industry. It has cooperated with companies such as Ford and Samsung. In addition, it has introduced high subsidies and various welfare policies to attract foreign investment to build factories in the United States and help the development of the new energy vehicle industry.

Following China's gallium and germanium countermeasures, India has also taken action to control the export of rare metals, which is more ruthless than China

But the above also mentioned that if you want to develop new energy vehicles, lithium resources are a big barrier that cannot be bypassed. The United States itself certainly does not have it, therefore, if you want to get lithium resources, you must buy it from outside. At this time, the nature of India is reflected. When the United States needed lithium resources the most, it announced the decision to ban the export of lithium resources. Isn't this a naked targeting of the United States? Moreover, strictly speaking, this India's target is much more ruthless than that of the mainland. As we all know, the mainland has only included gallium and germanium in the export control list. What is regulation? It is necessary to pass the examination and have relevant legal documents before it can be exported. To put it bluntly, the mainland's countermeasures are not absolute, but leave room for it, as long as the purchaser has passed the approval of the relevant departments, then even foreign companies can also buy gallium and germanium resources as usual. But India is different, people are banning exports, directly cut to death, not even a trail left. This is very uncomfortable for the United States, and it is estimated that the United States itself did not expect that it was "its own people" who really killed itself.

But this is good, after all, the United States has always been accustomed to using advantages to bully the disadvantages of other countries, and this time it has been sanctioned by the mainland and its Indian side one after another, and it is estimated that he can also deeply experience this feeling of helplessness. What do you think India's intention is to do? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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