
How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

author:History lectures
How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?


When I was a child, I often saw Mr. Lu Xun's articles in textbooks, and each of his articles was a kind of "criticism" of the old society.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

For example, in "Diary of a Madman", Mr. Lu Xun exposed the phenomenon of "cannibalism" by the rulers of feudal society through the self-account of the "madman", expressing Mr. Lu Xun's resistance to the connotation of feudal rites.

Mr. Lu Xun's articles played a pivotal role in the New Culture Movement and the Literary Revolution, reflecting dissatisfaction with the feudal system of the old society.

But Mr. Lu Xun is not only a literary hero, but also an official during the Republic of China, he served as a servant and section chief of the Ministry of Education during the Republic of China, Mr. Lu Xun has mentioned his official position in many of his own articles, and the importance of this official position can also be seen.

So what kind of official position is the secretary and section chief of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China?

"A Generation of Literary Heroes"

On September 25, 1881, a family in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province made a sound waiting to be fed, and the future famous literary artist Mr. Lu Xun was born.

His father loved this newborn child very much, named Zhou Zhangshou, young name A Zhang, Lu Xun has liked books since he was a child, and entered the Sanwei Bookhouse to study at the age of 11, and did some shadow drawings in his spare time.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

When he was studying in Sanwei Shuya, Lu Xun's grandfather was arrested by the rulers for bribery in an exam, and his father knew that he could not bear this situation, and soon fell ill in bed.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

This also made some changes in the heart of the teenager Lu Xun, who often visited his grandfather in prison while taking care of his father at home.

He had to get medicine for his father every day, and over time, he took the medicine from the pharmacy and returned home to set his father up before rushing to school, so he would occasionally be late and criticized by the teacher.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

But Mr. Lu Xun never complained about the teacher, because he also knew in his own heart that students who were often late were not good students.

In order to remember this lesson, he carved a word "early" on his desk, hoping that in this way, he would become more diligent and come to the school earlier.

With such perseverance and strict requirements for himself, Mr. Lu Xun got the best score in the class in the evaluation.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

In 1898, Mr. Lu Xun entered the Nanjing Water Master School, and also changed his name to Zhou Shuren, this year he listened to the persuasion of his family to participate in the local county examination, and finally won the list with excellent results, but because his younger brother at home suffered from illness, Lu Xun did not want his brother to suffer, he gave up this opportunity and chose to continue his studies.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

In this way, Mr. Lu Xun's childhood to youth was unfortunate, he experienced the decline of his family, the death of his father, and his brother suffered from a serious illness, and he had tasted a lot of the sufferings of this world.

Mr. Lu Xun clearly knew that in order to make China strong, China must have artillery and naval divisions like the Western powers, and when he chose to enter the Nanjing Navy Master's School, his family was actually very opposed to him, because the "Westerners" at that time were often looked down upon.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

In 1902, Mr. Lu Xun began to want to study medicine, probably because his father was killed by quacks in his early years, and he wanted to make the Chinese people not be killed by quacks.

But with the passage of time, he found that the people of the old society were not physically damaged at all, but the psychological wounds could not be repaired at all, and the bad atmosphere brought by the feudal society would only make the countrymen step by step into the abyss.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

Only by changing the old thinking of the Chinese people can China enter a brand-new era and make the Chinese people really stand up with their heads held high.

Therefore, Mr. Lu Xun gave up the road of studying medicine, and he resolutely joined the literary world and began to redeem people's old social ideas.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

In 1909, Mr. Lu Xun returned to China from Japan, and through the recommendation of his best friend Xu Shouxiang, he entered the Ministry of Education, at this time Lu Xun was still a "small soldier" of the Ministry of Education, but slowly, he grew into a "general".

In August 1912, Cai Yuanpei, the Minister of Education, recommended Lu Xun to the then Provisional President of the Republic of China, hoping to be appointed as a minister of the Ministry of Education, and within a few days the appointment certificate was handed over to Mr. Lu Xun, and soon after, he was reappointed as the head of the Department of Education.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

At this time, the Ministry of Education was established less than a year ago, and Mr. Lu Xun can be called one of the "founders" of the Ministry of Education.

