
Warm kidney tonic words cloves, cloves medicinal diet recommended

author:User 3799654962

Cloves, herbal medicine. Dried buds of cloves of the myrtle family. The buds are picked when they turn from green to red and dried in the sun. In addition to medicinal uses, cloves are also mainly used in the production of meat, pastries, pickled foods, stir-fried goods, preserves, and beverages. In China, it is often used as an accessory for cooking flavor dishes, brine dishes and pickled vegetables.

Warm kidney tonic words cloves, cloves medicinal diet recommended

<h4>Medicinal value of cloves</h4>

Sexual taste: spicy, warm.

"Kaibao Materia Medica": "Spicy, warm, non-toxic." ”

Compendium: "Xin, hot." ”

Return to the meridian: into the stomach, spleen, kidney meridian.

"Soup Liquid Materia Medica": "Start with Taiyin, Foot Yang Ming, Less Yin Sutra." ”

"Lei Gong Cannon Pharmaceutical Sexual Solution": "Into the lungs, spleen, stomach, kidneys four meridians." ”

Indications for function: warm in the middle, warm the kidneys, reduce the reversal. Cures hiccups, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, cold pain in the abdomen, boils, hernia, ringworm.

"Theory of Medicinal Properties": "Cure cold air abdominal pain." ”

"Sea Medicine Materia Medica": "The main wind is hidden, and the bone groove is smelly." Cure qi, black hair, kill insects, cure the five hemorrhoids, and ward off evil and evil. Cure nipple flowers, stop five-color poisonous diarrhea, healthy qi, stop abdominal pain. ”

"Rihuazi Materia Medica": "Cure breath, stomach, cure kidney qi, run dolphin qi, yin pain, aphrodisiac, warm waist and knees, kill alcohol poison, eliminate addiction, remove cold labor." ”

"Kaibao Materia Medica": "Warm the spleen and stomach, stop cholera." (Cure) swelling, wind poison swelling, chancre insufficiency. ”

"Materia Medica": "Stop the qi and reverse the qi." ”

"Outline": "Cure falsehood, children vomiting, acne stomach deficiency gray and white." ”

"Materia Medica": "Warm and fast." Cure the scorched hiccups, in addition to the stomach cold diarrhea, seven emotions and five depression. ”

"Materia Medica": "Cure chest palsy, yin pain, warm vulva." ”

"Medical Forest Essentials": "Tonify the liver, moisten the life, warm the stomach, go to the cold, diarrhea lungs, loose rheumatism." ”

"Materia Medica Renewed": "Open the nine tricks, soothe the depression, go to the wind, and walk the water." ”

"Medicinal Materials": "Treatment of chronic indigestion, gastrointestinal inflation and uterine hernia pain." ”

<h4>Cloves with prescription</h4>

Cure sudden heartache: clove powder, take 3 grams with wine, immediate effect.

Cure women's collapse: 62 grams of cloves, add two liters of wine, fry into one liter, and take in divided doses.

Warm kidney tonic words cloves, cloves medicinal diet recommended

Treat nasal polyps: Wrap the ground clove powder in cotton and stuff it in the nose.

Lip and tongue sores: cloves are ground into fine powders, wrapped in cotton and contained in the mouth.

For breast swelling and pain: Take a spoonful of cloves with water.

Intestinal obstruction: 30 to 60 grams of cloves, ground into fine powders, mixed with alcohol and applied to the navel.

Tinea pedis: 15 grams of cloves. Add 70% alcohol to 100 ml, soak for 48 hours and remove the dregs, applying externally to the affected area 3 times a day.

Cure the soul of the furuncle ("Materia Medica"): 3 grams of this product, 6 grams each of bile star, half summer, poria, the upper is the end, every morning and evening to take 3 grams, under the lamp heart soup, Po ghost furuncle, the body seems to be painful and non-painful, like itchy non-itch, like cold not cold, like hot not hot, like awake not awake, the shape of the god silent, the language is lazy, the name of the disease ghost boil, this heart and stomach have phlegm caused by phlegm.

Cure typhoid fever cough is not prosperous, and the rebellion is uncertain ("Briefly Help the Crowd"): one or two of this product, one or two dried persimmons. Baked dry, mashed into loose. For one dollar per serving, fry ginseng soup and take it all the time.

Cure children's vomiting rebellion ("One Hundred and One Selections"): This product, half summer (raw use) one or two each. Homogenized for finely minced, ginger juice and pills, such as mung beans large. Ginger soup under three or twenty pills.

Zhi Chao Food Twilight Vomit ("Picking Yuan Fang"): Twenty-five pieces of this product, sugarcane juice, ginger juice and pills, lotus seeds are large, and swallowed.

Cure cholera, anti-emetic ("Dry Gold Wing Fang"): Fourteen pieces of this product, with wine five, boiled to take two, and served. It is also good to boil it in water.

Cure jiu's heartache ("Shenghui fang"): this product is half two, Gui Xin one or two, mashed fine. Luo Weisan. Before eating, mix the next dollar with hot wine.

Cure carbuncle evil flesh ("Strange Evidence Strange Square"): Clove end to apply it. Protect it with external plasters.

Cure crab eating wounds ("Tips for Treatment"): Clove powder, ginger soup serve five points.

Induction pills ("Datong Formula"): 45 grams of this product, 75 grams of wood aroma, 20 pieces of cardamom, 70 pieces of croton (de-hearted, oil removal), 30 grams of dried ginger (cannon), 140 pieces of almonds (do not grind extremely rotten), 60 grams of herb cream. In addition to croton flour, herb cream, and almonds, the remaining 4 flavors are mashed into fine powder and mixed with the first 3 flavors. Use 180 g of wax and roast cotton filter. More with 1 liter of good wine, boil the wax in the silverware, it is out of the cold, go to the wine to wax, use clear oil 30 grams in the chosium, boil the end of the incense, the next time the wine has been boiled wax, on the pot by hot mixing for the pills, such as mung beans large, each serving 20 ~ 30 pills.

