
Cool off the heat and make a five-juice drink that is more delicious and healthy than milk tea!

author:Shangguan News

As summer begins, the temperature continues to rise. Many people will have problems such as dry mouth, thirst, sores in the mouth and tongue, unbearable body heat, swollen and painful gums. At this time, you may wish to have a glass of five-juice drink to stop the scorching heat. Today brings the second health class to bring you the preparation method of summer ancient herbal tea five-juice drink, come and learn together!

Ingredients: 50-100g fresh pear, 50-100g fresh lotus root, 50-100g fresh water chestnut, 50-100g sugarcane (instead of lotus root or shared), 30g dried asparagus, 15g dry wheat winter.

Cool off the heat and make a five-juice drink that is more delicious and healthy than milk tea!

Production steps:

1. Wash and peel pears, lotus root, water chestnuts and sugar cane, and dice them.

Cool off the heat and make a five-juice drink that is more delicious and healthy than milk tea!

2. Wash the dried asparagus root and dried wheat in winter and soak them separately. If fresh asparagus and fresh wheat are used, they can be washed directly and set aside.

Cool off the heat and make a five-juice drink that is more delicious and healthy than milk tea!

3. Put the pear, lotus root, water chestnut, aloe root and wheat dong together in a casserole pot or tea boiler.

Cool off the heat and make a five-juice drink that is more delicious and healthy than milk tea!

4. Add 1500-2000ml of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Cool off the heat and make a five-juice drink that is more delicious and healthy than milk tea!

5. Filter the liquid and wait for it to cool before drinking!

Cool off the heat and make a five-juice drink that is more delicious and healthy than milk tea!

Five juice drink, from the book "Identification of Wen Sickness" written by the famous doctor Wu Jutong of the Qing Dynasty, the book contains: "Taiyin temperature disease, thirsty even more, snow pear pulp is rich; Those who spit white foam and are sticky and unhappy, drink five juices. "It is used for the treatment of residual heat injury yin in the late stage of temperature disease, yin deficiency and heat.

Fresh pears are raw and moist, clearing the lungs and heat. Lotus root tonifies the spirit, nourishes the spirit, and invigorates qi. Water chestnut clears heat, invigorates qi and calms down. Ashi root clears the heat and pours out the heart. Mai Dong nourishes the yin and moisturizes the lungs, calming the mind and calming the mind. This traditional drink composed of pear juice, lotus root juice, water chestnut juice, aloe root juice and wheat winter juice is not only ordinary and simple, but also has a good effect of clearing heat and nourishing yin, nourishing and quenching thirst.

Applicable groups and precautions:

The earliest five-juice drink is directly eaten by freshly squeezed juice, which has a strong cold, moist, laxative, and clearing effect, and is more suitable for people with hot intestines. However, water chestnuts may carry ginger slice worms, so they should not be eaten raw, and changing freshly squeezed juice to decoction soup also has a good effect on lowering stomach fire and nourishing yin.

Note: People with spleen and stomach deficiency and diarrhea, and high blood sugar should not eat.

Sweet and delicious, nourishing yin liquid, the beauty of five-juice drink is not only in its taste, summer heat is better than "milk tea", let's try it together!