
Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

author:The Paper

It's time for parent-child school to recommend books again, and it is a wonderful thing to read a good book with your child and enjoy a warm reading moment together.

School is about to start, and for children who are about to enter primary school, it is necessary to be mentally prepared to better have a positive emotional experience in the group. Knowing yourself, affirming yourself, and expressing yourself bravely, we hope that through these books, children will be more courageous to express their true needs in life and learning.

"It doesn't matter set"

Author: Sylvia Plath/by Xiaowu/Illustrated Nanding/Translation

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

Adults often tell children to be themselves. But what is really self-being, is a question that many children wonder. Bravely face the heart, how can children break the rules and prejudices? In the book "It Doesn't Matter Suit", readers may be able to find their own courage by finding themselves and discovering a different life with the little protagonist of the story.

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

In the collective, there are children who lack presence. In "It Doesn't Matter Suit", Max is also such a child who is neglected by his family. Thankfully, at the end of the story, he finds the courage to be his unique self. And to help children bravely face their inner needs is also the most important meaning of the author writing this warm fairy tale.

"Bull Words"

Author: Xu Silkworm/Original Qiwei/Adaptation·Figure

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

When we explore inward, it is important to learn to think independently. The story told in the book can guide children to reflect and reject others. The book tells the story of a cow who was tired for a day, complained casually, but was fueled by the animals on the farm, and finally reached the ears of the owner as a deliberate betrayal. However, the story is not so simple, and the owner begins to get to the bottom of the matter, looking for the truth behind the rumors.

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

The pictorial narrative of the book's reflections is creative. The middle part of each page of the book is "rumor" content, and the bottom half is the truth traced up, such a "reversal" effect, can trigger children to think critically about something.

"Do what you love"

Author: [Han] Park Seong-woo

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

When it comes to the future, what kind of person does the child want to be? The book "Do What You Love" is an opportunity for children to think about the future.

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

This book is not just a simple introduction to career, but from "what kind of life I am suitable for, what kind of person I want to be", guide and help children explore inward in the process of growth, understand and accept their own talents and characteristics, find their own way to connect with the world, and let each child shine in their own way and on the right track.

Everyone is Different

Author: [Japanese] Tatsuya Miyaishi / author; Peng Yi/trans

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

"Everyone is Different" uses easy-to-understand stories to tell profound truths. By telling the short story of the protagonist a cat named Cream and his friend, this book makes people learn to think differently, learn to accept differences, learn to think positively, etc.

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

"I am small on earth, invisible. But as long as I stand upside down, a small me can hold up a big earth. "Cream, the important thing is not climbing trees, the important thing is that you don't give up climbing trees." "No one is the same, everyone is different. Such an individual sparkles to make up a beautiful world. ”...... Each story in this book is short and concise, but philosophical. The painting style is simple and cute, and even adults will be touched by these brain-opening life philosophical stories.

"I want to win, and I'm not afraid of losing"

Author: Simon Philip

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

Whether at school or in other group settings, children inevitably face winning and losing. What kind of attitude should children have in the face of winning and losing? The book "I want to win, I'm not afraid of losing" expresses that children should bravely meet the competition with the attitude of daring to fight to win, and secondly, "it doesn't matter if you lose, you must feel the gains in the process and learn to appreciate the opponent."

Children's Books Before the start of school, use these books to take children to explore themselves inward

In this book, "failure" teaches the little protagonist an important lesson, learning to be strong, to enjoy what she loves, and not just to care about winning or losing the outcome. I hope this warm story will also bring a firm strength to the children who read it.