
In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

author:Subtle History

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In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

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In March 1952, Liu Zhi, a former "strategic adviser to the Ministry of National Defense" of the Kuomintang, identified himself in a progressive newspaper in Indonesia, and his appearance immediately caused a sensation at the time.

Since the end of the Huaihai Campaign, Liu Zhi, who defeated Chiang Kai-shek's 550,000-strong army in World War I, has disappeared from people's sight, and there was a controversy about his whereabouts.

Some say that he was imprisoned by Chiang Kai-shek after the war because he lost the battle, while others swear that he had surrendered to the army.

However, after Liu Zhi reappeared, his identity was shocking: a dignified Kuomintang general, who at this time became a teacher at an elementary school in Indonesia.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

After the news returned to Taiwan, it immediately attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention, and he was afraid that his former cronie would continue to lose people outside, so he quickly asked Liu Zhi to send him a permit to enter Taiwan and travel expenses, and called Liu Zhi back to Taiwan.

Liu Zhi was known as a "blessed general" within the Kuomintang and deeply trusted by Chiang Kai-shek, why did he not follow Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan, but instead fell to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher?

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

"If you want me to be an official, you can't follow orders, and you want me to do my best."

Although Liu Zhi, who has a round head and a round head, is not very good in the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, his early life as a senior general of the Kuomintang was quite inspirational.

Liu Zhi was born in a poor peasant family in Ji'an County, Jiangxi Province, and when he was an infant, his father was beaten to death by a bully landlord in a neighboring village because of a water dispute.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

His mother, Hu, took him helpless and could only wander around Ji'an, and later remarried Huang Xiaoshan, an officer stationed in Ji'an, before ending his life of displacement.

Soon after, the troops changed defenses, and Hu stayed because he was reluctant to leave his hometown, leaving his son only to Huang Xiaoshan to raise.

Huang Xiaoshan was really good to Liu Zhi, he renamed Liu Zhi Huang Yiben (Liu Zhi changed his real name back to his real name at the age of 24), officially adopted him, and sent him back to his hometown to let his wife take care of him.

It was because he was adopted by Huang Xiaoshan that Liu Zhi got the opportunity to study in private school, and in his later years, he recalled this experience and lamented that in that era, "knowledge also had to be bought."

Because of the experience of loneliness and poverty in his early years, even if he had to face a lot of cold words every day, Liu Zhi, who lived trembling, cherished the opportunity to study.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

In the Spring Festival of 1905, Huang Xiaoshan returned to his hometown for the Spring Festival, and Liu Zhi took the opportunity to complain to Huang Xiaoshan, which caused Huang Xiaoshan to feel compassion and take the initiative to arrest Liu Zhi in Japan.

Although Liu Zhi stayed in Japan for a short time due to political reasons, it broadened his horizons and refreshed his understanding.

Not long after returning to Ji'an, Liu Zhi stood out from more than 3,000 candidates and was admitted to the new-style Changsha Army Primary School, and since then he has embarked on the road of joining the army.

After the Xinhai Revolution, Liu Zhi successively made combat achievements in fighting against Chen Jiongming and quelling the rebellion of the merchant group, coupled with his early honed ability to forbear and greet, which left a deep impression on Chiang Kai-shek.

After the fierce battles at Tamsui and Cotton Lake, Chiang Kai-shek personally praised Liu Zhi, saying that he "was able to win a surprising victory and turn a crisis into safety," and that having him was a "great blessing" for the future of the revolution!

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

In fact, Liu Zhi's achievements in the two crusades depended largely on luck.

During the battle of Tamsui City, Liu Zhi was ordered to pursue the enemy army, but the enemy army mistook Liu Zhi's troops for their own people, and was caught off guard to let Liu Zhi pick up a bargain.

In the Battle of Mianhu, seeing that the enemy was about to attack the regiment headquarters, Liu Zhi made a desperate bet and personally led the guards to desperately counterattack, and the result was that he won the battle.

