
Look at pictures every day and guess idioms (Issue 23210)

author:Poetry and books on the pillow are idle
Look at pictures every day and guess idioms (Issue 23210)

↑ Answer from the previous issue: different, redundant

Look at pictures every day and guess idioms (Issue 23210)

Look at the picture and guess the idiom... You guess? I guess, everyone guesses... @答案参考图下注解

Look at pictures every day and guess idioms (Issue 23210)

Anger rushed to the sky. Described as very angry.

[Source] Yuan Yang Xianzhi's "Xiaoxiang Rain" fourth fold: "Only drop mouth and be angry; sad gnashing of teeth; ~。 ”

Look at pictures every day and guess idioms (Issue 23210)

[Interpretation] is originally a Buddhist language, which refers to the omnipresence of the Tao. It is later used to describe speaking or doing things in an orderly manner.

[Source] "Continuing the Lantern Record Huili Dongyuan Zen Master": "Fang knows that the head is the Tao, and the law is complete."

Look at pictures every day and guess idioms (Issue 23210)