
Golden hibiscus prawns that can be made at home

author:Igo who makes cakes

Golden hibiscus prawns are oil-free! Low fat! delicious! Full of high-end feeling, it is a beautiful ki-lint restaurant dish, which looks super advanced, but it is simple and easy to do, and it only takes very simple steps to make a big meal. Hurry up and learn!

Golden hibiscus prawns that can be made at home

Ingredients: 5 prawns, a handful of puff pastry, salt, black pepper, minced garlic, salad dressing and tomato sauce.


1) Remove the head of the prawns, remove the shrimp line, keep the tail, and sprinkle salt on the front and back of the shrimp, black pepper and minced garlic, about 30 minutes to pickle, set aside.

2: Take a group of thousand silks, then unfold, roll up from the top of the shrimp, roll the shrimp into a shrimp roll, set aside.

3) Heat the oil, after the oil is hot, put the rolled shrimp into the pan and start frying (be sure to shrimp roll tail up) to slow fry, after setting the shape can be turned over and continue to fry, until the shrimp rolls are fried golden brown can be out of the pan.

Golden hibiscus prawn, the outer skin is crispy, but the original taste of the shrimp is maintained, and it tastes very good. Like ketchup or salad can be dipped in our fried golden hibiscus prawns, is also very delicious, do not stick sauce is also very delicious, this simple fast hand and good look delicious, even the kitchen white is also easy to do.