
If it is a yang deficiency physique, then you should pay attention

author:Dandelion said that medicine and medicinal food are of the same origin
If it is a yang deficiency physique, then you should pay attention

Main causes: can be caused by insufficient innate endowments, insufficient vitality, or improper feeding and nutritional deficiency, or fatigue and internal injuries after middle age, sexual intercourse, to old age and yang decline and kidneys.

General characteristics: mainly cold phenomena such as insufficient yang qi, loss of warmth, fear of cold, and tepid hands and feet. Physical characteristics: the body is white and fat, and the muscles are soft and solid.

Common manifestations: cold intolerance, tepid hands and feet, hot diet, lack of energy, sleep more, pale face, dark eyes, light lips, easy hair, easy to sweat, thin stool, long urine. The tongue is light and fat, with tooth marks on the sides, mossy, and the veins are dull.

Psychological characteristics: Personality is more calm and introverted.

Tendency to disease: the incidence is mostly cold, prone to phlegm drinking, swelling, diarrhea, impotence and other diseases; Feeling evil is easy to change from cold.

Adaptability to the external environment: summer resistance is not winter resistance; Susceptible to wind, cold, wet evil.

Dietary care: Usually eat more lamb, dog meat, chestnuts, leeks, coriander and other foods that warm up the spleen and kidneys, eat less crabs, grapefruit, grapes, various melons, celery, mung beans, broad beans and drink less cold drinks, green tea and other cold foods. Even in the heat of summer, do not eat cold products.

Recommended food or medicinal food: brown sugar ginger warm stomach porridge, Aigen dog meat pot, red braised dog meat, chicken wine, angelica astragalus stew lamb soup, chestnut chicken, golden cherry eucommia stew pig tail, golden cherry seed stew pig's trotter soup, Gui ginseng stewed black chicken, five-fingered peach stewed keel (or native chicken) soup, yam glutinous rice porridge, glutinous rice dumpling wine stuffed egg flower soup, Hakka niang wine boiled eggs, pork belly stewed chicken, Aigen stewed chicken soup and so on.


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