
The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

author:Ji Xifeng
The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic


If you want to say who is the bearer of comedy, the first thing that comes to mind is Zhao Benshan, from 1990 to 2011, he has appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 21 consecutive years, leaving a lot of classic mantras for everyone.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

With excellent acting skills and humorous and witty artistic methods, the sketch and the duo turned to a climax, and also entered the hearts of hundreds of millions of viewers, after Zhao Benshan did not go to the Spring Festival Gala, everyone always felt that something was missing.

After becoming popular, Zhao Benshan made a lot of money, set up his own media company, and accepted many apprentices. Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan would actually be rumored to have a "chaotic private life"?

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Grassroots turned over to the king of sketches

Wearing a black hat, wearing a washed old Zhongshan suit, he walked tremblingly, and his mouth was a Peking University ballast accent. Since Zhao Ben appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, it is this image that remains in the hearts of the audience.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

When he first appeared at the Spring Festival Gala, everyone was very curious about how old he was, and some people even wrote to the TV station saying that they would transfer the letter to Zhao Benshan's "grandfather", but they did not know that Zhao Benshan was only in his early 30s at that time.

Even now, if you watch Zhao Benshan's past sketches, you can still be amused, and some memes are still outdated today, and the video about his ghost animal on station B has been viewed as high as 960 million.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Even as long as you see the lines related to it, you can remember Zhao Benshan's demeanor, action, and tone when he first said this sentence, which is also the reason why Zhao Benshan's works are enduring, and the audience's memory of him will always be his works.

Zhao Benshan's partner Song Dandan said that Zhao Benshan's feet never left the ground. Yes, Zhao Benshan's works are always about the black earth under his feet.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Zhao Benshan's childhood was not happy, he was born in Tieling, Liaoning Province in 1957, and his mother died when he was 5 years old. As a teenager, his father left him for the Northern Wilderness because of a mistake. Zhao Benshan has since become an orphan without relatives, so he has to live with his second uncle.

But his second uncle is blind, but fortunately he is a folk artist and can rely on this to make a living, and Zhao Benshan, who is with him, has also learned some arts, such as blowing na, pulling erhu, errenzhuan and so on.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

In order to present a better performance effect, Zhao Benshan has been painstakingly studying how to make the peasant audience laugh every day. It is said that Zhao Benshan plays a blind man very expressively, perhaps inseparable from his second uncle is a blind man, studying his second uncle every day.

So, with his excellent performance, Zhao Benshan first caught fire in the village, all the way to the county, the city, and finally the entire three eastern provinces, so how did Zhao Benshan get on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala?

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

It is said that in 1987, the famous comedian Jiang Kun had a performance in Tieling, but Jiang Kun found that the audience's response was not very good, and he wondered, is it that he acted badly?

So after the performance, Jiang Kun pulled an audience member to ask him if everyone was very dissatisfied with his performance, was he saying something bad? This audience told him, it's not that you are not acting well, but we have a Zhao Benshan here, who plays better than you.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Jiang Kun was very curious about what magic this person named Zhao Benshan had, so he bought a ticket to watch Zhao Benshan's performance in person, and he was also amused by Zhao Benshan.

Jiang Kun is very talented, so he recommended Zhao Benshan to the director of the Spring Festival Gala, so Zhao Benshan appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and became popular throughout China.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Zhao Benshan was also very grateful to Jiang Kun for this, feeling that if it were not for Jiang Kun, he might not be popular in the whole country, but Jiang Kun said that even without him, Zhao Benshan could be popular all over the country.

In 1988, Zhao Benshan recorded a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala in advance, and the whole Tieling was waiting for his sketch, but it did not appear until the end of the Spring Festival Gala.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Later, I learned that it was the CCTV leader who felt that Zhao Benshan's image was not very good, which did not match the joyful atmosphere of the Spring Festival Gala, so he did not let it be broadcast. In 1990, Zhao Benshan appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with the sketch "Blind Date" and became famous in World War I.

After the fire, Zhao Benshan remembered the villagers the most, so he often went back to see them and his godmother, who often praised him as a filial son.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Zhao Benshan said that whenever he felt that he was about to float and could not control the temptation of all kinds of money and fame, he would return to the original black land, and then pull him back in time.

A private life that attracts much attention

Being discussed by the public is the fate that every star in the entertainment industry cannot escape, although Zhao Benshan is mixed in comedy, but he is famous, there have been many controversies since he became famous, and his private life has always been a topic of public discussion.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

When Zhao Benshan was twenty-two years old, under the recommendation of the village, he married his first wife Ge Shuzhen, although Ge Shuzhen could not read, did not speak much, and had dark skin, but his body was tough and he worked very hard. The marriage of Zhao Benshan and Ge Shuzhen also caused the jealousy of many villagers.

The two gave birth to a daughter at the end of the year they got married, and a son three years later, but this son was born inaudible, invisible, and suffered from various congenital diseases. After Zhao Benshan caught fire, he did not let Ge Shuzhen enjoy happiness, but filed for divorce in 1991.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Ge Shuzhen was naturally unwilling, but only agreed under the persuasion of Ge Shuzhen's brother, and after the divorce, Zhao Benshan gave almost all his assets at that time to Ge Shuzhen, perhaps to compensate her, and the two children were also awarded to Ge Shuzhen. In 1994, Zhao Benshan's son Tie Dan died of a heart attack.

