
The love of butterflies and snakes

author:Rantei Dream

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Spring blossoms, everything awakens, butterflies are awakened by warm currents, and then slowly break the cocoon. One side gently produces cracked silk streaks, like a cracker being pinched open. The sharp, dark body tried its best to drill out. A wet, slender thing, followed by tentacles, feet, and water-shadowed, tight wings tied behind. Before flying out of the window, there was a process like this: the narrow cocoon mouth made the wings bloodshot, and the bloated and narrow wings gradually became larger and stretched until they were transparent in a wet trembling. The body is blue, the wings are like crystals, a new life begins, full of too much curiosity about the world, feeling the new world in the flowers. Under the flower branch where the butterfly was born, there was a snake that also came to this world at the same time, black is not slippery, it is a black eyebrow, slipping out of the eggshell, spitting out the tongue, leisurely looking at the world, the top of the snake's head has a little red spot, in the green leaves, inadvertently think that it is a little red in the evergreen bush, they happily play in the sun, shuttle in the flower branches.

The love of butterflies and snakes

Time does not pass, I do not know whether the snake fell in love with the butterfly, or the butterfly liked the snake, one day the butterfly is dancing on a small tree, the small snake is swimming under the tree, fiddling with various dance postures, from time to time looking up at the butterfly, a face of happiness. Suddenly came a person looking for specimens, first he saw the little snake under the tree, very excited, how cute this little snake is, how different, then he saw the beautiful butterfly, he was excited, quickly took out the tool, the little snake turned around and was about to run, but when the head turned, it did not move, it thought in its heart if it left, what would the butterfly do! It stopped in order to attract the man's attention on its own. Just then, it was grabbed by the man and put into a wire cage. In the wire cage, it saw that the butterfly had not yet flown away, and it desperately wanted to run out, but unfortunately it did not break free when it exhausted its last breath. It raised its head to look at the butterfly, spitting out its tongue, staring at the butterfly, shouting loudly to "run, hurry up, run fast" It does not want the butterfly to be hurt, it hopes that the butterfly will fly away quickly, it knows that it is going to be more fierce, maybe it is a life and death separation, but the butterfly did not fly away, but flew from the flower branch to the side of the iron cage containing the small snake, constantly instigating the wings, the small snake hurriedly moving back and forth in the iron cage, hoping that the butterfly would go fast. But the blue crystal just kept flashing its wings and didn't want to leave. Then the butterfly was also caught by the man and put into a vial. They were looking at each other at the moment, they were not struggling, surprisingly calm, and they did not want each other to see their wounded faces. And so they were all taken away.

The love of butterflies and snakes

Many years later, at a specimen exhibition, people saw a specimen of a snake and a butterfly together, the butterfly fell on the snake, light and agile, and the little snake quietly looked at the butterfly, resolute and long. Many people do not understand the meaning of this, only a white-haired old man looks at this picture, and his heart is silently repentant. This person was the young man who collected the specimens, and the old man introduced the scene at that time to everyone, the moment of life and death, and did not abandon it. After listening to this story, many people stood there silently, quietly looking at the butterflies and snakes in the freeze frame. At this time, people are touched by their smallness, people are moved by their stories, and people are moved by their persistence. I didn't want to leave for a long time. The love between butterflies and snakes is so simple and sincere that we cannot imagine why they would fall in love with each other, so that life and death would follow. They are still like this, and we should understand that since we love each other, we must know how to cherish. Butterflies and snakes interpret with life, and if you do not abandon them, I will live and die.

The love of butterflies and snakes

Sometimes it is difficult to choose, the difficulty lies in your own heart, whether you really choose for yourself in your heart, this is the key. In life, many times, we are stuck in a dilemma and have to make a choice. One road is a light path, full of flowers and low bushes, easy to cross, but eventually reach a dead end. The other road may be very long, and the terrain is complex and almost difficult to pass, but it ends with a vast field of orchards and gardens. Of course, whichever path you choose, you choose the outcome. The final outcome of this drama of life is the sum of such a superimposed choice. Eternity, maybe that's the ultimate choice of butterflies and snakes, eternity, eternity.

The love of butterflies and snakes

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