
Embezzled funds and embezzled hundreds of millions, netizens reported Han Hong Foundation in their real names, and Han Hong was no longer silent this time

author:Academic History

Han Hong, a female singer whose name has resounded in the Chinese music scene, her singing has spread all over the country and has become an idol in the hearts of countless people. However, her success has not been smooth sailing, and there are many untold stories behind it.

Embezzled funds and embezzled hundreds of millions, netizens reported Han Hong Foundation in their real names, and Han Hong was no longer silent this time

Han Hong's family was not rich when she was a child, her father died early, her mother remarried, and she depended on her grandmother since she was a child. With the support of her grandmother, she studied singing hard and was eventually admitted to the Military Music Department and became a student of Li Shuangjiang.

Embezzled funds and embezzled hundreds of millions, netizens reported Han Hong Foundation in their real names, and Han Hong was no longer silent this time

Before she became famous, many investors thought her appearance was not suitable for being a singer. But she did not give up, but with the help of Ke Shouliang and Zhang Yue, she participated in CCTV's "Half the Sky" program, which made more people recognize her talent.

In 1998, she signed with Jingwen Records and began her own open life. She became not only a well-known singer, but also a well-respected philanthropist, whose musical talent and philanthropy are admirable.

Embezzled funds and embezzled hundreds of millions, netizens reported Han Hong Foundation in their real names, and Han Hong was no longer silent this time

Over the years, she has been actively participating in various public welfare activities, donating money and materials to disaster-stricken areas, caring for vulnerable groups, and her charitable deeds have touched countless people and become a banner of China's public welfare undertakings. However, there are some people on the Internet who attack and slander her, which makes her feel stressed and confused.

Once, a person who called himself "Sima 3 Taboo" reported in his real name that 500 million funds of the Han Hong Foundation had disappeared, claiming that he would not stop if he would not sue Han Hong, and this real-name report attracted widespread attention in the society.

Embezzled funds and embezzled hundreds of millions, netizens reported Han Hong Foundation in their real names, and Han Hong was no longer silent this time

Han Hong was very angry when she found out, she felt that it was a slander and framing of herself, so she decided to investigate the matter herself. After some investigation, Han Hong found that this so-called "Sima 3 taboo" was actually an Internet troll.

He made up this lie in pursuit of traffic, Han Hong felt very angry and disappointed, and she felt that her reputation had been greatly damaged.

Embezzled funds and embezzled hundreds of millions, netizens reported Han Hong Foundation in their real names, and Han Hong was no longer silent this time

However, at this moment, "Sima 3 Taboo" suddenly stood up and admitted his mistake and expressed his willingness to take responsibility for what he did.

He said: "I know I was wrong and I shouldn't have made up a lie like this to attack you. I hope you can forgive me. ”

Han Hong heard this sentence, and her heart felt very complicated, she knew that this person had indeed made a mistake, but she also did not want to forgive him easily. She thought for a moment, then said, "I can forgive you, but you need to make some compensation." ”

"Sima 3 Taboo" asked, "What kind of compensation do you need?" ”

Han Hong replied: "I need you to apologize publicly and take legal responsibility for your actions." At the same time, you also need to apologize to my fans and tell them that this lie is false. ”

Embezzled funds and embezzled hundreds of millions, netizens reported Han Hong Foundation in their real names, and Han Hong was no longer silent this time

Sima 3 Ji nodded and agreed to accept the conditions, so he publicly apologized and took legal responsibility for his actions. Although this incident passed, it was still a big blow to Han Hong, and she felt very confused.

After a period of hard work, Han Hong gradually regained her confidence and courage, she has always firmly believed: "I do public welfare not for fame and profit, but out of responsibility and mission to society." ”

Embezzled funds and embezzled hundreds of millions, netizens reported Han Hong Foundation in their real names, and Han Hong was no longer silent this time

She started singing again and actively participated in public welfare activities, and she found that she could influence more people through her music and good deeds, making them feel loved and warm.

Han Hong proved a truth with her actions: even in the darkest moments, as long as you stick to your beliefs and work hard, you will definitely be able to get out of the predicament and usher in a better future.

Embezzled funds and embezzled hundreds of millions, netizens reported Han Hong Foundation in their real names, and Han Hong was no longer silent this time

There is a saying in the "Zengguangxian Wen": "But do good deeds, do not ask about the future." "Everyone takes a different path, and Han Hong's public welfare undertakings can persist until now, which is very valuable.

Even if someone poured dirty water on Han Hong on the Internet, she did not flinch, and most netizens also believed in Han Hong's innocence and supported Han Hong.

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