
Walking into artificial intelligence AI helped me learn computers

author:Computer enthusiasts

Text|Children's happiness and well-being

Thirty years ago, when we encountered computer problems, in addition to flipping through some computer books, people were more willing to go to computer newspapers (such as "Computer Enthusiast") to find answers. Twenty years ago, the Internet entered the public's life, and people slowly began to get used to having a problem "Google" or "Baidu". Until now, more people, after encountering problems learning computers, the first thing that comes to mind is to search on the Internet, rather than flipping through books or magazines. Indeed, the role of the Internet in people's lives today is unquestionable.

In 2022, the world ushered in the first year of the "meta-universe", artificial intelligence has been hyped on the earth, the development situation is in full swing, and the speed is unexpected. The rise of artificial intelligence robots such as ChatGPT has also greatly taken us ordinary people a step forward in learning the efficiency of computers. Maybe you're still immersed in the habit of having a problem with Baidu, but have you ever wondered what would happen if you switched to ChatGPT to solve the same problem?

Walking into artificial intelligence AI helped me learn computers

(Figure 1)

Next, we will take you together, into ChatGPT, through some simple examples, to experience, please ChatGPT such an "assistant" to help us learn computers, what new gains and differences will be. Our case will be carried out in the following areas:

Case 1: ChatGPT helped me find software

According to their actual needs, propose to find a certain aspect of one or some software, using Baidu's method and ChatGPT method, what processes to go through? The result?

Case 2: ChatGPT helped me solve my computer problems

Take the problems encountered in the process of using the computer as an example, use Baidu's method and ChatGPT's method to seek answers respectively, what is the difference between the process experienced and the results obtained?

Case 3: ChatGPT helped me find a topic

If you're an editor or an author planning a computer book or writing an article on the subject, how can ChatGPT help you in finding topics and writing articles?

Case 4: Extreme Challenge Test ChatGPT's patience and strength

ChatGPT is deliberately tested for patience and ability to see how much endurance and level it really is. For example, ChatGPT's performance is tested by putting forward requirements that seem difficult for ordinary people to achieve, deliberately picking faults, and making harsh requirements.

Before officially entering the above four cases, let's first understand some basic common sense and problems with using ChatGPT. For example, the problem of how ChatGPT is obtained and entered, the general use characteristics of ChatGPT, etc.

● Where to get ChatGPT How to get in

Native ChatGPT in the US. ChatGPT (full name: Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a chatbot program developed by OpenAI, released on November 30, 2022. ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology, which can conduct conversations by understanding and learning human language, and can interact according to the context of the chat, truly chatting and communicating like humans, and even completing tasks such as writing emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, code, and writing papers (quoted: Baidu Encyclopedia "ChatGPT" project).

Walking into artificial intelligence AI helped me learn computers

(Figure 2)

Registering a ChatGPT account requires a U.S. mobile phone number, and you also need to use a cross-border server proxy to surf the Internet, which may involve some legal issues. Therefore, it may be difficult for us ordinary Internet users to easily access it directly. However, through indirect means, there are still ways to appreciate the benefits brought to us by this high technology. Here are some ways and methods for Chinese users to use ChatGPT for reference:

1. Use a domestic proxy server or VPN

By using a proxy server or VPN, you can bypass access restrictions and simulate access to an overseas server. Care needs to be taken here to choose a reliable proxy server or VPN service provider and make sure to do so in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.

2. Use cross-border network acceleration services

Some network acceleration services focus on cross-border transfers and can provide faster and more stable connections. These services can optimize your network connection for overseas services.

3. Access servers outside of China

If you have the opportunity to connect to a server outside of your country, you can use it by accessing ChatGPT on a server outside of your country. This may require some technical knowledge and resources to set up and manage the server.

4. Rely on domestic AI open platforms

There are also some AI open platforms and service providers in China that provide similar language model services. You can search the domestic AI market on Baidu to see if there is a platform that suits your needs.

Although there is no ChatGPT connection ecology as perfect as abroad, there are some feasible methods. Users can connect with ChatGPT through online services, robot products, or robot development companies, so as to enjoy the intelligent services and application scenarios brought by it.

Connect through online services provided by tech giants. For example, AI Studio, a neural network computing service platform, provides an online API for GPT, allowing users to connect to ChatGPT with a simple call. In addition, the Tencent Cloud AI Open Platform also provides similar online services, as well as CDN acceleration services, ensuring high-speed and stable connection of ChatGPT.

