
After floods, personal health education and protection points | Popular science time

author:Healthy China
After floods, personal health education and protection points | Popular science time

1. Protective equipment should include masks, disposable gloves, overalls and insulated rubber boots.

2. After the disinfection work is completed, all disinfection tools should be washed, and then take off the work clothes, caps, masks (or other protective equipment) in turn, fold the clothes, roll the outer surface of the work clothes inside, and put them in a special washing bag for cleaning.

3. Disinfection personnel should not smoke and eat during disinfection operations.

After floods, personal health education and protection points | Popular science time

1. Prevent drowning.

Try to avoid walking or driving in flood water; If the flood continues to rise and the shelter can no longer protect itself, make full use of the prepared life-saving equipment to escape, or quickly find some door panels, tables and chairs, large pieces of foam and other floating materials to form a raft to escape; Keep children away from flooded areas.

2. Protection against electric shock.

Do not climb live poles and towers, if you find that the high-voltage line tower is tilted or the broken head of the wire is saging, you must quickly avoid it to prevent direct electric shock or electric shock due to the ground "step voltage"; Water-soaked appliances should not be used until repaired by professional maintenance personnel.

After floods, personal health education and protection points | Popular science time

1. Enhance hand hygiene.

Wash hands before preparing food, before breastfeeding, before eating, after using the toilet, before and after caring for the sick person, after touching animals or animal carcasses, after touching garbage, before and after treating wounds, etc. When washing hands, it is best to wash them with soap and running water and dry them in time; Do not wash your hands and face with flood-contaminated water, as well as wash other items.

2. Do a good job of wound care.

It is best to wrap the wound with waterproof material, keep the wound clean and avoid contact with floodwater; If the wound comes into contact with floodwater, immediately rinse with clean water and soap; If the wound shows signs of infection such as redness and swelling, leakage of body fluids, professional medical attention should be sought in time, and medical staff should determine whether to inject tetanus vaccine according to the wound condition.

3. Do a good job of personal health monitoring.

If you come into contact with floodwater or eat contaminated food, etc., and you have symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever, or abdominal pain, you should seek medical attention promptly.

Source: Guidelines on Environmental Sanitation Disposal and Preventive Disinfection in Flood-stricken Areas (2023 Edition)

Editor: Wang Ning

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