
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history

author:Interface News

Interface News Reporter |

Interface News Editor | Cai Xingzhuo

According to the Guardian on August 10, local time, the ferocious wildfire that ravaged Maui, Hawaii, has killed at least 53 people, and the death toll is likely to continue to rise. Hawaii Gov. Josh Green said the catastrophic blaze turned the community into barren wasteland and destroyed more than 1,000 buildings, possibly the largest natural disaster the state has ever seen. The death toll is expected to surpass the tsunami of 1960, which killed 61 people.

On Thursday, U.S. President Joe Biden approved Maui's disaster declaration, which would allow federal aid to be used to help local recovery efforts in wildfire-affected areas. Rescuers continued mass evacuation efforts to find survivors. And the displaced residents are trying to come to terms with what appears to be widespread destruction, especially in the historic Lahaina neighborhood, which has been almost completely destroyed. "The extent of the destruction of Lahaina will shock you, it seems that a bomb did explode." As seen from the plane over historic Lahaina, the vibrant neighborhood turns to ashes. Block after block, there is nothing but rubble and charred foundations, including the famous Front Street, where tourists used to shop and dine a few days ago. Recovery will take years and billions of dollars, but the town will be rebuilt, the governor said. And, the report said, a full assessment of the damage could take weeks or months.

Adam Weintraub, a spokesman for the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, said search and rescue efforts were a priority. But he added that rescue teams will not be able to enter certain areas until the line of fire is safe.

Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history
Hawaii wildfires continue: more than 50 deaths, or the largest natural disaster in the state's history

*Image source: Visual China, ICphoto

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