After winning the appreciation of Chiang Kai-shek and He Yingqin with his two victories, Liu Zhi showed more loyalty.

In the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup, he was willing to be Chiang Kai-shek's accomplice and thug, and because he was actively anti-communist, he soon became one of Chiang Kai-shek's "Eight King Kongs."

What really made Liu Zhi make a contribution was the "Central Plains War" in which the warlords fought in the chaotic battle, and he also won the reputation of "Chang Sheng General" because of his successive victories in the Central Plains War.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

But when this "Changsheng general" arrived on the anti-Japanese battlefield, he staged a farce of running hundreds of kilometers with his headquarters and fleeing all the way south, and he put on his head the hat of a "long-legged general".

Some people ridiculed Liu Zhi as an "expert in civil war, a layman in foreign war" and questioned his command ability, but Chiang Kai-shek did not agree with this, and instead used Liu Zhi because he was "obedient".

After the defeat of Baoding and the inevitable limelight, Chiang Kai-shek appointed Liu Zhi as the commander of Chongqing's garrison and concurrently the commander of air defense, but Liu Zhi did not take office as soon as more than 2,000 people were suffocated in the "Chongqing bomb shelter massacre", but let the soldiers loot the finances of the casualties.

This incident brought Liu Zhi's reputation to the bottom, and Chiang Kai-shek had to temporarily dismiss him from his post.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

During the Liberation War, Liu Zhi, fearing that he had no official work, asked Chiang Kai-shek to use him again by following He Yingqin's path and appointed him the commander of Xuzhou's "Suppression Commander-in-Chief."

After the appointment was issued, Liu Zhi did not change his true colors and swore to Chiang Kai-shek: If I want to be an official, I cannot obey orders, and I must do my best to be obliged!

However, it didn't take long for Chiang Kai-shek to regret his bowels.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

The "pig general" defended Xuzhou and defeated Lao Jiang's 550,000 soldiers

After Chiang Kai-shek launched a full-scale civil war in 1946, he still trusted Liu Zhi very much, and appointed him as the director of the Zhengzhou Appeasement Office, allowing him to command the troops of the First and Fifth Theaters and prepare for action in the Central Plains Theater.

After six months of preparation, on June 18, Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram to Liu Zhi to let him mobilize the troops commanding the Fifth and Sixth Pacification Offices to encircle and annihilate Li Xiannian of the Central Plains People's Liberation Army, firing the first shots of the civil war.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

Chen Cheng, the newly appointed "chief of staff of the Ministry of National Defense," was also full of confidence in guaranteeing Chiang Kai-shek, believing that under Liu Zhi's arrangement, the Kuomintang army would be able to make the Central Plains Liberated Area a historical term within 48 hours.

However, after Liu Zhi commanded the troops of four integrated divisions to launch an attack on June 26, the Central Plains PLA, under the cover of the First Brigade, the main force broke through the Pinghan Line in only three days.

It was not until the Central Plains People's Liberation Army successfully broke through that Liu Zhi reacted, and the angry Chiang Kai-shek cursed Liu Zhi on the phone, connecting "Niang Xipi" into a string.

After Liu Zhi's failure to "encircle and annihilate" Li Xiannian's army, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping led their armies across the Yellow River and annihilated the reorganized 3rd Division under Liu Zhi.

Chiang Kai-shek's last breath was not even breathed, and he was hit in the head again, naturally angry, and directly sent Chen Cheng and Gu Zhutong to remove Liu Zhi from his post and escort Liu Zhi back to Nanjing.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

After returning to Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek gave him the vacant post of "strategic adviser to the presidential office" after Liu Zhi admitted his mistake and scolded him.

At this time, even Song Meiling advised Chiang Kai-shek that there was a lot of gossip outside, and it was better not to let Liu Zhi command the battle anymore, but Chiang Kai-shek thought that Liu Zhi was unmatched in terms of loyalty and could still be used.

