
Another noble lady Internet celebrity "overturned": 6 yuan 1 dumpling, young people are not so easy to deceive!

author:Xiao Zhao 2003

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When ice cream sold for up to 66 yuan a piece and quick-frozen dumplings for 6 yuan each are presented in front of you, will you be willing to pay for it?

Recently, Zhongxuegao, an Internet celebrity brand that is popular in the ice cream field, has once again challenged the dessert market after trying to enter the frozen dumpling market.

The two new pastries launched by the brand are called "Xing Yu Nian" and "Zhimei Long Li", which cost a lot of money, about 70 yuan.

Another noble lady Internet celebrity "overturned": 6 yuan 1 dumpling, young people are not so easy to deceive!

However, this sales performance was not satisfactory, and it encountered Waterloo with dumplings and became the target of online complaints.

Previously, Zhongxuegao became famous with a 66 yuan "Ecuadorian pink diamond" ice cream. It is said that this ice cream is made from scarce natural pink cocoa and expensive Japanese lemon pomelo, and even the sticks are made of environmentally friendly materials, and the production cost is as high as 40 yuan. Amazingly, this expensive pink ice cream sold out in less than 15 hours.

Another noble lady Internet celebrity "overturned": 6 yuan 1 dumpling, young people are not so easy to deceive!

Since then, Zhongxuegao's ice cream has become a luxury item sought after by young people, frequently appearing on social media.

However, such a successful strategy no longer works on quick-frozen dumplings. Zhong Xuegao's "Lixiangguo dumplings" is known as the "Hermes of the dumpling world", who would have thought that quick-frozen dumplings could be so noble.

The dumplings have an ordinary appearance and include four flavors: black pork cabbage, black pork three fresh, dried scallop leeks and shredded chicken matsutake mushrooms.

Among them, the "chicken shredded matsutake mushroom" flavor is the most expensive, a bag of 16 costs 98 yuan, that is, each dumpling is more than 6 yuan.

Another noble lady Internet celebrity "overturned": 6 yuan 1 dumpling, young people are not so easy to deceive!

However, after trying it, consumers said: "It is not worth it to eat a bite of high-grade chicken essence at this price." ”

With the passage of time, sales have declined, and young people have become more rational consumers and are not easily fooled, which also shows a change in consumption concepts.

The comment section is full of questions about the high-priced frozen dumplings: "I already eat frozen food, why should I spend more money?" Can't you design a limited edition for beggars? ”

"The other day I made my own mustard meat stuffed dumplings, which cost 50 yuan, wrapped 151 pieces, and left 17 skins."

Another noble lady Internet celebrity "overturned": 6 yuan 1 dumpling, young people are not so easy to deceive!

"After eating once, you won't eat it again, and the vast majority of consumers just taste it and won't buy it again after eating."

They realized that frozen dumplings were only an option to solve temporary hunger, and that a bite of matsutake mushrooms would not upgrade their rented house.

Perhaps, the experience of being overexploited makes young people more rational, and they pay more attention to the cost performance of goods rather than blindly following the trend.


Recently, a Douban group called "Consumerist Retrograde" has gradually become popular and has become an outlier in this era of consumerism.

Another noble lady Internet celebrity "overturned": 6 yuan 1 dumpling, young people are not so easy to deceive!

In the past 10 years, if someone can point to their shoes and say, "These shoes are purchased abroad for 3,000 yuan." "Then he will definitely become the brightest presence on campus."

Now, however, things are different. To achieve similar status, they would say, "These shoes are 30 yuan, not only easy to wear but also durable." ”

This is exactly what the members of the "Consumerist Retrogrades" group, who are trying to persuade people not to overconsume.

Another noble lady Internet celebrity "overturned": 6 yuan 1 dumpling, young people are not so easy to deceive!

For example, a post-90s Beijing programmer earns 600,000 yuan a year, but his entire outfit adds up to only 100 yuan.

He has been using the same 1,000 yuan mobile phone for 3 years, and the haircut fee has been controlled within 30 yuan.

There is also a post-95 career newcomer who uses his mathematical talent to calculate various full discounts and discounts.

Every time he consumes, he records the few cents he saves in his handbook, and the seemingly small accumulation eventually becomes a considerable amount.

There is also a post-00s student who prepares vegetables and meat by himself every day, and simply heats them to enjoy a delicious meal.

In just 2 months, she lost 20 pounds of weight, and her monthly expenses were controlled within 800 yuan, reaping a double return.

There are even some young people who like to buy advent food, and they use the money of a meal to buy snacks for a month.

Not only do they enjoy saving money on shopping, but they are also happy to share their experiences with others.

Their lifestyle may be ridiculed by some

For being too frugal, he was labeled a "miser". In fact, however, these consumerist retrograde people reduce needless desires, filter excess matter, and enrich their own hearts.

As the "Veblen effect" in economics puts it, sometimes higher prices for goods lead to better sales.

Let's recall a story about jade bracelets: the owner of a jade shop in Beijing priced two identical pairs of jade bracelets differently, one at 200 yuan and the other at 500 yuan.

A group of out-of-town tourists entered the store, and several aunts began to choose their favorite products. One of the aunts picked up the two pairs of jade bracelets and compared them carefully. After a moment, she said, "I'm going to buy this pair for 500 yuan and help me wrap it." Her companion grabbed her puzzled: "These two pairs look almost indistinguishable." However, the buying aunt responded confidently: "The difference is in the texture, which is obviously much better." So, she happily paid and left the store with a new jade bracelet in hand.

This is the so-called "Veblen effect" in economics, which means that sometimes the high price of goods stimulates the desire to buy.

Looking back at history, in 1899, Veblen proposed the concept of "conspicuous consumption" in "On the Leisure Class". When consumers buy certain goods, they are not only for the purpose of satisfying material needs, but more for psychological satisfaction. In addition to the actual use value of the goods, psychological values also form part of the purchase decision. Factors include vanity, comparison, face and emotion, so there are often various impulse shopping behaviors.

Just like the previous aunt who bought a 500 yuan jade bracelet, obviously the two pairs of jade bracelets are almost identical, but she still chooses to buy the expensive one because she firmly believes that "the texture is different".

However, we want young people to become more sober and aware of what they really need and not be fooled by fancy packaging and marketing. As Eiko Yamashita said in "Renunciation": The truly powerful person is not swayed by expensive price or scarcity, but by people who can be judged according to their own needs. Being budget-wise, making good use of things, and not being cut leeks is one of the most proud abilities.

Summary: In the era of consumerism, young people's consumption concepts are changing. The expensive and scarce of the past is no longer the only attraction, and more and more young people are pursuing practical value for money. They add more meaning to their lives by being mindful and avoiding unnecessary consumption. The Veblen effect warns us that higher prices don't always lead to better value. It is hoped that young people can keep a clear head, better resist the temptation of vanity and excessive consumption, guide their consumption decisions with reason and reason, and make their lives more fulfilling.

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