
Be careful! Don't fall into the "trap" of secretly gaining weight!

author:New Hunan

According to the Report on Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents (2020), the overweight and obesity rates of adult residents are 34.3% and 16.4% respectively (more than 50% in total), and the overweight and obesity rates of children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 are 11.1% and 7.9% (about one-sixth), respectively. At the same time, the "2022 Health Examination Big Data Blue Book" released at the first Preventive Medicine Innovation Summit this year shows that overweight and obesity are the second highest detection rate of abnormal physical examination results, and overweight and obesity have become prominent health problems.

Overweight and obesity have a lot to do with lifestyle, and the influencing factors include high-calorie diet, high-fat diet, eating frequency and intake of hormones, lack of physical activity, etc. It is urgent to pay attention to the problem of obesity.

Weight loss is not only for slim figure, but also for good health, but the road to weight loss is long and obstructed, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the "gentle trap" of gaining weight, let's solve the true face of these traps one by one now!

How do you keep exercising or get fat?

This is because food is high in calories, exercise consumption is low, and the amount of exercise is not so easy to consume the calories intaked.

For example, you only need 6 barbecue-flavored potato chips or two cookies to consume 100 calories, but for every 100 calories consumed, it takes about 20 minutes of jogging, push-ups, jumping exercises, etc. If you don't exercise enough, the calorie expenditure is small and you will gain weight.

How do you eat less or get fat?

The amount of food eaten is small, but it can't resist their high calorie. For example, milk tea, chocolate, bread and other high-calorie foods, you may only eat a little, but unconsciously eat a lot of calories.

Eating less is just a small amount of floating on the surface, and if you don't pay attention to the calories in the food, your weight will also rise quietly while you are not paying attention.

Pay attention to calorie control, how is it still fat?

Although in the case of the same calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins also have different effects on satiety. Satiety is defined as a satisfying state in which appetite is satisfied or hunger is eliminated, and there is no longer a desire to eat or drink.

Eating a breakfast with higher carb or fat content is more likely to be hungry, which will prompt people to eat more food; A breakfast with a higher protein content makes people feel full for a longer time.

Food matching is unreasonable, the food eaten is high in carbs or fat, hunger makes it more difficult for you to control your mouth, and you will be fat if you eat too much.

How can you still be fat after eating "quite healthy"?

What you think is "healthy" food may hide a "calorie bomb" that you don't know about.

Vegetable salads, for example, look healthy, but there are huge calories hidden in the sauces/dressings that quietly make you grow meat. Chicken and fish with low fat, if they are more oily and salty when cooking, will also tend to eat fatter.

Food cognition is not comprehensive, only eat half right, will fall into such a "eat healthy" but fat strange circle.

How to lose weight both healthy and effective?

There are so many fat traps in life, so what to do? These healthy science-based ways to lose weight are waiting to be unlocked!

Balanced nutrition to control intake

In the daily diet, we should pay attention to balanced nutrition, diversified food intake, and at the same time control the total amount of food and total dietary energy intake. Eating more foods rich in vitamins, minerals and high dietary fiber, such as pumpkin, corn, soybeans, wheat, vegetables, etc., can not only improve satiety, but also reduce the glycemic index, effectively control calorie and food intake, and easily and reasonably "control the mouth".

Be careful! Don't fall into the "trap" of secretly gaining weight!

Drink plenty of water to protect your intestines

Drink 8 glasses of water a day and properly supplement prebiotics and probiotics. Water accounts for 60%-70% of the weight of the human body, and drinking enough water can better promote the body's metabolism, auxiliary substance absorption, transportation and excretion. In addition, prebiotics and probiotics are intestinal companions with low sugar burden, helping the body to promote intestinal peristalsis and metabolism, help intestinal absorption and digestion, and lose weight scientifically.

Be careful! Don't fall into the "trap" of secretly gaining weight!

Exercise for half an hour a day

Proper exercise can help the body shape up, speed up metabolism, and relax the body. Moreover, within a few hours after exercise, the body will still maintain a high metabolic rate and loss of appetite, which can effectively help the human body lose weight scientifically.

Be careful! Don't fall into the "trap" of secretly gaining weight!

Get some sleep

Lack of sleep makes people more active in seeking energy supplements and eating more food, leading to weight gain. Ensuring adequate sleep can keep the body in a normal operating cycle, so that the body functions and metabolism are normal, and it is more conducive to weight control.

Be careful! Don't fall into the "trap" of secretly gaining weight!

Keep an eye on the BMI value

Pay attention to BMI values and intervene early on weight. BMI = weight / height square (international unit kg/㎡), it is very intuitive to measure the health of your current weight with height and weight, when this value is close to or even more than 24, pay more attention to weight management!

Be careful! Don't fall into the "trap" of secretly gaining weight!

Whether it is controlling calorie intake or maintaining regular exercise, weight management is a long-term job, healthy and beautiful weight is not something that can be obtained overnight, and weight maintenance also requires continuous self-discipline, so no matter what way, persistence is always the biggest "assist" for weight control! (Contributed by Perfect China WeChat public account)