
The post-70s are already 50 years old, how much deposit is the rich, bank statistics: 97% do not meet the standard

author:Crazy Koi Altar

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The post-70s are already 50 years old, how much deposit is the rich, bank statistics: 97% do not meet the standard

As the backbone of social devotees, the general status quo of the post-70s generation is that the elderly still need support for their children. So how many scattered deposits do you have to make up to be eligible? Bank statistics show that only 3% of people meet the target.

The current situation of the post-70s generation is at a glance

Most of the people in the 70s ranged from 44 to 53 years old, and they were middle-aged people who were truly at the end of their prime. And most of them hitched a ride in the 90s when they were young.

Not only are wages rising year after year, but job opportunities are also increasing. It can be said that hard work and self-reliance and breaking out of their own world are the life goals of most post-70s generation. The sooner you get your footing, the sooner you can achieve financial freedom.

The post-70s are already 50 years old, how much deposit is the rich, bank statistics: 97% do not meet the standard

In fact, many post-70s generations have become representatives of successful people through their own hard work, such as corporate management, technical specialists, etc., and the accumulated wealth after years of hard work is not a small amount.

But there are also some post-70s who are at the grassroots level and dedicate their own physical labor, but after a long period of hard work for the enterprise, they have received a letter of dismissal. The reason is that the old employees are the first to enter the company, and the early costs are lower.

With the growth of time, physical decline, welfare benefits and other problems have led to more and more costs. In order to absorb new blood and reduce the need for labor costs, enterprises often give up some positions to young people.

The post-70s are already 50 years old, how much deposit is the rich, bank statistics: 97% do not meet the standard

In this way, the survival of the post-70s grassroots workers, both old and young, is even more difficult. The wealth of their savings may also be small, only enough to sustain the expenses of one family. Once you encounter buying a house and seeing a doctor, you can't make ends meet.

There are different standards for having money

Since ancient times, the mainland has been a "big savings country", and keeping money in banks is the first and often the main choice. Most of the reasons for saving money are for emergencies and peace of mind. The older you get, the more so.

For the post-70s, the more household savings, the stronger the ability to cope with risks, but the greater the trials and pressures that follow. No debt, stable income, no large needs for the elderly and children, is the ideal living state of most post-70s.

The post-70s are already 50 years old, how much deposit is the rich, bank statistics: 97% do not meet the standard

According to relevant reports, as of December 2022, the total number of deposits of mainland residents reached 120.3 trillion yuan, and the per capita deposit was about 85,200 yuan. But with a deposit balance of more than 500,000 yuan, only about 6 million people, how many of them are post-70s?

In addition, in the perception of money, two different standards have emerged. One believes that greater than 200,000 yuan is enough, and another view believes that the deposit balance must exceed 500,000 yuan. Because deposits of more than 500,000 yuan account for only 0.4% of the total population base.

But there is also a point of agreement between the two views: that is, the amount of deposits should be based on the absence of debt. That is to say, a family must not have a mortgage and a car loan. The post-70s generation has a stable job and no debt, which can be regarded as a fuel and salary increase for the total amount of savings.

The post-70s are already 50 years old, how much deposit is the rich, bank statistics: 97% do not meet the standard

Today, when the general environment is shrinking and declining, it is not easy to have stable income without debt. For the post-70s generation, who has entered the old age with half a foot, this deposit must also accommodate their future pension problems.

Recommendations for future development

As a pillar of the post-70s generation, maintaining a stable income is a top priority, but improving oneself to maintain a positive attitude to cope with the needs and changes of the social market environment is the top priority at present.

On the one hand, the property market is shrinking, and the real estate is sluggish, on the other hand, the cost of living is rising, and the necessary expenditure is increasing. It is particularly important to broaden the additional income, especially to increase the income of the side business.

The post-70s are already 50 years old, how much deposit is the rich, bank statistics: 97% do not meet the standard

Whether it is the starting of a family for children or the medical expenses of the elderly. Measured by the current level of social development, it is often 100,000 million or even more. Behind the huge numbers is the high pressure.

The investment and support of children in the family is a long-term investment, and the test is the attitude of seeking progress in stability. The maintenance and placement of the elderly is a due responsibility, and the test is the habit of rational spending. For the post-70s, it is like the palm of the hand and the back of the hand must not give up anything.

Therefore, we must continue to learn and improve ourselves, make a certain plan, put eggs in multiple baskets, pay social security and consider pension; Learn to manage money and try to invest; Guarantee the rational consumption of deposits. While avoiding risks, it also increases its total wealth.

The post-70s are already 50 years old, how much deposit is the rich, bank statistics: 97% do not meet the standard

Diversification is considered a fundamental factor in portfolio selection. Its importance is self-evident. It can not only diversify risks, but also breed capital with capital, and find new sources of income.

The post-70s generation carrying the weight carries all aspects of a large and small family. There is no doubt that the total amount of deposits will continue to increase, but in the face of multi-layered pressure and multi-party expenditure of the flow of funds, a corresponding widening mechanism should be established.

Increase additional income, increase side hustle income, and find and discover underutilized resources to dynamically balance earnings and expenses. Reap the tranquility of a deposit while living in peace.

This article was originally created by "Crazy Koi Tan", has opened the whole network to protect rights, unauthorized reproduction is not allowed, infringement must be investigated.