
Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard

author:17173 Game Network
Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard

Hello everyone, this is the Zhengfang game, I am the Zhengfang little brother.

There are many Japanese game manufacturers, but most Chinese people only know Nintendo, Capcom, Pants, Konami and other old manufacturers. In fact, although some manufacturers are not as well-known as those big manufacturers, they have a global impact and even contributed to the birth of the largest pirated game website in China that year, but recently it closed down.

Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard

Recently, the well-known Japanese gentleman manufacturer ILLUSION announced that the company will end the development and sales of games on August 18, the official website and steam will close the game download, and the official social account and video account will no longer be updated.

ILLUSION, known as "I Society" and "Phantom Society", was founded in 1992 and is known for producing gentleman's games such as "Incarceration", "Tail Line", "Artificial Girl", "Tram Wolf R", "Same School Student" and so on.

Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard

Although the official did not say the reason for the end of the operation, netizens speculated that the efficiency was too poor and the company was difficult to sustain. In fact, as early as 2004, after the completion of "Tail Line 3", Phantom Club released a rumor that it was going out of business, and the analysis of netizens at that time was that the game market was too small, and the production cost was high, so I wanted to change careers.

Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard

Although the Phantom Club has always been engaged in color, but compared with some domestic rotten, only skin change manufacturers, Phantom Club is very serious in the game, they have been researching new technological innovation gameplay, is the leader of technological innovation in the gentleman's game circle.

In the early years, when most manufacturers were still sticking to 2D games, they began to study 3D technology, and later became the most skilled manufacturer among the pioneers of gentlemen's games, and later their "Real Girlfriend" also made a great contribution to the popularity of VR games.

Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard

Because the Phantom Society has a rule that the game produced is only sold in Japan, domestic players can play this game thanks to the selfless Chinese group of that year. Because of the popularity of Phantom Society's games, a Chinese group became popular that year, and later their website developed into the largest pirate website in China.

Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard

Seeing the news of the suspension of the Phantom Society, some netizens lamented that it seems that the butter game is really not profitable, and some netizens said that it was because the game was too expensive and there were too many white prostitutes. Some players said that it is normal for the Phantom Society to be cold, because the last few works are like running out of money, so some netizens complained that the Phantom Society technology is not good, not as good as the MOD author, and the old rolling MOD is more troublesome than the Phantom Society.

Phantom Club because of limited investment, the game picture is not as good as 3A masterpieces, in fact, there is technology, so in the early years, many technology bigwigs were willing to toss to study their game's game production mod.

Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard
Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard

There are also many netizens lamenting the end of the Phantom Club, and some netizens lament that this not only represents the passing of the youth memories of our group of players, but also announces the end of the "action era". Some netizens announced that this was the darkest day in the gaming industry, because it represented the end of the entire era of gentlemen's games.

Some sad netizens asked their souls, why is Blizzard not dead, you are dead?

Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard

Little brother Gao Green Gong: Although the closure of the Phantom Club is a big loss for the gentleman's game circle, it is the ladder of human cultural progress, so although the Phantom Club is gone, there will be a fantasy club in the future, dare to think about the club, dare not think about the emergence of the club, they will take over the spirit of the Phantom Society and continue to move forward.

A positive question: Have you played a Phantom Society game?

Is the age of gentleman games coming to an end? I announced the closure of business, netizens lamented why it was not Blizzard