
The tobacco bureau refused three generations, netizens: I'm just poor, and I'm not stupid!

author:Yan Comb Lou Channel
The tobacco bureau refused three generations, netizens: I'm just poor, and I'm not stupid!

Recently, the Shandong Tobacco Monopoly Bureau released the recruitment announcement for college graduates in 2023, which caused thousands of waves with one stone.

The recruitment announcement requires that applicants must not apply for positions that constitute the situation of cadre recusal immediately after hiring, and must not apply for positions in the unit system of leading members of personnel who have a conjugal relationship, a lineal blood relationship, a collateral blood relationship within three generations, or a close in-law relationship with him/herself.

The tobacco bureau refused three generations, netizens: I'm just poor, and I'm not stupid!

There is a reason for this move by the Shandong Tobacco Monopoly Bureau.

In June 2022, Henan Daily released a piece of news:

The tobacco bureau refused three generations, netizens: I'm just poor, and I'm not stupid!

Three generations of the family worked in the tobacco bureau and were also published in the party newspaper as advanced deeds. It has to be lamented that the head of propaganda of the tobacco bureau, the reporter, editor and editor-in-chief of Henan Daily did not have three years of cerebral thrombosis and could not write such articles.

Guo Degang has a famous saying: When others have nothing to eat, you eat meat or not, it is kindness.

But Henan Puyang Tobacco, eating meat is not only a mouthful, but also public, but also published in the party newspaper. In an era when unemployment rates have repeatedly hit new highs across the country and college graduates have taken off their long coats, is it because the people's anger is not strong enough?

This incident solidified the dark wounds of the common people - the class, and tore open the wounds to show them to the people. Zhejiang propaganda, which is also a state media, defines this matter as high-level black and low-level red.

Three generations are at the tobacco bureau and three generations are at the railroad bureau. Three generations are in the water supply office, three generations are in the bank, three generations are in the tax office, three generations are ... This kind of sentence expresses the deep doubts and helplessness in the hearts of many people.

In this seemingly fair society, we often hear such stories. From grandparents to parents to us, families gather in a particular institution or industry, as if fate has long been predetermined, and individual efforts and talents are often overridden by so-called "background" and "relationships".

The so-called class solidification has been quietly formed.

It is the result of a long-standing imbalance of power and resources. The continuation of family power, the inheritance of privileges, and the existence of abuse of power and corruption have all become boosters of class solidification.

Class solidification is a dilemma that is difficult for ordinary people at the bottom to jump out of.

Such a phenomenon makes it difficult for ordinary people to have equal opportunities, get rid of the restrictions of their own origins, and pursue better life and development opportunities.

The Shandong Tobacco Bureau's move to "reject three generations" should be a response to this public opinion incident. He is telling the public that from now on, three generations of the direct family of the tobacco bureau will not be able to enter the tobacco bureau.

It stands to reason that this should have been regarded as a clear stream in the turbid stream, but it did not want to attract the ridicule of netizens.

The tobacco bureau refused three generations, netizens: I'm just poor, and I'm not stupid!

Some netizens said: flicker, then flicker.

Others say: I'm just poor, and I'm not stupid.

Some netizens simply lie flat: still believe it, so that you feel better, after all, if you believe it or not, it doesn't matter to others.

Why do ordinary people react this way?

In fact, what the people hate is not the son inheriting the father's business, but the interests within the enterprise are self-enriching.

It is normal for a son to inherit his father's business.

In the countryside, generation after generation of people are farmers, which is also "the son inherits the father's business"; Migrant workers go out to work, and when their children grow up, they work with their fathers, which is also "the son inherits the father's business"; Father and son have dedicated generations to national defense; Businessmen raise children to take over the family business; The children of doctors also work as doctors; The teacher's child also acts as a teacher; It's all about sons inheriting their father's business...

Why is everyone not disgusted with these "sons inheriting the father's business"?

In state-owned units, a system called "retirement replacement" was implemented, including but not limited to tobacco, railway and other industries. That is, after the parents retire, they can generally arrange for a child to enter the system, or start from the lowest work.

A very important background for the implementation of this system is that in the past, all industries had their own technical thresholds, and they were very hard, and the income was not so different from other industries, and there were many jobs that required more remote areas and greater labor intensity.

Therefore, when the replacement system exists, there will indeed be cases where workers of various professional occupations such as railways choose one from their children to teach by example and pass on some technical knowledge.

As it stands, the "replacement for retirement" system has been absent for many years. Party and government organs, public institutions, and large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises basically adopt the compulsory entrance examination.