Some robot manufacturers also provide ChatGPT connection services. For example, Xiaoi Bot provides an online chat service based on ChatGPT, which users only need to register an account on its official website. In addition, Cheetah Mobile also uses ChatGPT in its smart assistant products, and users can use the technology by downloading the Cheetah smart assistant APP.

Finally, as a reminder, when using proxy servers, VPNs, or other methods to bypass access restrictions, make sure to comply with local laws and regulations and service providers. In addition, issues related to security and privacy need to be carefully considered.


Our domestic powerful software manufacturers, such as Baidu, Huawei, etc., have artificial intelligence core products similar to ChatGPT under development or testing, and it is only a matter of time before they are fully launched to the public, and we are about to be able to enter the world of human and AI robot conversations with a low threshold.

Walking into artificial intelligence AI helped me learn computers

(Figure 3)

● Chat with ChatGPT about general topics about learning computers

Compared with ordinary search engines such as Google and Baidu, the interface of ChatGPT is not complicated, a search box, plus a send message button. We just have to enter the content requirements we want to know in the search box and hit the send button.

Walking into artificial intelligence AI helped me learn computers

(Figure 4)

Now let's start a conversation with ChatGPT about learning computers.

I asked, "Previously, I used search engines such as Google or Baidu to solve problems encountered in the computer learning process. Excuse me, what are your strengths in solving computer problems compared to these traditional search engines? How can you help me? ”。

Walking into artificial intelligence AI helped me learn computers

(Figure 5)

ChatGPT gives the following answer:

From the answers given by ChatGPT above, we can see that it is superior to traditional search engines in several aspects. The answers it can give will be more comprehensive, deeper, more personalized, and humane. So, this is just one side of ChatGPT, whether this is the case, whether it is ChatGPT's exaggeration, or whether this is the case, let's wait and see, and verify it in later practice.

Next, I asked ChatGPT another question: "I usually search for a software I need on Baidu, and the Baidu search engine will first give a bunch of ads, and when my legs are full of mud and crawl out of the advertising pile, I am already covered in scales." I shook the dirt on my body, dragged my tired body, and continued to dig the software I needed from the answers behind, judge, download, install and try... And so on, you may not be able to find the software you want in the end. So, if I rely on you now, how are you going to provide me with this? ”。

Walking into artificial intelligence AI helped me learn computers

(Figure 6)

ChatGPT gives the following answer:

From the above answer, we can see that ChatGPT can effectively avoid the troubles brought to us by traditional search engines, such as the harassment of advertising information; Help us find the content closest to our intentions from the many mixed network information, and display it in front of us in an orderly manner; Provide specific guidance for the download, installation and use of software; Even if you can't find it, it will suggest alternatives with similar features. Isn't it very human?

Next, I talked to ChatGPT about accuracy.

I asked, "How many of the answers you provided me that I can use without verification?" Does the fact that the answers you provided so well organized and logical mean that I can use them without verification? Are there duplicates of the answers you provided? ”。

Walking into artificial intelligence AI helped me learn computers

(Figure 7)

ChatGPT answers my question like this:

From the above answers, we can learn that although ChatGPT has a super strong data resource reserve and calculation and judgment capabilities, it does not guarantee that all answers are absolutely correct and complete, and repeated provision of the same or similar content also occurs from time to time. Therefore, in the process of using this tool to learn computer knowledge, we must not use it without judgment, but must make our own judgment for each chapter and every sentence. For the places you are not sure about, you must find relevant information to confirm it to prevent jokes or even wrong results.

Above we only from the level of basic knowledge, on the topic of learning computer knowledge, and ChatGPT conducted a basic conversation, in order to let everyone have a basic understanding of ChatGPT's personality. We are not dealing with specific computer problems, specific software, etc. In the following article, we will specifically perceive the charm of AI in practice in the form of traditional methods and new AI methods on the specific problems of learning computers.

Upcoming articles:

Case 1: ChatGPT helped me find software

According to their actual needs, propose to find a certain aspect of one or some software, using Baidu's method and ChatGPT method, what processes to go through? The result?

Case 2: ChatGPT helped me solve my computer problems

Take the problems encountered in the process of using the computer as an example, use Baidu's method and ChatGPT's method to seek answers respectively, what is the difference between the process experienced and the results obtained?

Case 3: ChatGPT helped me find a topic

If you're an editor or an author planning a computer book or writing an article, how can ChatGPT help you find topics and write articles?

Case 4: Extreme Challenge Test ChatGPT's patience and strength

ChatGPT is deliberately tested for patience and ability to see how much endurance and level it really is. For example, ChatGPT's performance is tested by putting forward requirements that seem difficult for ordinary people to achieve, deliberately picking faults, and making harsh requirements.

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