When the Provisional Government of the Republic of China was first established, nine major departments were set up, including the Ministry of Education, and Cai Yuanpei, a great thinker and educator at the time, was appointed as the head of the Ministry of Education.

Cai Yuanpei, who was worried about collecting talents at that time, heard that Xu Shouchang recommended Lu Xun to work in the Ministry of Education, and Cai Yuanpei was very excited when he learned the news.

He said to Xu Shouchang, I heard about Mr. Lu Xun's reputation a long time ago, and I was about to invite him to work here, and now I am asking Mr. Xu to help me introduce him, hoping to let Mr. Lu Xun come to work as soon as possible.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

This can also be seen that Mr. Lu Xun's talent was discovered by Cai Yuanpei a long time ago, Mr. Lu Xun wrote some manuscripts to send back to China while studying in Japan, and also co-translated the work "Extraterritorial Novels" with his younger brother Zhou Zuoren, at that time he was already emerging in literature.

On November 2 of the same year, Mr. Lu Xun was overjoyed to see a letter of appointment on his desk when he went to work, and he hurriedly recorded this incident in his diary, recording his feelings about becoming a "civil servant" for the first time.

"Size of official position"

According to the level of the Beiyang government from high to low, the chief of the Ministry of Education is equivalent to the current level of the main minister, the deputy chief is the deputy ministerial level, the director of the education department belongs to the level of the chief minister, and the section chief is the level of the chief director, but Mr. Lu Xun also serves as a servant, so his official position should be the deputy director level.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

Moreover, at that time, Lu Xun's official place was in Nanjing, which belonged to the official of the national capital region, so his rank was higher than that of the same level in other regions.

Moreover, at that time, the actual decision-making power of the Department of Social Education was held by one director and two section chiefs, and Mr. Lu Xun was the first section chief, and he had one of the three important figures.

Moreover, he was also favored by the director of the department, and was often called by the director to his home to chat and talk about things, so on the whole, his position was also larger than that of the head of the second section.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

From then on, Mr. Lu Xun's official position was calculated from 1912 to 1926, a total of 14 years of service, during which Mr. Lu Xun did not say that he was promoted or demoted, but his salary was increased twice.

In 1926, Mr. Lu Xun was dismissed by Zhang Shizhao, then Minister of Education, for supporting progressive students and fighting against the government, but Lu Xun has the arrogance of a literati, and I can resign myself, but you cannot fire me on trumped-up charges.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

So, Mr. Lu Xun fought a lawsuit with Zhang Shizhao and finally won.


Mr. Lu Xun is a giant of modern Chinese literature, and his life is not marked by his career achievements, but by his literary contributions. His creations made outstanding contributions to the cultural reform of New China and profoundly influenced future generations.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

With his sharp brushstrokes and profound insight, Mr. Lu Xun bravely revealed the darkness of society and the ugliness of human nature. His works, such as "Diary of a Madman" and "The True Story of A Q", reveal the decay and hypocrisy of feudal society with a unique style and sharp critical spirit.

His works make people realize that social progress and reform must fundamentally shake outdated ideas and institutions.

Mr. Lu Xun's literary contributions are not only reflected in his novels and essays, but also in his translations and literary essays. He introduced the ideas and art of Western literature into China, broadening people's thinking and aesthetic horizons.

How big an official is Lu Xun's Ministry of Education and section chief? Why do you say this many times in the article?

Mr. Lu Xun's translations have made many Western literary masterpieces well-known to Chinese readers and made important contributions to China's cultural exchanges. At the same time, as a critic, his literary theory provides profound thinking and guidance for the development of Chinese literature.

Mr. Lu Xun's literary contributions had a profound impact on the cultural reform of New China. His works and ideas have brought new trends and directions to the Chinese literary and art circles, and promoted the modernization process of literature.

His critical spirit and concern for the disadvantaged in society have inspired generations of writers and artists, making literature an important force for social progress and change in China after the reform and opening up.

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