
Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!


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In recent years, the words and deeds of some artists have aroused widespread public attention. They ostensibly defend patriotic honor, but in reality their behavior is confusing.

For example, a female host once showed adoration and obedience to a foreign artist during the recording of the program. A certain actor publicly expressed his preference for Japan, and there was also a rumor of domestic violence after marriage. Another male star, dressed in exotic costumes, is suspected of disrespecting history.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Their true motives and purposes are not yet clear, but they have sparked heated discussions from all walks of life. Some speculate that this is commercial hype, while others believe that it reflects an identity crisis.

So who are these stars? Let's find out together.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

1. Little S: Kneeling and sucking the soles of the feet of Japanese actresses

The first is Xiao S, formerly known as Xu Xidi. Xiao S is a well-known TV host in Taiwan, she is known for her outspoken and bold alternative. In order to create the effect of the show, she often shows incomprehensible behavior in front of the camera.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

For example, when her sister Da S and her ex-brother-in-law Wang Xiaofei were guests, she insisted on washing Wang Xiaofei's feet. Even though Wang Xiaofei felt embarrassed to shirk, she still forced Wang Xiaofei to wash her feet. Doing this in front of my sister is indeed out of proportion.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

This is also often the case for guests. She will take the initiative to ask to touch the abs of the male guest, put her feet on the guests, and let the other party evaluate the aroma of the feet. These actions made many male guests red-faced, but they also attracted attention.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

But the most offensive thing is what she once did to a Japanese actress on a show. She actually knelt down directly, lifted the Japanese actress's feet and put them in her mouth.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Everyone at the scene was stunned by her actions, and afterwards she asked the other party if she was satisfied, saying that she could continue if she was not satisfied.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

This is undoubtedly the performance of her program effect first, which can create topics for her position without losing her bottom line and personality. It is also unacceptable for a Chinese to kneel and lick the feet of foreigners, not to mention Japan, in exchange for any country.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

It is true that it is normal for variety shows to pursue effects, but the bottom line still has to be drawn. As a public figure, Xiao S should pay attention to the impact of his words and deeds on society, and cannot ignore the bottom line because of eyeballs.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

To be reasonable, Xiao S's unscrupulous approach in order to attract attention has seriously exceeded the bottom line of an artist.

What she did undoubtedly brought disgust to many viewers, although she intended to create topics to increase exposure, but too much pursuit of the effect of the program regardless of the bottom line, its negative impact far outweighed the positive.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

As a public figure, Xiao S must have basic work ethics and a sense of the bottom line. At present, her nonsense behavior will not only make her lose the respect of most of the audience, but in the long run, her status in the entertainment industry will only become lower and lower.

Artists should be good benchmarks for public figures, not models of corrupting social morality. I hope that Xiao S can learn from these incidents and can no longer win attention in a way that damages the image of the country and the nation.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

2. Zhang Ziyi: A geisha who went to Japan during a sensitive period

The second is Zhang Ziyi. With her outstanding performance in "My Father and Mother", Zhang Ziyi became the best among the girls in one fell swoop.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

After that, Zhang Ziyi followed high-grossing movies again, and every movie she participated in could attract a large number of audiences to watch. However, just when Zhang Ziyi's career was in full swing, a storm caused her popularity to plummet.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

In 2005, when Zhang Ziyi was approaching the anniversary of the victory of the Chinese War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, she flew to Japan to shoot a movie called "Memoirs of a Geisha". In this movie, Zhang Ziyi plays a Japanese geisha.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Although this is a good quality film and Zhang Ziyi's performance has also been well received, it is really unacceptable to choose to work in Japan at such a time point sensitive to Sino-Japanese relations and play a Japanese role.

The decision drew immediate criticism from netizens. In the eyes of netizens, Zhang Ziyi's going to Japan to film at this time is simply a betrayal of the country's history. She should not forget the remembrance of the country's history just to develop her career.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Zhang Ziyi later responded to the incident, saying that she did not think about it so much at the time. Such a blatant statement further aggravated the dissatisfaction of netizens against her.

He could have continued to be a bright star in the Chinese film industry, but Zhang Ziyi damaged his image in the hearts of the Chinese people because he was confused for a while.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

The good name of "Mou Girl" is also difficult to associate with her because of this turmoil. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Zhang Ziyi, who was on the cusp of his career at that time.

This incident has become a disgraceful mark in Zhang Ziyi's career, and people can't help but regret why a star made such a decision that he regretted.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

3. Rainie Yang: Frivolous remarks have caused controversy

The third is Rainie Yang. Rainie Yang is a Taiwanese female artist, who has emerged in the entertainment industry with her pure image and vitality, and has accumulated widespread popularity especially in the mainland. However, some of her remarks and practices have sparked controversy.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

In 2011, Rainie Yang participated in the recording of the China TV variety show "Kangxi is Coming".

When talking about the topic of the War of Resistance Against Japan, host Wu Zongxian asked about the number of compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre, but Rainie Yang replied with a playful expression.

Later, he mistakenly said that the War of Resistance Against Japan had been fought for 11 years, and after being reminded, he said that "it has only been 8 years."

