
Wang Chuanjun: Reconcile with yourself and feel life

author:Bright Net

Increasingly light

In addition to appearing on the screen as an image in his works, Wang Chuanjun rarely appears in front of the public at other times. Because of this, the public's impression of him has always lagged. Once upon a time, when everyone still liked the refreshing and handsome big boy who lived in the "love apartment", he grew long hair, grew a beard, and threw a haggard face in front of people's eyes. Now, when everyone has become accustomed to this decadent appearance, he seems to be loose and stretched again.

Recently, he has been following the movie "Desperate" in the national roadshow, and on the stage after each screening, in addition to still liking to wear loose clothes, his interaction with the audience has obviously increased, and he accepts various ridicule with a smile. When China Newsweek met him, he had just finished a shoot, and took advantage of the gap between the adjustments on the scene to pick up a large bucket of mineral water with lemons he brewed himself. He took a sip, sat down, and quietly waited for the question.

Wang Chuanjun: Reconcile with yourself and feel life

Wang Chuanjun was interviewed by this magazine. Photo/Reporter Ma Yongdong

"Because the current job is to shave off the beard a little, does it feel that this person is a little unable to live if you have more beards?" Talking about possible changes, Wang Chuanjun touched his smooth cheeks and asked rhetorically: "I don't seem to be so lost at first?" ”

The beard is certainly not the cause of the change, nor is it the only manifestation of the change. The real change comes from the look, facial muscles and body posture, and he always appears clear and open in the process of conversation, sometimes agile, sometimes contemplative, sometimes mischievous. Even more radical changes come from a kind of "broken word": a few years ago he said that he did not want to make TV series anymore and would not be on any TV shows, but since last year he has participated in two consecutive seasons of "Fifty Kilometers Peachblossom Dock", and in June this year, "Her Way to Survive" was announced, and he returned to the small screen as the male number one.

"Reconcile with yourself. Let yourself go and feel life. You can be stuck in a certain state of your own at a certain stage, but hopefully there will be a time to come out. Wang Chuanjun admits that he is indeed lighter now. He was very satisfied with this state, so satisfied that when he spoke, his voice became light, with a slight hint of Shanghainese: "Although I am still a little fat, I am actually seriously losing weight." I'm going to get lighter and lighter, have fun and try to do things that make everyone 'wow'. ”

Angry hedgehog

The "wow" thing isn't necessarily all about the work. Although Wang Chuanjun is now or has been recognized as a strong actor, he is indeed willing to put in the effort and work hard every time, but acting for him is just work. "I respect my job, I love my job, but I can't describe it as love or obsession right now. To put it bluntly, I am also a part-time worker, I have never wanted to concave the artist to set up this matter, these three words were given to me by others, and I don't know exactly what I want to do. ”

This time in the movie "All or Nothing", he played the leader of an online fraud organization. For this role, he struggled to find all possible aids, getting inspiration for the look and gesture from the vulture, and binge drinking a lot of beer to shape the character. In the end, he was fierce and ruthless in the film, and his texture was reliable, which became the first derivative topic to explode, and netizens made memes: "It is recommended to check this person, it doesn't look like it's acted."

Wang Chuanjun: Reconcile with yourself and feel life

"All or Nothing" stills: Lu Bingkun (second from right), the leader of the fraud syndicate played by Wang Chuanjun, discovered the escape plan of Pan Sheng (locked in a cage) and others, and ordered another kidnapped victim to break Pan Sheng's calf.

For the audience's feedback, Wang Chuanjun's reaction was very indifferent: "After the modeling is done, half of this character has been completed, and the remaining half is slightly imitated, and it will probably look like that." "More than another success in performance, he values the harmonious atmosphere of the crew. In fact, in recent years, Wang Chuanjun has been repeatedly cooperating with directors Lou Ye, Cheng Er, and Wen Muye back and forth, and there is no other reason, that is, he is good and familiar. The reliability of the team has become an important criterion for his selection of scripts. "Movies are something that everyone does together, and if you want to play the role well, you still need a more reliable team to help you create a space so that you have no distractions in it." The more familiar you are, the less obstacles you will have on the scene, especially when there is a very large emotional scene, you don't have that shell. ”

But there are always times when things are not familiar, and there are always times when everyone is not familiar with them. Whenever this happens, Wang Chuanjun will take the initiative to play the role of lubricant. In a strange or not so smooth crew, he is often the first to break the situation, adjusting the atmosphere like chicken blood, and using the fastest speed possible to integrate everyone. "I feel like that's part of my job, and only by sorting this thing out can I feel safe enough on site."

