
His hands and feet were gone, but he still insisted: "Quickly heal my injuries, I still have to go to minesweeping!" ”

author:China Youth Network

Minefields at the port of security

Mahi Thunder Field

Boundary Monument Minefield No. 265

Old mountain minefield


From 2015 to 2018

He has been in and out of the life and death minefield more than 1,000 times

More than 2,400 explosives were removed

More than 20 cases of various dangerous situations were handled

When performing dangerous mine clearance missions

He said to his comrades-in-arms

"You back off, let me come"

During the investigation, there was a sudden explosion

Between the electric light and flint

He subconsciously fell to the side of his comrades-in-arms

Protect your comrades with flesh and blood

And he lost both hands and eyes

He always has loyalty and faith engraved in his heart

Outstanding performance in ordinary positions

The indomitable deminer Du Fuguo

His hands and feet were gone, but he still insisted: "Quickly heal my injuries, I still have to go to minesweeping!" ”

Become a glorious demining warrior

In the 1970s and 1980s, the border between Yunnan and Yunnan in the southern Xinjiang of the motherland was incessant war. More than a million mines and hundreds of thousands of explosives (hair) were formed on the battlefield that year, and more than 100 chaotic minefields were formed here, posing a huge threat to today's frontier soldiers and civilians.

Completely eliminate the mine infestation and ensure the safety of the people! More than 400 soldiers of a certain demining and detonation brigade of the army led the expedition.

"When I learned about the tragic incident of villagers living in minefields being bombed three times in ten years, my heart was hard to calm. I felt that this was my mission, and a voice told me: I am going to clear mines! ”

These words are the sincere expression of Du Fuguo's application to participate in the mine clearance operation. From then on, he became a glorious minesweeper.

The variety and long time of landmines in the border areas of Yunnan, coupled with steep slopes, cliffs, jungle terrain and complex climate, have led to the collapse of many areas, and the situation of mine infestation is extremely complex, making it extremely difficult to clear. Here, advanced demining equipment is almost impossible to move, and only the soldiers can risk their lives to clear mines.

His hands and feet were gone, but he still insisted: "Quickly heal my injuries, I still have to go to minesweeping!" ”

Du Fuguo (left) cleared an anti-tank mine

One day in November 2015, when the brigade that had completed the mine clearance training advanced into the border minefield of Malipo, where the mine-ridden was most severely affected, the local people spontaneously beat gongs and drums, and welcomed the People's Liberation Army to clear mines.

On this border line, the thunder plague has become a cancer on the border people's poverty alleviation, and a nightmare in life. In Balihedong Village, every household had amputations and families had crutches; hundreds of people were killed and injured in the Mengtong Yao Nationality Township, where Du Fuguo was located. Pan Jinliang, a villager who had been bombed twice and lost his legs, said excitedly: "In the past, we did not dare to plant land and did not dare to pick tea, but today we have finally looked forward to the mine sweeping troops!" ”

The minefield is full of dangers, and accidents can occur at any time. As one of the first new party members to develop the minesweeper brigade, Du Fuguo said the most in the minefield: "I am a party member, let me come!" ”

"I long for more sacrificial dedication"

On the afternoon of October 11, 2018, this was the last minefield of the third yunnan border mine clearance manual search.

The 4th team of The Minesweeper Brigade, where Du Fuguo belonged, was operating in the minefield on the west side of the main peak of Laoshan Mountain. Group leader Du Fuguo and comrade-in-arms Ai Yan were a working group, and when they were at the top of the slope, they found an explosive that exposed part of the projectile. Du Fuguo's preliminary judgment was that this was a heavy grenade with a large equivalent and high danger. Based on past experience, there may be a mine nest buried underneath.

