
What should I pay attention to when cultivating Brooks cherry saplings? Sichuan Xiaobo Cherry Sapling Base

author:Small wave plum seedling base

Brooks cherry is a fruit color red, crisp flesh, large fruit, early ripening, good quality. Adaptable. It is an excellent early maturing cherries variety. This variety can produce flowering fruits, and the initial fruit is mainly short and medium fruit branches, the adult trees are mainly short fruit branches, and the adult trees are mainly short fruit branches.

What should I pay attention to when cultivating Brooks cherry saplings? Sichuan Xiaobo Cherry Sapling Base

Habits of Brooks cherry saplings.

Brooks cherry saplings in the Weiqiao area of Xi'an, Brooks cherry seedlings cultivated in the open field germinated in mid-March, flower buds around March 20, and entered the full flowering period on April 8, with the same control variety red light. The early and large fruits are consistent; on May 18, it enters the ripening stage, the fruit is ripe and dense, and the fruit period is about 40 days; in late November, it enters the deciduous period, with a vegetative growth cycle of 220 days per year. Brooks cherry saplings require 680 hours of cooling capacity, significantly less than red lights. When cultivating in protected areas, press the red light buckle shed in advance to heat up and ripen early. Greenhouse cultivation Brooks flower buds expand around March 5, March 15 into full blooming, May 5 into the ripening period, fruit period of about 50 days.

What should I pay attention to when cultivating Brooks cherry saplings? Sichuan Xiaobo Cherry Sapling Base

Brooks cherry saplings have strong adaptability, in the process of fruit development, such as early drought, mature rain, there is a cracked fruit, small trees cracked fruit serious.

Brooks cherry fruit grows strongly, the crown width expands rapidly, medium. Long fruit branches can produce results, and the initial fruit trees are mainly medium. Short fruit branches, adult trees are dominated by short fruit branches. In the Weiqiao area of Xi'an, the average plant yield is about 20 kg in a 5-year-old cherry orchard with a row spacing of 3mx4m, and the yield per mu can reach about 1100 kg.

What should I pay attention to when cultivating Brooks cherry saplings? Sichuan Xiaobo Cherry Sapling Base

Brooks Cherry Sapling Cultivation Techniques.

1. Garden: it is advisable to be sunny in the leeward place, the terrain is high, the soil is deep, the fertile and loose, the aeration, the water retention capacity is strong, and the sandy soil land block is suitable, and the PH value is 6.0~7.5. Sweet cherries are not drought tolerant, waterlogged, and have good drainage conditions. In The Bruceite openfield, the row spacing of dwarf anvils is 3mx4 m, and the recommended row spacing of dwarf anvils in protected areas is 2.5mx3.5 m.

2. Soil fertilizer and water management: especially for young trees aged 1 to 3 years, spring mulching treatment is adopted, and the effect of summer mulching grass is the best. Autumn application of sufficient base fertilizer is the foundation, 1 year to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, the later stage to phosphorus, potassium as the mainstay, the implementation of foliar spraying fertilizer, reasonable watering, timely control of water in the field to apply phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, appropriate control of water in the field to apply phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, appropriate control of water, appropriate fertilization on the field. The Brinell fruiting period is dry early, and the rain before ripening is easy to cause fruit splitting, and the level of fruit splitting rate is related to precipitation. Fruit ripeness is closely related to soil moisture status. So, before germination. After xie hua. Irrigation once in the hard core stage and expansion stage is used to keep the soil moist at all times, and the irrigation is appropriately controlled after harvesting, so as to control the growth of the tree body and promote the differentiation of flower buds. Brooks cherry saplings quickly replenish nutrients that contribute to flower bud differentiation during the rapid and differentiation of flower buds. In general, the flower bud differentiation of large cherry saplings mainly begins about 25 days after fruit harvesting, which should be combined with root topdressing and foliar topdressing.

3. Shaping and pruning: Cherry saplings are sparsely branched, and improving light conditions is very important to improve fruit quality and yield. Brooks cherry tree is strong, the branches should be flat at the young stage, the auxiliary branches are not short, try to use light pruning, summer pruning. When shearing in winter, the wounds that remove large branches are not easy to heal and are easy to glue. Therefore, it is suitable for removal during the growth period or after harvesting, which heals quickly and is not easy to glue. When clearing, the wound should be flat, small, and do not leave piles.

4. Pest control technology:

Disease control is mainly various leaf spot diseases. From June to August, the bactericidal treatment of manganese zinc and other sterilizations was carried out once, and the Bordeaux liquid was sprayed twice at 1:2:240 times. There is no need to spray Bordeaux liquid, and other fungicides to control leaf spot disease can also be sprayed, but can be used interchangeably.

Insect control measures are mainly to control the two-spotted leaf mite and the large green leafhopper. When the occurrence of bimacular leaf mites and red spiders, it is controlled with drugs; insecticides are used to control dimorphic leaf mites, trilobites, snails, etc.; and permethrin pesticides are used to control leafminer moths. When fluid gum disease occurs, cut off the glue nozzle, extrude the glue, and apply 30 to 50 times the liquid stone sulfur compound or other fungicide. If there is a branch cancer and swelling disease, the spots should be scraped off in time, the spots should be brushed with antibacterial agent 402 liquid 100 ml liquid, and then the wound should be applied with stone sulfur compound to protect the wound.

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