In 1948, when the battle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in the Huaihai region was on the verge of breaking out, in order to no longer sit on the cold bench, Liu Zhi took over Gu Zhutong's post through He Yingqin's recommendation, and was appointed by Chiang Kai-shek as the commander of Xuzhou's "Suppression Commander-in-Chief".

Xuzhou was the gate of Nanjing and its strategic location was quite important, and when he heard that Chiang Kai-shek had appointed Liu Zhi as the commander of Xuzhou's "suppression chief", Qiu Qingquan, the commander of the Fifth Army, who had always been arrogant, simply expressed his dissatisfaction.

He said that he wanted to guard the gate of Xuzhou, even if he didn't send Xue Yue, the "tiger", he should let Gu Zhutong this "dog" guard the gate, and now send a pig, seeing that this gate can't be guarded!

"A pig" undoubtedly refers to Liu Zhi, who also earned the nickname "Pig General".

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

In the subsequent battle, Liu Zhi also used his strength to prove that "General Pig" was not a wasted name.

After taking office, the People's Liberation Army gave Liu Zhi a "dismounted horse", liberating Kaifeng on his ninth day in office, and Jinan was also declared liberated on September 16.

Although Liu Zhi brazenly said that he would definitely "recover" Jinan, in fact, he was not sure of his command ability in private, so he specially suggested to the "Ministry of National Defense" that Du Yuming be transferred to him as a deputy commander.

After Du Yuming arrived in Xuzhou, he immediately formulated a battle plan, and mobile concentrated the two corps of Qiu Qingquan and Li Mi between Shangqiu and Lianyungang, allowing Sun Yuanliang's corps to move closer to Xuzhou, and at the same time transferring the Huangwei corps from Zhumadian to Xuzhou and Bengbu.

Du Yuming's purpose was to take Xuzhou as the center, cut off the connection between Liu Deng's army and Chen Su's army, and fight an offensive and defensive war.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

However, when the plan was first implemented, Du Yuming was transferred to Beiping by Chiang Kai-shek's order because Jinzhou was besieged.

After Du Yuming left, Liu Zhi's regiment turned around, and he did not know how to be good, and for 21 consecutive days, he did not dare to make any changes to Du Yuming's military deployment, let alone mobilize a single soldier, so that the 550,000 army under his command fell into a passive situation.

After the Huaihai Campaign began, Liu Zhi's 5 corps, 22 corps, and 56 divisions, totaling more than 550,000 troops, were all wiped out by the PLA, except for 4 divisions.

The result of Chiang Kai-shek's trust in Liu Zhi was the total annihilation of the 550,000-strong army, which made Chiang Kai-shek's heart ache, and he ordered Liu Zhi to be removed from his post for the third time, and he never dared to use Liu Zhi again.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

Stop being humiliated!

After Liu Zhi fled back from the battlefield, he knew that he had broken into a big "disaster" this time, and he was too frightened to see Chiang Kai-shek, so he asked someone to carry a letter to Chiang Kai-shek.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

In the letter, Liu Zhi hoped that Chiang Kai-shek would give him another chance, saying that this time he "shaved his beard and made a clear will" and "vowed not to destroy the Communist Party and not to stay."

Chiang Kai-shek hated him for being "immoral and talentless, and missed the overall situation" during the Huaihai Campaign, and refused to forgive him at all, and Liu Zhi's letter was ignored.

Seeing that the letter did not work, Liu Zhi took advantage of He Yingqin's 60th birthday to specially go to Hangzhou to celebrate his birthday, and with the help of his old superior He Yingqin, he was saved from being "investigated" and got another idle job as a "strategic adviser to the presidential office".

Liu Zhi was not satisfied, and after the battle of crossing the river was launched, he went to Guangzhou, where the Nationalist Government was located at the time, to show Chiang Kai-shek his heart, and to acting president Li Zongren to "go to the country together."