His hands and feet were gone, but he still insisted: "Quickly heal my injuries, I still have to go to minesweeping!" ”

Du Fuguo and his comrades-in-arms transported the mines and explosives they had discharged from the minefield

They reported the situation quickly. Detachment commander Zhang Bo immediately ordered Du Fuguo to "find out whether there is a ruse set up." In the face of this suspicious explosive, Du Fuguo, as the leader of the group, ordered Ai Yan to "you back off, let me come."

According to the operating procedures, Du Fuguo began to carefully remove the floating soil around the projectile body. Suddenly there was a loud "bang", and Du Fuguo subconsciously fell to Ai Yan's side. The flying shrapnel accompanied by a strong shock wave instantly exploded the protective clothing on his body into a cotton wool, and Du Fuguo immediately fell into a pool of blood.

It was also Du Fuguo's moment of forgetting death, and Ai Yan, who was two or three meters away, only suffered some skin trauma.

"Whether in the company or elsewhere, I am serving the country and the people, and I am eager for more sacrifices."

This sentence is the inner monologue in Du Fuguo's diary before he was heroically injured.

Du Fuguo, whose net name is "Thunder God" and "Conquering the Death Zone", with this earth-shattering explosion, realized his inner desire to sacrifice and dedicate himself to the country and the people in the minefield.

"Rich countries, rich countries..."

"Military doctors, military doctors..."

"Stretchers, stretchers..."

The sound of explosions, the eager shouts of comrades-in-arms, echoed through the mountains and forests...

Du Fuguo's life was in danger, and he underwent 5 consecutive major surgeries in three days and three nights. Du Fuguo, who rushed out of the ghost gate, the first sentence after regaining consciousness was: "What about Ai Yan?" ”

The first request was: "Heal my wounds, I still have to go to mine!" ”

The leaders of the troops heard the news and rushed to the scene.

"Du Fuguo—" Pushing open the door of the ward, the attending doctor's voice did not fall, and a loud answer came from the ward:


The sound is sonorous and powerful.

"The leaders of the troops are visiting you!" The doctor continued.

"Hello chief!"

"Rich country, you are a good soldier! In this operation, you were honorably wounded, and you performed very bravely, I hope you will be strong! The general hurried forward, leaned down, and hugged Du Fuguo, a soldier with bandages wrapped around the hospital bed.

"Rest assured, chief!"

It is hard to imagine that such a loud and vocal word came from a warrior who had just passed by the god of death.

His hands and feet were gone, but he still insisted: "Quickly heal my injuries, I still have to go to minesweeping!" ”

The leaders of the troops visited Du Fuguo

"Never seen such a strong warrior"

Losing his hands, eyes, and severely burned his body, the difficulty of Du Fuguo's injury is considered by experts to be a worldwide problem. At the Rehabilitation Center of the Southwest Hospital of the Army Military Medical University, Du Fuguo's strong perseverance was convinced by all the medical staff who healed his wounds:

"We as doctors have never seen such a strong warrior!"

Every day, Du Fuguo's eyes and scars on his body need to be cleaned and changed. The tearing pain is unbearable for ordinary people. In the beginning, nurse Yu Xiang always gently treated him.

"Nurse, don't be afraid. I'm not afraid of pain! As long as I restore my function and return to the army as soon as possible, I can eat even the biggest pain! ”

The mother said, "Child, cry out in pain!" Live well! Mom and Dad will always be your eyes, your hands! ”

Du Fuguo used a strong psychology to overcome physical difficulties, insisted on "let me come" every day, and fought tenaciously against pain. In the early morning, he put a soaked towel on his forearm, and he held his face to listen to the news every day, and he insisted on repeating important news content; nurses worked night shifts, overtime, and sometimes did not care about eating, and he always sent eggs to them.

His hands and feet were gone, but he still insisted: "Quickly heal my injuries, I still have to go to minesweeping!" ”

Du Fuguo practiced folding quilts with his arms

For a period of time after regaining consciousness, Du Fuguo, who was covered in bandages, only knew that the injuries were very serious, and did not know that he had lost his hands and eyes. He said to his accompanying comrades-in-arms: "I want to eat more meat and drink more milk, so that with more meat in my hands, I can return to the army as soon as possible and can clear mines together!" ”

How to inform Du Fuguo of the true injuries, the leaders and experts of the army formulated a number of psychological intervention programs for him. However, none of these schemes were used.

