
The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

author:Jinsong talks about finance

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The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

Recently, a country that does not show up very "visible" has begun to dance internationally.

Which country is it? Philippines – a surprising answer.

In fact, just before, the Philippines' various small actions have been fully seen by the mainland, but due to national friendship and consideration of the Philippines' face, the mainland has not made a clear response.

The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

But this time, the Philippines is really "self-free". With regard to Second Thomas Jiao, the Philippines has tried to smuggle construction materials onto warships where it illegally "stays" in order to strengthen the ships in order to achieve long-term "occupation".

However, previously, the Philippines clearly promised China that it would tow this "broken ship" as soon as possible, but after more than 20 years, the Philippines has not truthfully fulfilled its promise to China.

This time, China discovered that the smuggling behavior was only to fire water cannons in a rational and restrained way to help the Philippine ship correct course, thereby warning the Philippines that this practice is not advisable.

The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

The Chinese side did not fabricate right and wrong out of thin air, nor did it excuse others, but reminded the Philippines in an appropriate way and warned the Philippines to pay attention to its own behavior.

However, even so, it is still hyped up by the United States and the Philippines, stirring up hype, believing that this violates the international treaty between the United States and the Philippines and is an improper act that crosses the border.

The Philippines has been so "making a fuss" recently, not putting China in its "eyes" and not respecting the friendship treaty between China and the Philippines, and a large part of the reason is related to the United States.

The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

The United States is still "speaking" for the Philippines, clamoring that it "will always stand with its allies." With the "confidence" of the United States, the Philippines naturally dares to speak "loudly", and its exchanges with other countries have become arrogant, prejudiced and indifferent.

In early May this year, Philippine President Marcos Jr. visited the United States non-stop. Very different from former President Rodrigo Duterte's approach, Marcos Jr. is very "admired" for the United States, believing that friendship with the United States can bring unlimited power to himself.

The two sides also signed a document on the provision of military support by the United States to the Philippines, and it is precisely because of this treaty that the Philippines has the courage to occupy Ren'ai Jiao and ignore China's warnings and other provocative acts.

The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

In fact, the Philippines has not yet seen the true purpose of the United States. The so-called "meritorious service", why would the United States give military support to the Philippines for no reason?

After a little thought, it can be concluded that the United States does not want to directly offend China, and he let the Philippines be its "shield" and "protective shield", and the Philippines first made bad behavior against China, playing the first pawn in the good US plan to bring down China.

The United States only wants to pull the alliance and break its "thorn" targets one by one. In order to make the best step, it can be described as "painstaking", first showing the aircraft carrier, the nearest one of the United States, only this one, temporarily placed around the Philippines.

The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

This act of the United States of "standing up" can be described as extremely righteous, and the Philippines has become more confident and bold when it sees the situation.

At the same time, the United States has sent aircraft carriers to roam around the South China Sea, and in August this year, it was holding a naval military exercise that spanned 22 time zones across the country.

Six air fleets and several amphibious ships are among them, with tens of thousands of people participating in the exercise. Such a shocking battle has to make people mention the eyes of the throat, is this move of the United States shouting at China and encouraging the Philippines to continue to hate China?

The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

Sure enough, with the United States "protecting" behind, the Philippines followed the trend and said ruthlessly: more ships may be released in the later period to provide supplies and protection for its warships.

Looking at the world, the United States "scorns" many countries in its heart, and the opponents he really believes in his heart are only three countries - China, Russia, and North Korea.

These three countries have made remarkable achievements in military technology and other scientific and technological research and development, which has awakened the United States, which is still stagnant. With its proud military level and strong combat strength, the United States prepared for the worst - the three countries fought together.

The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

One enemy and three may seem like a measure of strength, but for the United States, which has just conducted military exercises and mobilized troops on a global scale, the final result is not certain.

But what is certain is that if the United States is still so arrogant, fanning the flames, winning people's hearts, and bullying others, it will only bring endless evil consequences to itself in the end.

As far as the Philippines is concerned, although the United States has repeatedly helped it behind it, if China and the Philippines really go to war, presumably the United States will not take the initiative to provide more support.

The South China Sea is on fire, and the United States wants to send many warships to sea with fewer enemies, and China needs to be prepared to meet it

Because his original goal was not to side with the Philippines, but to muddy the "clear water" between China and the Philippines, so as to achieve the result of losing both sides and benefiting from it.

The United States and the Philippines are not simply cooperative partners, not only the United States, but also the Philippines is very likely to have the intention - to rob China's Renai Jiao. They each have ghosts, false snakes, and how long the "alliance" they have formed will last is not easy to determine.

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