In the misunderstanding or wishful thinking of the outside world, Wang Chuanjun is arrogant and high. On the contrary, he is good at making friends and knows how to be human. "It could be the influence of childhood. When I was a child, I grew up in a restaurant with my mother, and after school, I went to the restaurant to do my homework, saw all kinds of diners, and after meeting a lot of people, I formed a social state for survival. After that, because of this kind of work, the actor is adapted to the environment to live, like water. "Qinggao is a little," but Qinggao just sobered himself up, not contempt or discrimination, does not mean that he is not good with others. He told China Newsweek.

In his bones, Wang Chuanjun is an authentic Shanghainese who takes decency very seriously. He knows how to manage relationships without embarrassing himself or others. It's just that "in this work circle, it will become difficult because there will always be people who turn all kinds of things into a topic."

He recalled some of the things he had experienced, and before he finished speaking, Wang Chuanjun tightened his body like an electric shock and whimpered: "Oh, I think I should hug 'him', it's so sad." The "he" he meant himself at the time, of course, but the mood of about to burst the levee, as soon as he hit the decent embankment, immediately regained his calm.

"I now understand why 'he' was so flammable and explosive at that time, you don't need to understand, it's a kind of suffering, suffering everyone doesn't need to understand, yes, I can understand it myself." As if ending a period of self-talk, two tear tracks stopped on his face, and he leaned forward and asked, "What was the problem just now?" ”

Thirty-year-old rebel

Last month, Wang Chuanjun just liked a Weibo of Oriental Satellite TV, which was the 2007 "Come on!" Good Boy" in which 17 seconds belong to the 22-year-old. In the past, these youthful clips were definitely an embarrassing past that he couldn't bear to read, but now, "at a certain age, he finds that everything is precious."

That wasn't his stage debut. Before that, he had participated in Guan Hu's movies, also made TV series, and won the finals runner-up in a comedy talent show. But all the steps taken are ignorant and passive.

When the Class of Good Boys aired in 2006, Wang Chuanjun's mother had just completed her first cancer surgery. With tubes inserted in her body, she saw the youthful vitality of the brilliant teenagers on TV, so she encouraged her son to sign up as well. "My mother used to have a nickname called 'Madang Road Three Miss', and she seemed to have a dream of standing on the stage, so I may have been sent by her to that road."

Wang Chuanjun is an obedient child when he is young, and his grades are good, and the evaluation of adults is always praise. Even one spring trip, he didn't even dare to mention the request to go to the toilet to the teacher, so he held it until he peed in his pants. Therefore, he naturally did not raise any objections to his mother's request to lie on the hospital bed. In the last game of the regional competition, he also brought his mother to the scene, watching her excitedly and happily pick up the microphone and say exactly the same thing as all the parents standing on the stage, "I felt that she was very happy at that moment."

Sometimes, obedience is not necessarily a bad thing, at least Wang Chuanjun has been verifying this for the first 30 years. In the eight years since graduating from the Shanghai Theatre Academy, his path has been step-by-step and smooth. If you just continue like this, it shouldn't be too bad. But just on the threshold of 30 years old, the sleeping fuse was suddenly ignited. He tore up the original life drawings with his own hands and began to want to find himself and do something he really wanted to do.

"The rebellious period came late, and he only started rebelling at the age of 30, and this person is simply sick and too immature. It's better to come than not to come, all the right time, it's a point in your life. Sometimes my life is not arranged by me, it is decided by the underworld. It comes to me thank you. He said.

When it comes to the "absurdity" of the year of his establishment, Wang Chuanjun is now full of self-deprecation and pleasure. However, at the beginning, he was like a battle of trapped beasts, running left and right, rampage: "I have done some undignified things, one is young, and the other is drinking too much." When you are young, it is easy to get on the head, drink a little wine to get on the head, and really want to spread the gas. ”

At the end of 2016, after years of battling the disease, my mother was unable to linger anymore and died. The death of a loved one is like a rite of passage marked by death, pressing a sad pause button on Wang Chuanjun's late adolescence. Three months later, he joined the crew of "I Am Not the God of Medicine", playing Lu Yiyi, a leukemia patient who survived humbly.