However, after he jumped up and down for several months, not only Chiang Kai-shek and Li Zongren ignored him, but even He Yingqin, who had repeatedly helped him say good things before, was unwilling to help him again.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

Liu Zhi, who had no hope at all, thought that even if he followed the Kuomintang to Taiwan, he would not be reused, so he went to Hong Kong under the pretext of medical treatment.

After Chiang Kai-shek came to power again in Taiwan, Liu Zhi, who was still not dead, also sent a congratulatory message, but in exchange for Chiang Kai-shek's removal of Liu Zhi's vacancy on the grounds of "staying in Hong Kong and not returning."

Chiang Kai-shek originally did not want to see Liu Zhi again, but in 1953, he had to take the initiative to call Liu Zhi back to Taiwan.

It turned out that after Liu Zhi arrived in Hong Kong, he moved to live on the Indonesian island of West Java because he was extorted money by his former subordinates.

During this period, Liu Zhi had already lost the millions of family properties he had previously seized because of robbery robbery, customs extortion and business failure, and the family could only rely on the third aunt Taihuang Peifen to teach to survive.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

After settling down in West Java for a few months, Wong was reluctant to give up her job as a primary school teacher when she returned to Hong Kong temporarily due to an affair, so she negotiated with her principal that Liu Zhi would temporarily replace her during her family visit.

This was originally a Chinese school, Liu Zhi had attended private school, teaching Mandarin more than enough, coupled with his rich experience, the class was actually very popular, after Huang Peifen returned, the principal simply hired Liu Zhi as a formal teacher.

After becoming a formal teacher, Liu Zhi also learned the lessons of his previous life, rarely swaggered as a Kuomintang general in public, and lived a quiet period of time.

In 1952, the person who called himself "Liu Zhi" in the progressive newspaper was actually the nephew of a classmate of Liu Zhi at the Baoding Army Officer Academy.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

After Chiang Kai-shek received the news that Liu Zhi was working as an elementary school teacher in Indonesia, he was afraid that this "pig general" would make some jokes to shame him, and second, he was afraid that the mainland would return Liu Zhi to the "united front", so he quickly asked people to contact Liu Zhi and urge him to return to Taiwan.

When Liu Zhi returned to Taiwan to see Chiang Kai-shek because of the blessing of "calamity", he was scolded by Chiang Kai-shek as soon as he entered the door.

Chiang Kai-shek was already in his seventies at this time, and after scolding for a while, he was physically exhausted, and looking at Liu Zhi's appearance of being a promise, he had to wave his hand to let him out.

Liu Zhi was well aware of Chiang Kai-shek's temper, he was angry, and his old accounts were written off, and sure enough, a month later, he received a letter of appointment from the "national policy adviser of the presidential office".

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore

From then on, Liu Zhi settled in Taichung City until his death due to illness on January 15, 1971, only one and a half months before his 80th birthday.

In 52, Kuomintang general Liu Zhi ran to Indonesia to become an elementary school teacher, and Chiang Kai-shek responded: Don't be ashamed anymore


Although Liu Zhi was questioned by many people in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Liu Zhi was able to become the "Five Tiger Generals" of the Kuomintang and Chiang Kai-shek's "Eight King Kongs" by virtue of military merit.

Perhaps it was his good luck that used up his early victory that turned this invincible "Changsheng General" in the Great Plains War into a "long-legged general" and "pig general".

In fact, analyzing his experience, the reason why Liu Zhi couldn't fight in the later stage was probably because he was greedy for pleasure after he got ahead, and he no longer had the courage to fight to the death before, so he would lose every step.

It is worth mentioning that among the graduates of the 2006 West Point Military Academy, there is a Chinese girl named Liu Jie, who graduated with the first place, the first Chinese "female champion" in the history of West Point Military Academy, and was also praised as the "light of the Chinese".

Liu Jie is Liu Zhi's great-granddaughter.

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