In 1992, Zhao Benshan was seriously injured and hospitalized in a car accident, and a friend of his called Ma Lijuan, who was 8 years younger than him, to take care of him, and the two had worked together before, but after this care, they became lovers, and Zhao Benshan soon married Ma Lijuan. In 1997, Ma Lijuan gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses for Zhao Benshan.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Even so, Zhao Benshan still can't escape being riddled with various scandals, and there are always rumors on the Internet that Zhao Benshan has an improper relationship with his artists.

In 2022, Sun Jiaojiao, a female apprentice of Zhao Benshan, made an online statement that pushed Zhao Benshan into the wave of public opinion. Sun Jiaojiao said that Zhao Benshan would privately "force" female apprentices to drink alcohol and had "improper relationships" with them. At first, netizens thought she was talking nonsense, but she mentioned a person, which made netizens also begin to doubt.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

This person is Guan Tingna, who has played Zhao Benshan's wife for many years, plus Guan Tingna is good-looking and has a very good figure, in fact, it has not been suspected by the public that the two have an improper relationship.

Many people jokingly refer to Guan Tingna as Zhao Benshan's "royal wife" because she is Zhao Benshan's wife in many TV shows. And Zhao Benshan also attaches great importance to Guan Tingna, and she can be seen in almost all TV series.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

In fact, Guan Tingna is not a disciple of Zhao Benshan, Guan Tingna is just an artist under Zhao Benshan's company, and she has repeatedly refused to worship Zhao Benshan as a teacher.

Sun Jiaojiao's words, as if to solidify the relationship between them, Guan Tingna was also scolded by netizens to the point of blood. In the end, Guan Tingna really couldn't bear it, and she came forward to clarify, saying that there was no ambiguous relationship between her and Sun Jiaojiao, so that everyone should not listen to her nonsense.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

The reason why Sun Jiaojiao said such things on the Internet is because Sun Jiaojiao's husband and Zhao Benshan had a conflict of interest, which eventually led to the divorce of the couple, so Sun Jiaojiao would say such things on the Internet. Although Zhao Benshan did not say anything in public, his reputation plummeted.

Fall off the altar of comedy

In 2003, Zhao Benshan established his own company "Benshan Media". In 2010, Zhao Benshan spent a huge amount of money and spent 200 million yuan to purchase a private jet, which instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Zhao Benshan's high-profile behavior of buying an aircraft is like throwing a stone on the calm water, ripples, and public opinion about Zhao Benshan is also endless. How rich is Zhao Benshan? How did this money come about?

When public opinion forms a storm, no matter how popular the star will be affected. More and more untold stories of Zhao Benshan have been put on the table, such as Andy Lau held a concert in the northeast, but was bullied by some "local snakes", deducted performance fees, and Hong Kong bigwigs Ren Dahua and Hua Qiang came forward to no avail.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Until Zhao Benshan came forward, he easily resolved this situation, and Zhao Benshan also inadvertently carried the name of power. Coupled with the fact that Zhao Benshan's company was exposed to suspected serious illegal acts, Zhao Benshan suddenly became the target of everyone's crusade.

The down-to-earth image accumulated by Zhao Benshan in the past has also been swept away, and everyone thinks that he is a person who forgets his original intention after becoming red.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

When these things were exposed, Zhao Benshan was also sent to the hospital for rescue when he suddenly had a cerebral hemorrhage, and now he still has 11 stents in his brain, and Zhao Benshan's physical condition has plummeted.

Perhaps due to physical reasons, Zhao Benshan also withdrew from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and the former beautiful sketch king also faced the situation of sunset after leaving the public's sight.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

In 2014, Zhao Benshan also revealed that as long as everyone is still willing to watch him, he will also return to the stage without hesitation, although his body is not as good as before, but he will not fall on the stage.

The 200 million plane is said to be bought, and Zhao Benshan's assets must be very strong, but he has not been doing less charity, often taking apprentices to give back to the society.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

In 2008, Guiyang snowed, Zhao Benshan led his apprentices to perform a charity performance, and all the 2 million yuan obtained was donated to the local area. During the Wenchuan earthquake, Zhao Benshan donated a total of nearly 5 million. In 2010, the southwest drought occurred, and another donation of 2.665 million yuan. During the epidemic in 2020, Zhao Benshan donated 10 million yuan.

Perhaps because he was also a poor child who couldn't open the pot, until now, Zhao Benshan has never stopped doing charity for more than ten years, and he has never seen Zhao Benshan show off. Zhao Benshan has brought out many excellent disciples, and he did not rely on the reputation of others to show off his might.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

Today's Zhao Benshan is 66 years old, how much laughter he brought to the world in the past, and now he has suffered many verbal criticism from netizens.


In any case, this "farmer" is not ordinary after all, as a titan in the sketch world, he has always been committed to bringing us laughter, and now he has retired to the screen, hoping that he can be well.

The veteran is late, and the late festival is not guaranteed? Zhao Benshan, who was over sixty years old, was angrily scolded by his apprentice: his private life was too chaotic

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