This role became a cut of Wang Chuanjun's acting career. Before that, he was just a handsome boy who made people happy in urban comedy, after which it was discovered that there was still amazing expressiveness and unlimited possibilities in his body. But only he knows that his mother helped him do it: "When your family is gone, it seems to become your bodhisattva, leading you to another place." Originally, I actually wanted to play Huang Mao, but later I played Lu Yi because I was too familiar with the mentality of patients before dying, because I have been with patients for more than ten years, and I understand every minute and second of them. ”

With this role, the following year's Changchun Film Festival awarded the best young supporting actor to Wang Chuanjun, and when he was interviewed by a group in the background, he remembered his mother and burst into tears. After that, he successively won the China Film Directors Association Annual Award, Golden Rooster, and Hundred Flowers, all of which were placed by him in front of his mother's grave, and she had been looking forward to her son winning the award, but unfortunately he couldn't wait.

Embrace change

In his mother's last days, Wang Chuanjun accompanied him for four months. His mother chased him away, feeling that she was delaying his work, and just when a movie was looking for him, she followed him to New York.

On the other side of the ocean, Wang Chuanjun wandered around with his camera on his back when he had nothing to do, wandering aimlessly, or watching shows and exhibitions everywhere, and then returning to his room to drink, where the wine was cheap and delicious. After returning from New York, he went to India again and was baptized again. By the Ganges, he witnessed a funeral in which flames consumed the flesh, half of the ashes flowed with the river, and half were brought back by their loved ones; On the streets of Valenasi, he stepped on cow dung everywhere, wondering if the locals were not dirty, and a young man replied to him, "What water can wash off, what is dirty".

Since then, Wang Chuanjun has fallen in love with travel. Every strange place you walk through will reap a unique experience and precious revelation. "I went to Zhongshan a while ago, I especially liked it, the city gas is very strong, the mango tree on the side of the road fell to the ground of mangoes, these are all pictures I have never seen before, I know that those things are inadvertently raising me."

Wang Chuanjun said that he is a "high-minded" person, and that kind of mountain and sea things can go to his heart. When there are more and more of them, they will be like water, slowly overflowing the bad things that were hidden in his heart. It is for this purpose that he joined "Fifty Kilometers Peachblossom Dock" for two consecutive years, from Wenchang, Hainan to Lijiang, Yunnan, and seriously enjoyed all the salvation that nature has blessed.

The show also allowed him to make new friends. He likes to play with Wang Hedi, who is 13 years old, this younger brother can always create joy for himself, and he can always see from him what is really comfortable. Even many times, listening to Wang Hedi's "Brother Jun, Brother Jun", he will suddenly have the illusion of having a child.

Wang Chuanjun is indeed getting used to being a father. The birth of his daughter brought great changes to his life and brought new feelings to his heart. "The child is a shadow, because she comes, starts to slowly pump you out, and when you slowly poke your head, the light comes over." In private, Wang Hedi often "educated" him: "Brother, move bricks steadily, don't think about those useless." In the past, he probably laughed it off at best, but now, he thinks he's right, he has to work hard and make enough money for milk powder.

His daughter may also change his screen image later. When he was young, Wang Chuanjun longed to play the bad guy, but the dream really came true, from "Lyceum Theater" to "Nameless" to "All or Nothing", he was too addicted to villains. But then he didn't want to act anymore, "Try to play as few bad people as possible, I'm afraid that when the child grows up in the future, see how his father plays the bad guy." That's something I'm starting to mind now. ”

Sometimes, Wang Chuanjun also imagines what he would think if his former self saw his current appearance: "Fool, 'he' will feel that he has betrayed 'his' ideals." But what's not to do? It is always changing, accept the changes, calmly watch those changes, and then follow the changes to walk the road of future life. This is evolution, and evolution should be like that. ”

However, although the panicked chapter has been turned over and he has finally grown up again, Wang Chuanjun feels that his adolescence may return one day. "It's always in your body, you just have to think about it, need it, and it will be aroused by you." In fact, everything is in your body, at different stages, different circumstances, different people you meet, they will help you find out better things. ”

Published in the 1105th issue of China Newsweek magazine on August 21, 2023

Magazine title: Wang Chuanjun: More and more light

Reporter: Xu Pengyuan

Source: China Newsweek

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