
Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

Entertainment 丨Issue 12

Wen 丨 Xu Yunze


actress Zhang Xinyu, official height 169cm, weight 51kg; She tried on a top in a women's clothing store, and said that the largest size (one size all) could not be worn, criticizing the current women's clothing is too small; I guess she was referring to a certain CHUU or a certain BM (note: two brands) that focuses on millennial babes, y2k, small suspenders and small bandeau short and tight styles.

Actress Wu Xuanyi, official height 166cm, weight 42.5kg; she bought a pair of jeanchous pants in a women's clothing store, and said that the smallest size is too fat, calling on the brand to make some small-size clothes; also speculated, I think she should buy a certain ZARA-HM with European and American design, European and American version, European and American size (Note: two brands).

From the height and weight data alone, Zhang Xinyu and Wu Xuanyi are basically in the "thin" coordinate segment of adult women's body proportions, but their respective appearances seem to be saying two completely contradictory facts: Is the size of women's clothing large or small?

Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

Wu Xuanyi complained that the size of the pants was too big

Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

Zhang Xinyu complained that the size of the pants was too small

The facts are multifaceted. This makes an era where everyone has the opportunity to speak, and the more facts, the more contradictions and less consensus. Public opinion shows that Zhang Xinyu has been supported by most female netizens, and there is a mentality behind this, that is, even female celebrities who are very thin and thin can't bear it, even female stars have stood up to help ordinary women speak, and even thin people have stood in our camp. And Wu Xuanyi has attracted a lot of opposition so far, on the grounds that she Versailles, in disguise to expose her thin figure, to create body anxiety for others, I am afraid that there is another mentality behind this, that is, thin people don't rub this topic, thin people and us are not in the same camp at all.

Because of a women's size, the female crowd has such a huge division, which is probably the best topic to intervene and talk about feminism at the moment.

Who creates body anxiety in women?

Using basic logical analysis, there is a particularly hot topic at the moment "women's clothing size is getting smaller and smaller", this sentence is stating a fact. On top of this, there are also "too harsh requirements for women's figures", "PUA for women's bodies or appearance is too serious", etc., which are some cognition and judgment. On top of this, there are emotions such as "too anxious" and "too difficult" for women, and facts-cognition-emotions, no matter which layer, are popular topics in social media.

In this topic, anyone, when TA surfs the Internet and brushes any related content, TA must see the following phenomenon: If a female blogger dares to first report her height and weight three measurements, then no matter what she says, she will definitely face the majority of netizens:

1. The blogger's question of "Versailles, what kind of fat are you, you don't need to be anxious at all, I am really fat";

2. Are you lying, I have the same data as you, I look fatter / thinner than you, I have a friend fatter / thinner than you suspect;

3, although you are big, but you have a small head / have a collarbone / have a waist / thin legs, thin arms / even your belly button, knees, wrists, ankle bones look very good, and I am fat everywhere, you don't need to be anxious at all, I am really anxious Leeuwenhoek;

4, Aite's own male friends came to evaluate: "Do men like slightly fat, men actually don't like thin people, what kind of men like" female competition scene.

And either reaction, ridiculous and real, contradictory but very homologous, vividly presents women's deep anxiety about physical appearance.

Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

Fit for the rest of your body on social platforms

Some time ago (in fact, it has been continuing) during the big discussion about the aesthetics of white thin children and white thin children and criticizing the aesthetics of white thin children, I once wanted to discuss this matter with a female friend, and the other party said half-jokingly: I remind you, I have 115 pounds, there is a difference of 30 classes between me and you, we are not a camp, it is dangerous to talk about this.

The joke of friends said a certain phenomenon, in the female population, just because of the weight of the body, can produce countless "camps", fat a pound, thin a pound, sorrow and joy can not be connected, but also can be distinguished: easy to fat physique and easy to lean physique, dieting and sports, ectodermal and endomorph, skeleton and body fat, pear-shaped H-shaped apple type, and so on. Women who are united and connected to each other on many grand topics can be torn apart casually because of the topic of weight and figure.

