
After a flood, how to clean and disinfect the environmental hygiene of personal homes?

author:Pu'er Menglian
After a flood, how to clean and disinfect the environmental hygiene of personal homes?


Check the structure of the house for damage

After a flood, how to clean and disinfect the environmental hygiene of personal homes?

Before returning to your home after a flood, you need to check the structural damage of the house to make sure that the house is in a safe state before entering. Ventilate the room ahead of time and check for loose and detached power cords and gas leaks.

If the above situation exists, contact the relevant company in time for maintenance, and then enter after the problem is solved. Also, do not enter basements that are flooded to prevent the risk of electric shock.


Remove stagnant water trapped in the house

After a flood, the most critical thing to do with the safe disposal of the room is to remove all standing water as soon as possible. If the water in the basement accumulates a lot, it needs to be pumped out in batches according to the situation to avoid structural damage and wall collapse that may occur when all pumped out in a short time.

If petroleum-like substances are present on the surface of the stagnant water, contact a professional to remove it before removing the stagnant water.


Clean the interior of the house

1. The principle of cleaning in the house.

After a flood, the house needs to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before moving in. Before the house is cleaned, it is necessary to sort the interior items, which items can be cleaned and which items can be discarded directly.

Usually some materials that are not absorbent, such as metal, glass and hard plastic, can be cleaned and dried. Highly absorbent items such as carpets are difficult to clean and dry after a flood and can be considered for disposal. In addition, food, beverages, medicines, etc. exposed to floods and mud with damaged outer packaging cannot be cleaned and disinfected, and it is recommended to discard.

2. How to clean the house.

When cleaning the house, first thoroughly clean the walls, household appliances, floors, furniture and other hard surfaces, and wipe them with a solution prepared with hot water and ordinary detergents. Second, wash all soft fabrics, including bedding, clothing, children's toys, etc.

If you need to use a disinfectant, you can choose a chlorine-containing disinfectant solution with an effective chlorine of 500mg/L, but it needs to be cleaned before disinfection. When using detergents and disinfectants, you should carefully read and follow the instructions for use on the product label, do not mix. In order to reduce the health risks caused by microbial breeding, fans and other fans can be used to increase air circulation during and after the cleaning of the house. Clothes worn after cleaning the house should be carefully cleaned and disinfected.

3. Mold treatment.

(1) Identification of mold. "Look": Look for discoloration on walls and ceilings and other surfaces of substances, if so, there may be mold growth. "Smell": If there is a persistent unpleasant musty, earthy, or foul smell in the room, it may be mold growth.

(2) Removal of mold. Leveling hard walls: Shovel with a shovel and wipe clean with soap and water. Rough surfaces such as concrete: brush with a stiff brush and wipe clean with soap and water. If the mold growth area is too large, you can seek help from professional technical institutions such as disease control agencies. When performing mold removal operations, wear gloves, masks and protective glasses, and open windows for ventilation.

4. Domestic drinking water and domestic hot water treatment.

(1) Open the faucet and release the trapped water in the pipe until the color of the drinking water becomes colorless and odorless.

(2) It is advisable to drink boiled water or bottled water, and avoid drinking raw water directly.

(3) It is advisable to raise the water temperature of the water heater to 60 °C, and open the hot water faucet to release the trapped water in the hot water pipeline for 1 hour to completely remove the pollution in the hot water pipeline.


Disinfection of indoor environment and items

1. Surfaces, walls, floors. Chlorine-containing disinfectant solution with 500mg/L of effective chlorine, 200mg/L chlorine dioxide or 1000mg/L peracetic acid can be sprayed or wiped for disinfection, and the action time is 30 minutes.

2. Daily necessities. After cleaning, furniture, sanitary ware, office supplies, etc., rinse, wipe or soak with an effective chlorine-containing disinfectant solution of 500mg/L for 30 minutes, or use 200mg/L chlorine dioxide, 1000mg/L peracetic acid, 1000mg/L quaternary ammonium salt disinfectant for disinfection, the action time is 15~30 minutes. After disinfection, wipe clean with clean water.

3. Disinfection of meals and drinking utensils. After cleaning the meal and drinking utensils, it is preferred to boil and disinfect, and the boiling time should be more than 15 minutes. Disinfectant can also be used for soaking and disinfection (such as soaking with a chlorine-containing disinfectant solution of effective chlorine 250mg/L ~ 500mg/L for 30 minutes), and rinse with clean water after soaking the disinfectant.

4. Food. Food that has been soaked or spoiled by floods should be disposed of in a timely manner, and any food that has been soaked in floodwaters should not be consumed. Retortable foods should be eaten after being fully heated.

Source|"Healthy China" WeChat public account

Menglian County Rong Media Center

Editor|Wang Rui

Responsible editor|Dong Junhua


Submission email: [email protected]

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After a flood, how to clean and disinfect the environmental hygiene of personal homes?

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