
Hurricanes → typhoons! This year's No. 8 typhoon "Dora" appeared

author:Qilu one point

Typhoon Kanu No. 6 of this year

It landed on the coast of Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province around 23:00 on the 11th

It weakened to a tropical depression at landfall and continued to weaken as it continued to weaken

At 02:00 on the 12th, "Kanu" had stopped numbering

Although numbering has been discontinued, its effects will continue

Next, the Kanu remnant circulation will merge into the westerly trough

Cooperate with low-altitude low-vortex system

It continues to produce widespread heavy rainfall in the northeast

From the night of the 12th to the 14th

Central and northern Heilongjiang, east-central and southern Jilin

Most of Liaoning has heavy to heavy rainfall

There were heavy rainstorms in parts of central and eastern Liaoning

Exceptionally heavy rainstorms

After the 14th, the rainfall in the northeast will weaken significantly

However, this area is frequently affected by high-altitude troughs

There will also be more showers

Since late July, there have been many heavy rainfall processes in the northeast region

As a result, the water level of many rivers in the Songhua River has been running at a high level for a long time

Some areas were affected by flooding

The rains have not stopped recently

It is also necessary to be vigilant against secondary disasters such as small and medium-sized river floods and flash floods

Cold air comes with cooling at this time?

The cold air is really coming! Starting on the 12th and ending later next week

Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, western Inner Mongolia

Temperatures will gradually drop from west to east

The cumulative cooling in many places will generally exceed 10 °C

The local area can reach more than 20 °C

Like Urumqi yesterday, the maximum temperature was 36 degrees Celsius

On the 15th, it will drop to 19 °C, almost "cut off"

The highest temperature in Lanzhou was 36°C on the 13th, and it dropped to 24°C on the 17th

Switch from hot summer to "cool autumn"

Many places in the northwest region officially enter autumn during the beginning of autumn

This cooling may start the autumn process

Hurricanes → typhoons! This year's No. 8 typhoon "Dora" appeared
Hurricanes → typhoons! This year's No. 8 typhoon "Dora" appeared

Watch the big cooling in the Northwest

Friends in the Mideast are looking forward to it

"Will we cool down?"

It's a pity, it doesn't matter

In the next few days

The relative humidity is high in most areas from North to South China

Whether or not high temperatures appear, there will be a stuffy feeling

Everyone continues to pay attention to heat prevention and cooling

Can Typhoons still be "imported"?

This year's No. 8 typhoon "Dora" came

It is an "imported" typhoon

Why is it said to be "imported"?

Because it was previously a hurricane that spawned in the North and Central Pacific

After running all the way across the international date line

It entered the northwest Pacific Ocean to obtain the typhoon number 2308

This situation changes from a hurricane to a typhoon

Although it is not every year, it is not uncommon

Like Halola and Kilo in 2015, Hector in 2018

All are "imported" typhoons

Many fans have to ask

What is the difference between this typhoon and hurricane?

In fact, they are all tropical cyclones

The difference is the place of birth and the area of activity

Typhoons mainly refer to tropical cyclones that form and operate in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea; Hurricanes are tropical cyclones that form and operate in the Middle East Pacific Ocean and North Atlantic.

This "Dora" and "Lan"

The "Dance of Two Platforms" continues to be formed in the Northwest Pacific

"Dora" will dissipate on its own at sea after that

"Rann" tends to the southern coast of Japan

No one has to worry about the impact of these two typhoons

Hurricanes → typhoons! This year's No. 8 typhoon "Dora" appeared

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