
5 bad habits in the kitchen that can lead to family cancer! Especially the first one, many people have been recruited

author:Popular Science China

Recently, the topic of #Bad cooking habits may cause family cancer# has rushed to the hot search, causing widespread attention.

5 bad habits in the kitchen that can lead to family cancer! Especially the first one, many people have been recruited

Image source: Sina Weibo

Indeed, many bad habits in the kitchen can lead to cancer or affect the health of the whole family. We've taken a look at the 5 most common bad habits in the kitchen to see if you've hit a trick that can take the whole family's health a big step forward.

Bad habit 1: Do not turn on or turn off the range hood early

The hood is a must-have in the kitchen, but many people treat it as a decoration, rarely turn on when cooking, and almost become an idle item.

Kitchen fumes are one of the main causes of indoor air pollution, especially now that many homes are closed kitchens, and the air pollution problem caused by fumes is more serious.

Long-term exposure to oil smoke environment may lead to laryngitis, rhinitis, tracheitis and other diseases, and severe lung cancer will be induced. Some epidemiological studies have confirmed that exposure to food fumes is associated with lung cancer in the population, and significantly increases the risk of lung cancer in non-smoking populations. [2]

When cooking, be sure to turn on the range hood, and pay attention to the time of turning on the range hood. Studies have shown that turning on the hood 20s before cooking can better control the distribution of oil smoke, prevent the spread of oil smoke, keep it on during cooking, and let the range hood continue to work for 3 minutes after cooking, don't turn it off directly after cooking. [3]

In addition, it is recommended to use more low-temperature cooking, which will produce less oil smoke. Studies have shown that when the oil temperature in the pot is heated to 170°C, vaporization and decomposition will begin to occur, forming oil smoke composed of 10μm small oil droplets; When the temperature rises to 270°C, the high boiling point edible oil molecules begin to vaporize, and cyan oil smoke appears. The soot contains about 220 components and contains mutagens and carcinogens such as benzopyrene, volatile nitrosamines, and heterocyclic amines. [1]

Many families are mainly stir-frying, steaming, stir-frying, frying 3 cooking methods, steamed PM2.5 emissions are smaller, stir-frying and frying PM2.5 emissions peak is 60~70 times that of steaming. [4]

5 bad habits in the kitchen that can lead to family cancer! Especially the first one, many people have been recruited

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Bad habit 2: Use earth-pressed oil for cooking

In the eyes of the older generation, soil oil is a good thing, and it is the first choice for healthy oil. But the reality is that there are greater safety risks in soil pressed oil and may cause cancer.

First of all, the soil oil is not refined, there are many impurities, the smoke point is low, and it is easy to produce oil smoke when stir-frying, which will increase the risk of lung cancer.

Secondly, the quality of raw materials for soil pressed oil cannot be guaranteed, and it may be mixed with moldy raw materials due to improper storage, and if it is contaminated with aflatoxin, eating it often will increase the risk of liver cancer.

It is recommended that you choose cooking oil produced by regular manufacturers, and there is a strict inspection process from raw materials entering the factory to finished products leaving the factory, which is relatively safer.

Bad habit 3: Cooking oil is used repeatedly

The oil left over from frying fish and croquettes at home is reluctant to throw away, and is often used to continue stir-frying or frying repeatedly. Cooking oil, after repeated high-temperature cooking, produces more carcinogens and trans fatty acids, which not only increases the risk of cancer, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

It is really reluctant to throw it away, and it is recommended to filter the oil left over from fried food and use it to make cold dishes, while being careful not to store it for too long, otherwise the oil will oxidize and rancidity.

Bad habit 4: Continuous stir-frying without brushing the pan

After stir-frying the first dish, a lot of food residues and residual grease from the previous dish will be attached to the surface of the pot, and if it is continued to be used to make the second dish, the previous food residue will be burnt, and then carcinogens will be produced, and the residual grease will also produce harmful ingredients due to secondary heating.

If you need to stir-fry multiple dishes, be sure to brush the pot in time after each dish is ready before making the second dish.

5 bad habits in the kitchen that can lead to family cancer! Especially the first one, many people have been recruited

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Bad habit 5: Put more salt in your dishes

The "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" recommends that the daily salt intake of each person should not exceed 5 grams, but the daily salt intake of most residents in the mainland far exceeds this standard, and some even exceed 2 times. [5]

Eating too much salt will not only induce high blood pressure, but also increase osteoporosis, gastritis, and even increase the risk of stomach cancer. Because excessive salt intake will irritate the gastric mucosa, it may lead to the shedding of parietal cells, which are the barrier to protect the health of the stomach, and once destroyed, it will increase the risk of gastritis and eventually induce stomach cancer. [6]

When cooking, you must master the amount of salt used, don't shake your hands and put more, 1 person's salt intake throughout the day should not exceed 1 beer bottle cap (with adhesive pad); It is also necessary to eat less pickled products and processed foods, such as pickles, squeezed vegetables, ham, bacon, bacon, etc.

Tip: Try seasoning with spices, add more green onions, ginger, garlic, thirteen spices, or put some vinegar to increase the saltiness.

The above are the 5 bad habits in the kitchen in this inventory, how many have you hit? Quickly forward it to your friends, even if you change 1, you can make their health +1.


[1] LI Bo,WANG Anhui. Medical Review,2019,25(18):3611-3616,3621.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-2084.2019.18.015.

[2] LI Xu,LI Xiaodan. Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection,2019,(2):28-29.)

[3] Di Liang, Wang Yueren. Analysis of dynamic distribution of PM2.5 under different operating modes of kitchen range hood[J].China Residential Facilities,2015,0(5):30-33.)

[4] Lan Zhenhao, Huang Simin. Study on the main influencing factors and control measures of PM2.5 emission from kitchen fumes[J].Green Building,2017,9(1):49-53.)

[5] Scientific Research Report on Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2021

[6] XU Hairong, XU Yaochu. Recent epidemiological research on the relationship between dietary factors and gastric cancer[J].Chinese Oncology,2002(02):21-23.)


Planning production

Author丨Xue Qingxin, the first batch of nutrition instructors of the Health Commission, a registered dietitian in China

Audit丨Ruan Quang Feng, Deputy Director of Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center