
Exercise a "summer", Pudong children set off a sports boom

author:Shangguan News
Exercise a "summer", Pudong children set off a sports boom

The summer vacation is quietly halfway through, and the just-concluded Chengdu Summer Universiade and the upcoming Asian Games in Hangzhou have ignited a sports boom among Pudong children. As one of the district-level public sports venues in Pudong New Area, Sanlin Sports Center is an important position for national fitness in the new district. Life lies in sports, and health lies in exercise. For children who love sports, Sanlin Sports Center arranges a variety of wonderful sports programs, come and see how they "exercise a summer" in this colorful summer vacation!

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With beautiful postures and clean movements, on the ice rink of the Flying Ice Sports Center, children are enjoying the cool "summer vacation on ice". Accompanied by melodious music, children on the ice rink use skates to draw shapes on the ice surface and perform difficult movements such as jumping and spinning. As a highly skilled and artistic sport, they not only need to practice ice movements, but also physical training. Behind the beautiful display on the ice rink is the hard work day after day.

Exercise a "summer", Pudong children set off a sports boom
Exercise a "summer", Pudong children set off a sports boom

The teaching team of Feiyang Ice Sports Center is composed of many national champions, Asian champions, world skating competition winners and international coaches, and the curriculum covers ice hockey, figure skating, short track speed skating and other popular ice sports. Ma Changyu, Operation Director of Feiyang Ice Sports Center, introduced that Feiyang Ice Sports Center is a leading professional ice sports venue in China, and has hosted many domestic and foreign ice events since its opening. At the same time, ice sports have been popularized to the public, and a large number of local Shanghai youth ice sports talents have been cultivated.

Practice three nine in winter and three volts in summer. In the Shenzhiwolf Sports Complex, more than a dozen children dressed in exercise uniforms lined up and practiced basic skills and traditional martial arts under the guidance of the instructor. They move quickly and spiritually, and under the instructions of the instructor, they show the charm of martial arts in one move.

Exercise a "summer", Pudong children set off a sports boom

Nine-year-old Zhang Yinghan is the only girl in the class. Don't look at her young age, she has been studying martial arts for three years. In the past three years, Zhang Yinghan has constantly set "small goals" for herself and overcome various difficulties. Facing the future, she said that she wants to continue to practice martial arts well and become a "hero among women". Fifteen-year-old Wu Jiajun is also an "old student", and he is still a martial arts specialty student after five years of martial arts training. During the summer vacation, he came to his favorite martial arts arena again.

Wushu is a treasure of Chinese culture and an important part of traditional Chinese culture. As a traditional sport, wushu not only strengthens the body, but also contains rich cultural connotations. Shen Zhiwolf Fighting Martial Arts Coach Du Xueqi introduced that the number of children learning martial arts this summer has increased a lot compared with previous years, and the children's enthusiasm has also greatly improved.

Zhu Meihua, deputy director of Sanlin Sports Center, told reporters that this year, Sanlin Sports Center has opened more than 15 sports for the majority of young people, in addition to unique ice events and traditional Chinese martial arts, there are also shooting, badminton, table tennis, roller skating, street dance, basketball, tennis and other sports. At the same time, there are various summer camps and training camps with public welfare nature in the center. Sanlin Sports Center will continue to play the function of district-level public sports venues to benefit more people.

Exercise a "summer", Pudong children set off a sports boom

Responsible Editor: Xu Ling

Text Qian Jiani

Photo by Zou Zhiqin

Source: Pudong Release