
Tanabata no "beauty" just wants to scam you out of some money...

author:Nujiang Internet Police
Tanabata no "beauty" just wants to scam you out of some money...

The moon is dark and the wind is high on the night, and it is Tanabata again

A person swiping his phone

Suddenly, a strange woman asks to add a friend

Do you promise or not?

You think it's a romantic "sexual encounter"

It's actually a trap set by scammers

Tanabata no "beauty" just wants to scam you out of some money...
Tanabata no "beauty" just wants to scam you out of some money...

Source: Network

Review of the case

Some time ago, the Jinbei Police Station in Lin'an District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, received an emergency warning that Mr. Zhao was suffering from naked chat fraud in its jurisdiction. The police immediately called Mr. Zhao to inform him that he was being scammed and told him to stop his operation.

Subsequently, the police also rushed to Mr. Zhao's location to dissuade him.

It is understood that Mr. Zhao is 29 years old this year, lying in bed playing with his mobile phone when he can't sleep at night, and suddenly receives a friend application with an avatar of a beautiful woman. Mr. Zhao, who was very bored, immediately agreed, and then began to chat.

Tanabata no "beauty" just wants to scam you out of some money...

Screenshot of chat history

As the chat content continued to deepen, Mr. Zhao completely put down his guard in front of this "female netizen", and entered some extremely explicit words, and after a while, he opened a naked chat mode with her.

After "being honest" for tens of seconds, the other party hung up the chat video, and not long after, the other party sent Mr. Zhao's naked chat video and chat record.

"Brother, I saw the video, if this video goes out, what impact will it have on your life, work, and family, I believe you don't need me to say, you know better than me", "Let's try to make some small money"...

The scammers threatened Mr. Zhao with paying to process the video content and chat history or send it to everyone in Mr. Zhao's phone's address book.

Tanabata no "beauty" just wants to scam you out of some money...

Screenshot of chat history

Mr. Zhao was overwhelmed and vacillated in the choice of "whether to transfer money or not", when a call from the police informed him that he was a fraud, telling him to stop the operation immediately and avoid losses.

After understanding the situation, the police publicized the relevant anti-deception knowledge to Mr. Zhao, telling him not to communicate with strangers through video software to avoid being stolen facial information, and that strangers should be vigilant when contacting strangers online.

"Naked chat" Q&A

What kind of situation is easier to "hit"?

According to police data, victims of naked chat scams are not obvious from a professional point of view. Whether it is a business owner, or a white-collar worker or young student in the workplace, everyone may be recruited.

From the perspective of Internet habits, people who often use social media to "shake" "people nearby", like to join "welfare groups", and those who are keen on chat dating software are more likely to be targeted.

Why is the phone address book leaked?

Most victims are asked to download some kind of software before chatting naked, whether for the reason of "live streaming software" or "specific video software" or even "pornographic software" that is unlikely to work properly after installation or is "out of order."

In fact, these software are Trojan horse software, once installed, will steal the victim's mobile phone address book information, even if it is immediately uninstalled, it will not help.

Can you really talk to beautiful women naked?

The "beauty" seen by the victim is only a link in the criminal chain, behind her is the division of labor between the members of the criminal group, and the "beauty" seen by the victim may be a foot-picking man!

Should naked chat be blackmailed privately?

Usually, the other party will not open his mouth as soon as he comes up, scaring the victim and calling the police directly. Every time the victim is asked to transfer a sum of money within the tolerance range, he will promise to delete the video after the transfer, but then change the method to let the victim transfer money endlessly.

Tanabata no "beauty" just wants to scam you out of some money...

Don't chat naked!

Don't chat naked!

Don't chat naked!

Do not easily download suspicious software specified by others

Don't reveal it to strangers

Sensitive information such as one's identity and family

After discovering that you have been scammed or blackmailed

Call the police as soon as possible

Actively cooperate with public security organs in investigating and collecting evidence

Image | Network screenshots

Material | Zhejiang Internet Police

Edit | Zhang Zhinan

Source: Cyber Security Bureau, Ministry of Public Security

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