Knowing the true injury, Du Fuguo was slightly silent, but instead comforted the leader and doctor: "I know, you can rest assured, I will be strong!" I can't clear mines, but I can tell people the story of mine clearance. ”

At the first-class meritorious service ceremony, the scene of Du Fuguo raising his stumped arm and solemnly saluting made countless people cry in an instant, which was the most beautiful military salute that people had ever seen.

His hands and feet were gone, but he still insisted: "Quickly heal my injuries, I still have to go to minesweeping!" ”

How to spend life is valuable

"Coming to the glorious collective of the People's Liberation Army, I pondered what kind of life is truly meaningful and valuable. I feel that the only measure is what has really been done for the country, what has been done for the people. ”

This sentence is Du Fuguo's serious thinking on the value of life, and it is also a navigation mark for him to correct the direction of life.

"Eat a loss, fight a lot." In his hard life, Du Fuguo, a farmer's son, understood the saying that the Qianbei people educate their children very early: to be a person, you must be atmospheric and know dedication.

Zunyi Meitan County is an old revolutionary area. Du Fuguo grew up listening to the stories of the Red Army; in Yunnan Province, he swept mines in Malipo, yunnan Province, and felt the "spirit of the old mountain" every day; the hardships caused by the lightning plague to the villagers stung his heart even more deeply.

In his eight years of military service, Du Fuguo had three important choices:

The first time was to join the army and come to a border defense regiment in the beautiful Xishuangbanna, he could have become an excellent border guard, but he took the initiative to choose to participate in mine clearance;

The second time was after coming to the minesweeper unit, the leader found that he could cook a good dish, the cooking skills were good, decided to arrange him to be a cook, and he chose to clear the mines;

The third time was during a mine clearance operation, "You back off, let me come", covering the comrades with their bodies in the explosion.

As soon as he arrived at the mine-clearing unit, Du Fuguo encountered a difficult problem: Du Fuguo, who graduated from junior high school, had a weak cultural foundation and was very difficult to learn and master the theory and technology of mine clearance. Du Jun, who was well aware of his son's situation, was somewhat relieved and came to the army one day to visit his son.

Du Fuguo, who saw the "stupid bird entering the forest first", was still working overtime to study after turning off the lights at night, and the small cards recorded stack after pile, and the minesweeper teaching materials were drawn by him into a living map of red, red, green and green. My father smiled: "If you had studied so hard, you would have been admitted to college a long time ago!" ”

In September 2018, the retirement of conscripts began. Sergeant Du Fuguo, who has completed his service period, also faced discharge in December. Some comrades-in-arms asked him "if he can't leave", and Du Fuguo firmly said: "If you are discharged from the army before you finish your work, who will sweep the mines?" ”

For more than 3 years, every inch of land and every footprint of the minesweeper officers and men on the minefield was a mark on the gate of the god of death. On November 16, 2018, at the minefield where Du Fuguo was injured, the comrades-in-arms, with the responsibility and self-confidence of the people's children and soldiers, used the "hand in hand" method to hand over the last batch of cleared minefields to the people of Malipo for farming. At this point, the third major demining operation on the border of Yunnan, which lasted more than 3 years, was successfully concluded.

The minefield tempers the blood, and the position belongs to the hero.

In the land where Du Fuguo was injured, the people of Malipo named the new tea picked this year "Fuguo Tea". When the camellias bloom, they hope that the "loveliest person in the new era" will return to his hometown and drink a different cup of "rich country tea" from the old mountain.

Du Fuguo, the motherland will not forget you, the people of Laoshan are waiting for you!

Source: Central Committee of the Communist Youth League

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