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

This series of unsquared remarks was criticized by netizens immediately after the program was broadcast, believing that she did not have basic historical common sense and did not have basic respect for the sacrifice of martyrs.

Since then, Rainie Yang has also made a gaffe in other shows. She once bluntly said in an interview that "the mainland is very dirty", touching the emotions of mainland audiences. Although she received a lot of support from mainland resources, her remarks were considered to be "taking advantage of people's dangers".

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Rainie Yang's gaffe video quickly spread widely on the Internet, and the momentum of crowding quickly gathered up. Public opinion overwhelmingly accused Rainie Yang of ignoring history and martyrs, and demanded that she apologize publicly.

Once upon a time, when the star road was smooth, her many inappropriate remarks led to a decline in popularity and her career was seriously hit. Her fans also faced doubts and attacks, and her image plummeted.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

For a public figure, his words and deeds will be scrutinized by all sectors of society, and Rainie Yang obviously does not fully realize this. These controversies have caused her to fall from a sought-after idol to a situation where everyone is shouting, and it has also become a case of prudent selection of spokespersons by companies.

It also served as a wake-up call for other public figures.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Freedom of speech does not mean unbridled and requires learning to discipline and scrutinize oneself and be cautious about potentially controversial speech.

At the same time, it is necessary to enhance the awareness of history and social responsibility, and we must not ignore the history of the country and the bloodshed and sacrifice of martyrs. Individual interests cannot be prioritized over social effects.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

4. Lin Zhiling: I would rather endure domestic violence than marry a Japanese

The fourth is Lin Chiling. Lin Chi-ling, born in Taiwan, is a well-known actress and model in the Chinese circle. She has the characteristics of a typical oriental beauty, melon face, big eyes, and baby voice, which has deeply attracted countless fans.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

In film and television dramas, the roles she portrayed are mostly gentle and lovely, especially with many first-line actors, such as Takeshi Kaneshiro, Andy Lau, etc., and the wonderful rivalry between them makes the audience gazzle.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

The "national goddess" remained single until 2019, when she suddenly announced her marriage on Weibo, targeting a Japanese actor Ryohei Kurosawa, which caught fans off guard.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Two artists who had no connection suddenly announced their marriage, and there was a burning discussion on the Internet for a while. In addition to blessings, there are more regrets, puzzlements, and even doubts. After all, before that, there was no sign of intimacy between the two.

Many people speculate whether Lin Chiling chose to marry Ryohei Kurosawa in order to develop her career in Japan.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Subsequently, Lin Zhiling explained that she met her husband during the cooperation in 2011, and developed from a friend relationship to a love, but the heat of the topic did not cool down.

It turned out that the two also had a 15-year relationship, which made fans sigh more and more about Lin Zhiling's marriage.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Her change to her husband's surname also raises questions about whether she has somehow "abandoned" Chinese nationality. In the marriage life of the two, there are also constant rumors of Ryohei Kurosawa's violent confrontation or cheating, which undoubtedly has a certain impact on Lin Zhiling's image in the public's heart.

Especially after Lin Zhiling gave birth to her son, she appeared emaciated, and more people speculated whether she suffered a lot in Japan.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Lin Zhiling later came forward to clarify that everything was good, but when describing the relationship between the two, overemphasizing polite words such as thanks was more obvious and unconvincing.

So far, every time Lin Zhiling returns to China, it will cause all kinds of speculation, and there are even remarks that her life in Japan is not satisfactory, and she returned to China to make money.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

5. Cai Guoqing: From a national singer to an artist who deviates from morality

The fifth is Cai Guoqing. Cai Guoqing is a veteran pop singer. With his handsome appearance and magnetic voice, he was very popular in the 80s and 90s of the last century and was sought after by countless music fans.

Known to many as the "national singer," each of his performances drew an influx of spectators.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

However, while he enjoys the reputation of "national singer", some of his words and deeds have gradually deviated from the moral bottom line that an artist should have.

In recent years, Cai Guoqing has publicly expressed his love and worship for Japanese culture many times. While participating in a large-scale variety show, he actually wore a Japanese kimono.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

It should be noted that this is still a show filmed and produced in China. A Chinese artist wearing traditional Japanese costumes on a Chinese show undoubtedly sends a very inappropriate message to the audience.

In the face of public pressure, Cai Guoqing explained that this was to "promote Sino-Japanese friendship." However, we must realize that Sino-Japanese friendship is based on historical understanding, and must not downplay the great suffering that Japan caused to China during World War II.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

If an artist lacks correct historical cognition and moral courage in this regard, it will only lead to misconceptions among young people.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

Some commentators criticized Cai Guoqing for completely forgetting his Chinese identity, and his words and actions have seriously deviated from the moral bottom line of a public figure.

Today, Cai Guoqing is still active in the entertainment industry.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

But we must be soberly aware that the most valuable quality of an artist is to correctly understand history, correctly understand the world, and influence every music fan with positive content.

Otherwise, no matter how good the voice and talent are, it can only be empty and hypocritical.

Extremely flattering stars, licking the feet of Japanese actresses, wearing Japanese clothes, and forgetting their ancestors is full of ugliness!

What do you think of these extremely flattering celebrities and their behavior and speech?

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