With such a large area and such deep body anxiety in the female population, PUA, which is ubiquitous in society and culture, is to blame. The female stars in the spotlight are getting more and more curly, pregnant except for the belly to become fat, 20 days after giving birth, the vest line reappears; For the sake of traffic, female bloggers are working harder than one, and self-media hold a scale to randomly intercept women on the street to weigh women; In order to gimmick, merchants create the kind of humiliating props that let women "drill over" to measure fat and thin, and brands set up body standard lines from goddess to female dicks for marketing; People use nine-headed golden ratio models to show clothing, and the back of the clothes must be clamped with clips to show the model's thin waist to the greatest extent, guiding consumers to buy while already completing the two hundred years of subtle "thinness is beauty" education; From the filter of thin waist and legs to the magic of AI head change, everyone can see the illusion of that perfect self, and the loss and division caused by the contrast with reality constitute the potential driving force of aesthetic power on everyone's daily life in the current digital reproduction era.

Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

China Youth Daily criticized the "good body discount" type of promotion and selling anxiety

Against body anxiety, who gets hurt and who benefits?

Women because of body anxiety, involution, female competition, and anti-anxiety, anti-involution, anti-female competition, and the use of anti-anxiety anti-involution and anti-female competition, and at the same time the use of anti-anxiety anti-involution anti-female competition for PUA, involution and female competition are exposed, all of which make us often need to ask, what should we criticize, and whose interests should we strive for in the end?

If we can read those Aite male friends come to judge, or we can judge "men actually like slightly fat girls" female compatriots, we can know that male dominance, male perspective, male interests - whether men love white skin or pouty lips, A4 waist or peach buttocks, or further, even if white skin pouty lips A4 waist peach buttocks or others, each specific aesthetic and even sexual preference indication, in fact, does not come from specific men - It's the elephant in the room that really lasts forever. The whole of male dominance, male perspective, and male interests constitutes the discipline of the whole of women's bodies, women's words and deeds, and women's aesthetics - today, this is the truth of women's anxiety, involution, and female competition.

Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

The A4 waist challenge, which was once popular, has many female celebrities participating in it

In this sense, the achievement of women's identity and community of interests requires getting rid of far from big or small clothes, far from fat or thin aesthetics. Although everyone maintains a peace of freedom of dressing and opposition to gaze on the surface, if the value logic of pleasing oneself or pleasing others does not change, from "thin is beautiful" to "fat is also beautiful", seemingly completing some relaxation, some liberation, in fact, it can easily be expanded to "fat is beauty" and slide to "thin is really ugly". The discourse of women's liberation and individuality meets the historical baggage of male dominance and objectification of women, placing the female body from one gaze to another, paradoxically promoting a new trial; Under the topic of anti-body anxiety, a lot of speech shows and creates more anxiety. Does wheat skin color cater to Western aesthetics? Who is more flattering guy than sweet girl or hot girl? Weak and toned, who can speak for a new woman? In piles of verbal garbage, people are constantly looking for witch hunters, always pointing a kind of person as an enemy.

When we have made countless criticisms and countless appeals with vigor, excitement, noisy, and twitter, we should look back and see that women's clothing sizes are unified weights and measures, can our freedom of dress be achieved? Competing for a tall, short, fat and thin standard, will our living conditions become better, will our aesthetics become more inclusive, will our understanding and acceptance of our bodies improve, can the display of bold confidence or restrained and gentle protection of the body be peaceful and parallel, and will our inner personality really be liberated?

Where should we go?

Nostalgia will appear in the entertainment industry every once in a while. For male stars, we miss the heroic sword eyebrows of the past, and for female stars, we miss the dignified atmosphere of the past. Every once in a while, a new topic will be launched on social media, from the appearance of Guotai Minan to the pearl round and jade body, and tell everyone that this is the real beauty. In addition to beauty, we also continue to introduce standards about health, fat affects health, thin also affects health, women are too thin to give birth, and have a small belly to protect the uterus. Dressing bloggers launched OOTD guides for slightly fat girls or plus-size girls, but in the final analysis, they are still under the banner of "how to show thin and cover flesh, and become a devil body in seconds"; Selling fitness courses has changed the style, from teaching you how to lose 15 pounds in 7 days, to a baby, believe me, 160cm is 110 pounds to be normal.

Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

The Hong Kong style and ancient style male star who dominates Station B

Of course, there is also a revolt against the current aesthetic simplification, but we seem to be caught in a strange circle, and the way to overthrow a hegemony is either to create a new hegemony or to recall an old hegemony. Whether male stars are masculine or not was once a hot and sensitive topic, and the series of aesthetic and ideological evolutions behind it will not be detailed; Zhang Xinyu tried on the brand of women's clothing that is too small, seems to be the endorsement of the aesthetic hegemony of women's white and thin children who have flowed in from Japan and South Korea in the past five years, and have been amplified by the popularity of drafts and girl groups in China, through the design and version of all sizes and without exception, in the current atmosphere of self-discipline, refinement, and self-management discourse of the small bourgeoisie to the middle class, allowing countless women to examine themselves at all times, restrain and discipline themselves, and achieve the illusion of entering another class; But on the other hand, the pants that Wu Xuanyi bought represent a long history of our clothing brands and designs subject to the body data of white women in Europe and the United States before the rise of Chinese style, new Chinese style, and domestic designer brands.

Objectively speaking, at present, the domestic women's clothing market, subject to the ambiguity of knowledge and brand property rights, the basic production mode of copying, OEM and OEM has formed a window period of discourse power, from stall wholesale to offline retail, shopping mall to live e-commerce, overall, almost can cover the extremely detailed dressing needs of women. Because the brand concept is vague and the value is not high, like BM to rely on the construction of discourse - education market - building a brand - selling goods is actually a very small minority, the vast majority of women's clothing manufacturers and sellers, based on the basic market economic environment, they want to make money, to make a profit, then, PUA women - create body anxiety - produce outrageous small size women's clothing - can not sell or sell a large number of women can not wear lead to a high return rate, fools also know that it will not work. "PUA by small size women", this matter can not find the real subject. Some sizes that are too large or too small appear as a manifestation of a wider and more diverse population that is covered and seen, in contrast, it is a real horror to "uniformly formulate" clothing sizes, where everyone wears loose clothes that do not expose curves. The "one-size-fits-all" counterattack will breed bullying in the other direction, which is self-evident in promoting conservative dressing and the regression of social mores.

Stop arguing! Wu Xuanyi and Zhang Xinyu should not pay for "women's clothing size getting smaller and smaller"

Women's size spit out

One of the important ways to create anxiety is to create standards about normalcy and abnormality. From this point of view, perhaps, if we really want to fight anxiety, unblock kidnapping, resist PUA, and regain the right to speak about ourselves from body to aesthetic, the first step is to dissolve all the boundaries between normal and abnormal. No one can define or should pursue a normal and abnormal in the essential sense, specifically, there is no need to look for a fat and thin / beautiful ugly / good or bad body / aesthetic high in the essential sense.

The body and clothing are the most individual and the most public, the most private and the most metaphorical power relations. Denim originating from the western United States has been modified into labor cloth in China, which is a symbol of the glory of the working class, and later changed into countless shapes such as ultra-short and tight body, oversize silhouette, etc., to interpret and show the human body and attitude; Chanel's children's suit, from the original declaration of women's independence and liberation in dressing and work, has developed into a variant that "reverses" the identity of female weakness and object, during which the discussion of feminism and the body has long passed through thousands of mountains.


Perhaps what we should really pursue is the day when the figure of people in this society, mainly women's figures, can be untied from the number of fat and thin weight; Fat and thin, can be untied from beauty and ugliness; The examination of beauty and ugliness can be untied from the value of women; And female values can be untied from her lifestyle, moral character, feminine consciousness, and attitudes related to human freedom and independence. At that time, whether women's clothing size is big or small will become an extremely boring question, which is gladly forgotten.