Moreover, this kind of examination has developed later, and the threshold conditions have become higher and higher, which is often referred to as the internal roll of academic qualifications.

However, in this context, there are still phenomena in which children in the system apply for their father's work unit, or other regional units of the same system, many of which are unfair operations:

Some are in the name of so-called school recruitment, specifically go to the centralized schools in the system for children to apply for centralized recruitment, and graduates of other schools do not even have the opportunity to hear the news;

In the post-epidemic era, all industries are withering and the employment of graduates is tight. Under this circumstance, when everyone sees the so-called "three generations of tobacco people" and "three generations of bankers", it is naturally difficult to accept.

Very simple truth, "three generations of doctors", everyone has nothing to dislike, right? For example, in the infectious disease department, such as the emergency department, if three generations of a family go to these departments as doctors, it is simply a living four words of "public selflessness".

But some industries represented by tobacco are different. In addition to job stability, these industries also have good remuneration. However, it has been established, or it will be difficult to fully integrate into market-oriented competition in the future. This can easily cause the internal interests of those in power in the enterprise to enrich themselves.

Therefore, in fact, everyone is not completely opposed to "son inheriting father's business", but "son inheriting father's business" in unfair operation, which is the interests of the enterprise to enrich themselves.

Second, the common people have been sharing power and resources for a long time.

It is difficult to have both, and according to common sense, stability and high returns can only account for one. Ordinary people looking for a job, can occupy the same, that is, overjoyed and very satisfied. After all, many times, the same does not take up.

However, there are some kinds of work in this world that can take advantage of all the benefits. Therefore, this can be a good explanation for why many people want to enter special industries such as tobacco and electricity: drought and flood protection, and generous treatment.

This is a naked show off by a tobacco company employee on social platforms circulating on the Internet.

The tobacco bureau refused three generations, netizens: I'm just poor, and I'm not stupid!

Fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders, since it is difficult to find jobs for graduates in the whole society, then take care of your own family first. Therefore, over the years, other high-paying and well-paid units, including tobacco, have been guaranteed to absorb the employment of their children.

Of course, this is extremely inconsistent with the core socialist values of "freedom, equality, justice, and rule of law", and the top has repeatedly affirmed, but to make vested interests give up their privileges is like digging their ancestral graves.

Finally, under pressure from all parties, in 2020, China National Tobacco Corporation issued new measures for the management of recruitment in the tobacco industry, putting forward new requirements such as "recusal of three generations of blood relatives".

The new deal went on the market and moved too many people's cheese. All parties did their best to apply the law of delay. It has been carried for 3 years, and this year it has been implemented in various places.

However, within the intricate web of rights, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

This can be summed up in a word with a paragraph on the Internet:

"Brother, my nephew graduated from college, give him to you for electric exercise."

"Brother, my niece has just graduated, so I'll give you tobacco."

If my people are not suitable in their own unit or department, then they will be arranged in other units and departments. There are more than 30 tobacco branches in the country, and my children cannot work in the tobacco company to which I belong, they can go to other provinces.......

This method is called power resource sharing.

The reason why ordinary people are not interested in the new recruitment policies of tobacco companies is that they understand their power-sharing routines too well.

With so many routines in front, how should we treat Shandong Tobacco's "direct blood relatives are not allowed to apply for employment for three generations", this announcement?

China is a humanistic society, in fact, it is a society of resources, and the more cities lagging behind in economic development, such as third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities, it is difficult to move without relationships.

We hope that the society will be clean and full of fairness and justice. But if you encounter a problem, but you want to solve it through shortcuts and black box operations.

Perhaps sometimes, we don't want to illegally encroach on resources, but we just feel that others are doing it, and we lose fairness if we don't do it.

As a result, we were all wrapped in a wide net, unable to break free, and had to meet each other.

Today, the economy is in decline and businesses are struggling. Every year, more than 10 million newly graduated college students rush in, and the employment pressure is increasing.

Shandong Tobacco dares to openly state that "three generations of direct blood relatives are not allowed to apply", and dares to put this problem on the surface, and has the courage to be prepared to accept mass supervision so that everyone can re-examine fairness and justice, and re-establish a new era.

Even if it is a performance, even if it is operated, there will be a lot of dark rules. But at least on the surface, it has sounded the clarion call for the reform of the recruitment system for all state-owned enterprises and central enterprises.

There must be hope in life.

Many dark panels of the era have been knotted for a long time, and if a crack is made in this plate surface and a glimmer of light can be revealed, there is hope.

Just like the saying in "Ultraman": as long as there is light in the heart, hope will be passed on!