Cure ringworm, tinea pychia ("Experience Party"): 5% of this product decoction to rub the affected area.

<h4>Clove prescription preparation</h4>

Shunqi Soup ("Hygienic Family Treasure")

49 capsules of this product, 27 persimmons fried, l doses per day, divided into 2 divided doses. Cure hiccups.

Warm kidney tonic words cloves, cloves medicinal diet recommended

Red Bean Pills ("Medical Sect Must Read")

This product, pepper, sand kernels, red beans 21 each. On the end, ginger paste pills, soap horn large, each serving l pills, with a large jujube l pieces, pitted to fill the medicine, noodles wrapped simmered, go to the noodles to chew carefully, under the white soup, 3 times a day. Cure vomiting and reverse diaphragm, nausea and vomiting.

Clove Poria Soup ("Yang's Family Collection")

This product, poria, wood incense, appendage, half summer, tangerine peel, cinnamon 6 grams each, dried ginger l0 grams, shrunken sand kernel 3 grams, ginger jujube. Fry in water, take it in 2 times, cure long-term accumulation of cold, stagnant gastrointestinal tract. Vomiting sputum, or acidic water.

Lilac San (Taiping Shenghuifang)

This product, loquat leaves 6 grams each, green skin, poria, ginseng, guixin, half summer each 12 grams, ginger, jujube, water frying, daily l dose, divided into 2 times before eating, cure diaphragm vomiting, can not eat, spleen and stomach qi weak, limb weakness.

Clove persimmon soup ("Cause pulse cure")

This product, persimmon 6 grams each, 3 grams of ginseng, ginger 5 tablets, decoction daily l dose, divided into 2 times of warm serving, treatment of long-term illness deficiency, stomach deficiency caused by hiccups, vomiting, light mouth, less food, stuffy chest, light tongue, pale moss, late pulse and other symptoms.

<h4>Clove medicinal diet recommended</h4>


Ingredients: 5 grams of male cloves, 100 grams of rice, 3 slices of ginger, brown sugar to taste.

Method: First choose the cloves clean, fry the juice, put the rice into the sand pot, add the right amount of water, cook the porridge, wait to boil the brown sugar, ginger, etc., cook until the porridge is separated, or take 1 gram of cloves, grind it into fine powder, when the porridge is boiling, put it into the porridge with ginger and brown sugar, and cook until the porridge is cooked.

Effect: This porridge has the power of reducing reversal in temperature and warming the kidneys to help the yang. It is suitable for vomiting, hiccups, lack of food in the mouth, abdominal pain and diarrhea, or impotence and cold, or cold and wet belts caused by cold stomach. It is recommended to take 1 dose per day, divided into 2 diets, which can be eaten for 3 to 5 days.

Clove pear

Ingredients: 15 cloves, 1 large sydney pear.

Directions: First, the pear is dug out, filled with cloves, wrapped in 4 to 5 layers of wet paper, simmered in the ashes, then removed and cloves.

Effect: This pear has the function of nourishing yin and vitality, warming the stomach and reducing reversal, and calming and stopping vomiting. It is suitable for stomach yin deficiency, qi reverse to the upper caused by noisy stomach, or choking stomach, nausea and vomiting, pan vomiting and salivation, light mouth and other symptoms. It is recommended to eat 1 pear at a time, and you can eat 5 to 7 pears in a row.

Clove ginger candy

Ingredients: 5 g of cloves, 30 g of minced ginger, 250 g of sugar.

Method: First put the sugar in an aluminum pot, add a little water, fry over low heat until the sugar liquid is thick, add cloves, minced ginger, mix well, and then continue to boil, start the pot to cool and solidify, cut into 50 small pieces.

Efficacy: This sugar has the function of warming the stomach and dissipating cold, and reducing reversal and anti-nausea. It is mainly used for stomach cold hiccups, vomiting, stomach pain and other symptoms, and can also be used for motion sickness. It is recommended to eat 1 to 2 pieces after meals every day, or drink it after boiling water in a teacup, and patients with motion sickness can take it continuously after getting on the bus and boat.

<h4>Identification of medicinal herbs</h4>

The dried buds are slightly short rod-shaped, 1.5 to 2 cm long, reddish brown to dark brown; the lower part is a cylindrical slightly flattened calyx, 1 to 1.3 cm long, about 5 mm wide, about 3 mm thick, the base is gradually narrow, the surface is rough, there is oil seepage, there are 4 triangular hypertrophic calyxes at the upper end of the calyx; the upper part is nearly spherical, about 6 mm in diameter, with 4 petals, hugging each other. The buds are cut open, most of the stamens are visible, the filaments are bent to the center, and there is a thick upright flower column in the center, which is solid and heavy, and sinks into the water; the section is oily, and the oily exudates from the fingernails; the gas is strongly aromatic and spicy. It is preferable to be large, stout, bright purple brown, strong aroma and oily.


Cloves are suitable for cold stomach pain, nausea hiccups, vomiting people to eat, suitable for bad breath, suitable for abdominal cold pain, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, chronic indigestion, kidney deficiency to eat, 5 to 10 grams each time; should be eaten as a condiment, can be aromatic appetizer, enhance appetite.

Those who have hiccups caused by stomach fever or have both thirst and dry mouth should not be eaten; they should not eat with Chinese medicine Tujin; those with fever and yin deficiency and internal heat should not eat. In addition, women should not eat during menstruation.

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