
She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

author:Taste the past and look at the present


China has never lacked outstanding men of courage and firm conviction, and there are also many typical Communist Party members who firmly support us. One of the notable figures was Wong Byung-so, who caused a sensation in 1973.

Despite her low level of education, she was appointed party secretary and alternate member of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee at the age of 35. What's even more surprising is that after only four years of work, she chose to voluntarily resign from this position.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

Ten years ago, Huang Bingxiu was just the secretary of a village branch in a remote mountainous area. So, how did Wong Byung-so rise through the ranks? Why did she take the initiative to leave?

Change your destiny

In December 1938, Huang Bingxiu was born into a poor family in Changyupu Village, Cili County, Hunan Province. In such an environment, she cannot even guarantee food and clothing, let alone receive a good education.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

However, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the Japanese invaders were repulsed, the Kuomintang army was defeated, and a regime in which the people were masters of their own affairs was established. The founding of New China brought about great changes in Huang Bingxiu's life.

At the age of 14, Wong Bing-so finally had the opportunity to go to school, and she went to school for a few years. Three years later, she found her first job as a cashier in the village.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

At that time, China was undergoing three major reforms, and farmers actively participated in agricultural cooperatives. Although Wong Bing-so is a woman, she is proactive and works seriously. Soon after, she formally joined the Communist Party of China on the basis of her outstanding performance and became vice president of the agricultural cooperative.

After several years of hard work, Huang Bingxiu was appreciated by the party organization for his excellent work ability, and became a village branch secretary at the age of 21. However, no one expected this young girl to have such wisdom and a caring heart.

After becoming a village official, Huang Bingxiu felt that the responsibility on her shoulders was even heavier. In order to let the residents of the village live a good life without food and clothing, she is determined to make a difference for the people of her hometown.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

Victory in the end

Although Changyupu Village has beautiful mountains and waters, it lacks arable land and is full of stones. Farmers have no land and cannot earn a living. In order to solve this problem, Huang Bingxiu thought of the story of Yugong moving mountains.

She decided to convert the village's mountainous land into arable land and led the villagers to reclaim it together. After months of hard work, they finally managed to create a farm.

However, the farm faces the problem of insufficient water supply. The village's Ganxigou often causes flooding during the rainy season, while it dries up and lacks water during the dry season. To solve this problem, Wong Bingxiu led the villagers to start building the ditch.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

They cleared the ditch of rubble and built an arch through which water was diverted to irrigate the farmland. Through the joint efforts of everyone, the flooding has been brought under control and the water problem in the dry season has been solved.

However, despite the availability of land and water, the farm's acre yield is still low. Wong realized that they needed to create a more scientific way to grow crops to increase yields.

But her own knowledge of this was limited, so she decided to invite agricultural experts to guide them.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

Wong went to a school in the provincial capital and found two agricultural experts and an agricultural technician. They returned to the village to begin field trips, and conducted experiments and studies in the light of local conditions.

After many failures, they finally found the best farming method and successfully developed the "two crops and three harvests" of dry food crops.

This new planting method has greatly increased the yield of the farm, and the total yield per acre has exceeded 1,500 kg for five consecutive years. This achievement filled the entire village with joy and hope.

Every villager is full of gratitude and admiration for Wong Bingxiu, and they believe that Wong Bingxiu's efforts and wisdom have brought blessings and prosperity to the village.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

As people walk the streets of the village, you can hear the villagers praising Wong Ping-so. They will not hesitate to say: "Wong Bing-so is a lucky star of our village, her hard work and innovative spirit have lifted us out of poverty and hunger." ”

Wong Bing-so's story has also been passed down in the surrounding countryside. Her success has inspired other farmers to explore more scientific ways to increase yields on their own fields.

Wong Bingxiu's achievements show how an ordinary farmer can change his destiny through struggle and innovation, and also bring hope and inspiration to other villages.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

Huang Bingxiu did not stop, she thought about her next move. She hopes to further increase crop yields and replicate her success stories in other villages. She is determined to continue to learn and try new planting techniques to make greater contributions to the development of the village.

Back to the front line

Huang Bingxiu was valued for his good interpersonal relationships and genuine concern for the well-being of the people, and began to enter the officialdom after 1970. She served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Cili County Party Committee, the secretary of the Changde County Party Committee, and in 1971 became the secretary of Tongjinpu Commune.

Subsequently, in 1973, she was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and in August she became an alternate member of the Central Committee. In February 1974, when she was only 35 years old, she was appointed secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, a position that is very important for her age, which shows her extraordinary.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

However, while people were happy about Wong's promotion, they also began to worry about whether she would change. They feared that she, like other officials, would become alienated from the civilian population and become an "unattainable" existence.

When someone expressed such concerns to Huang Bingxiu, she did not get angry, but responded with a smile and kindness: "History has pushed me to the podium, and as a party member, I obey the organizational arrangement." However, no matter where I am or what position I hold, I am always Wong Bingxiu, and I always regard the villagers of Changyupu Village as my family. ”

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later

These words moved all the villagers and applauded one after another, and several people who had originally discussed it also felt guilty and apologized to Huang Bingxiu.

However, four years later, Huang Bingxiu resolutely resigned as provincial party secretary. Her reasoning was to leave the position to better people, and she knew that the Chinese Communist Party had never lacked brave and determined people. She firmly believes that there will be more suitable leaders in the party to continue to promote the cause.

She was promoted from village branch secretary to provincial party secretary in only ten years, but resolutely resigned four years later


Wong Bingxiu's persistence and dedication have become a benchmark, inspiring more people to actively participate in the construction of their hometown and the cause of poverty alleviation.

As Huang Meilin, daughter of Huang Bingxiu and deputy director of the Changyupu Village History Museum, said: "In the future, we will uphold the hardworking spirit of the older generation and continue to lead the residents of Changyupu Village to forge ahead and embark on the road of rural revitalization." ”